Entertainment | Entertainment
9 Sequels and Remakes Hitting the Big Screen
Hollywood is a fan of repetition. Here are several films that you can expect to see hit movie theaters this year.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Chicago
Make-A-Wish grants five year old Maddex chance to play Godzilla
Five-year-old Maddex got to play the leading role in a short film and stomp through a miniature set of Chicago that volunteers built last week as part of a Make-A-Wish Foundation project. Maddex was diagnosed with leukemia a year ago.
Entertainment | Movies & Other Stuff
Godzilla: the early years - in pictures!
With the 2014 incarnation of Godzilla topping the film charts in China, we look back at the early years of Japanese monster's career as he celebrates his 60th birthday
Humor | Humor
How Would The Military Actually Tackle Godzilla In Real Life?
Air & Space Magazine traveled to Okinawa, Japan to ask real Air Force personnel how they would tackle the King of the Monsters.