
Pets & Animals | Animals

20 Fun Facts About Penguins We Didn’t Learn in Biology Class

Few of us are lucky enough to see these clumsy tuxedo-wearing birds in nature, and it’s probably hard to find someone who doesn't dream of seeing penguin parents with their cute little chicks waddling across the cold blue ice. Thanks to wildlife photo

Science & Technology | Fun Science Stuff

12 Of The Saddest Science Facts Of All Time

It's lonely spacecraft and abandoned animals all the way down. I'm so sorry.

Psychology | Personality

The Fascinating Science Behind Why We See 'Faces' In Objects

Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Mind Blowing... These 23 Unbelievable Facts Will DESTROY Your Understanding Of Time

Time has always perplexed the human race. We’ve tried to define it, track it, and measure it since the emergence of civilization. However, facts like these listed here show us how distorted our perception of time can be and how much we still need to