Psychology | Psychology
Why do we wake around 3am and dwell on our fears and shortcomings?
The thoughts are often distressing and punitive. Strikingly, these concerns vaporise in the daylight, proving that the 3am thinking was completely irrational and unproductive. But why?
Science & Technology | Israeli Inovation
Scared of arachnids? Go watch Spider-Man, Israeli study says | The Times of Israel
Researchers from Bar-Ilan and Ariel universities use short clips from superhero movies as positive stimulus in exposure therapy
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness Info
Common Phobias: Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, and More in Pictures
Afraid of crowds? Fearful of flying? WebMD investigates common phobias and how they can sometimes seriously affect our lives.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
Tests raise hopes for radical new therapy for phobias and PTSD
Researchers able to reduce anxieties without asking people to think about them consciously, making it more appealing than current therapies
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
Phobias and Fears in Children - Powerful Strategies To Try
Phobias and fears in children are very manageable. Here's how to empower them to move straight through the middle of the fears that get in their way.