
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity

The Criminalization of Christianity in Finland - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

In a foreshadowing of America’s future under coercive secularism, a Finnish politician and Finnish bishop will go on criminal trial...

Sports | Sports

Riding the Isorakka North winter trail with Canyon Dude Fat bikes

Tässä jaksossa ajetaan Isorakan pohjoispuolen reitti eli Mustarakan reitti Laurin selostamana. Tervetuloa mukaan!In this episode we ride North trail of Isora...

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

‘It’s a Miracle’: Helsinki’s Radical Solution to Homelessness

Finland is the only EU country where homelessness is falling. Its secret? Giving people homes as soon as they need them – unconditionally.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need

In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. The reason: The country applies the “Housing First” concept. Those affected by homelessness receive a small apartment and counselling – without any preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected thu

News | Interesting Links

Finland's basic income trial falls flat - BBC News

The experiment in paying a basic income to 2,000 jobless Finns will not be expanded.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Put Your Baby in a Box? Experts Advise Caution

The free cardboard boxes, which double as a baby’s first bed, aren’t regulated and have not been proven to reduce infant mortality.

Politics | The American Experiment

After Dropping Depth Charges on Suspected Russian Sub, Finland Sends Readiness Letter to 900,000 Reservists | Washington

At about 3 A.M. local time last Tuesday, ships of the Finnish Navy dropped depth charges into the waters near Helsinki in the vicinity of what has been reported to be a possible Russian submarine. The Finns initially refused to confirm that this possible