Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Some People Say They Have a High Pain Threshold. Here’s Why.
It’s not the same as pain tolerance, which measures how much pain someone can endure before they require relief.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Uncovering the Mysteries of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia may be one of the most painful side effects of the overuse of antibiotics, one theory goes. Understanding this could be key for finding a cure.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
How to Address Fibromyalgia to Improve Sleep Disorder Treatments
A board-certified internist and expert in pain and sleep explains how to easily diagnose and treat fibromyalgia, including how and why it's so important to optimize sleep in these patients.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Slipping Away- Kris Kristofferson's Battle with Lyme Disease
Kris Kristofferson, still crooning and gorgeous at 80, is a Country Music Hall of Famer who ranks among the most versatile of American talents. He’s been...
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Where CDC Guidelines Fail, Leading Lyme Doctor Succeeds
Dr. Steven E. Phillips is a Yale-trained, world-renowned Lyme specialist who has treated over 20,000 patients in the last two decades. He is well-pub...
Health & Fitness | Health Articles
Coping Tips to Fight Fibromyalgia Pain, Fatigue, and Stress in Pictures
Fight fibromyalgia fatigue, pain, and stress with these tips from WebMD. See how to get the rest you need, talk with your family, get energy from exercise, and more.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia In Los Angeles | Los Angeles Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor
Who is the best upper cervical chiropractic for fibromyalgia in los angeles ? | Treatment for Fibromyalgia In Los Angeles | Los Angeles Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor | Dr. Hall discusses a the ramifications of upper neck injury and how they can be a c
Health & Fitness | Health News
Can Cannabis Help Autoimmune Disease Sufferers?
Join the leading medical marijuana community online. Medical & expert advice, medical marijuana cards, cannabis products, great deals and more. Joining is free.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Holistic Medicine in Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
The effects of chronic pain and fatigue can be devastating. Chronic pain and fatigue plague countless individuals. The effects can be devastating. Oft...
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Fibromyalgia in Pregnancy in Los Angeles and Carson
Pregnant fibromyalgia patients typically experience a worsening of their symptoms. It is unknown why pregnancy may aggravate this condition.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!
Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end of a decades-old mystery about...
Health & Fitness | Health Articles
Fibromyalgia Pictures: Symptoms, Pain, Treatments, Diet, Causes
What is fibromyalgia? See pictures explaining symptoms, muscle pain, fatigue, tests, causes, and treatments.
Health & Fitness | Health
Scientists Find Source Of Fibromyalgia Pain - Health News - redOrbit
Doctors have been able to determine the source of pain in the skin of patients who suffer from fibromyalgia, a widespread deep tissue pain affecting about ten million people in the US.
News | In the News
Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!
Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness Info
Brain Scans Show Fibromyalgia Patients Process Pain Differently
Activity in certain regions suggests why they're less able to prepare for pain or respond to pain relief