Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
The Ultimate Guide to Different Pull-Up Bar Types
Calisthenics 101's guide to the different types of pull-up bars available and the advantages and disadvantages of each type.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Best Calisthenics Workouts
Calisthenics is a great way to gain strength and get fit, and because you don't need a gym you can easily workout in various places and at no cost. Calisthenics workouts can be quick and simple, they can target a specific move or muscle-group, and
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Resistance Band Exercises: 10 Calisthenics Exercises to Boost Your Workout
Try these 10 resistance band exercises to build muscle and make huge improvements to your Calisthenics workouts.
Sports | Calisthenics Techniques
Correct form basic push-ups
Take a step back with this guide to achieve perfect basic push-up form plus tips for other varations and progressions.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
10 easy life changes to lose weight and get ripped
Rather than present you with the next diet craze, here instead is 10 life changes you can make which will help you lose weight without turning you into a Kale eating, depressed mess.