
Science & Technology | Tech

Twitter and White House deny claims that researcher hacked Trump’s account

Security researcher and ethical hacker Victor Gevers claims he breached Trump’s Twitter feed by guessing his password. Twitter and the White House denied the report.

News | International News

Hackers From China, Russia, Iran Targeting US Election: Microsoft

Microsoft said Thursday that hackers working for China, Russia, and Iran have recently ramped up their attacks, targeting ...

Science & Technology | Tech

Hackers Are Abusing a Bug in Firefox to Take Over Computers

'We are aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this flaw,' Mozilla said in the advisory. It's not clear how the hackers were exploiting the bug, but they likely created a malicious website to trigger the flaw.

Science & Technology | Social Media

Facebook Hacked, 50 Million Users Affected - Motherboard

Facebook "discovered a security issue" that the company said allowed attackers to "take over people's accounts."

Science & Technology | Technology

Researcher estimates GrayKey can unlock 6-digit iPhone passcode in 11 hours, here's how to protect yourself

New estimates from a security researcher suggest GrayKey, a digital forensics tool in active use by U.S. law enforcement agencies, is capable of cracking Apple's standard six-digit iPhone passcode in an average of 11 hours. Longer codes, however, could ta

Politics | Politics

Obama’s campaign was actually hacked – and he did nothing about it

“What isn't widely known is that during the general election hackers managed to penetrate our computer systems.” – Obama in 2009

Science & Technology | Technology

Apple addresses iOS source code leak, says it appears to be tied to three-year-old software

Earlier this week, iOS source code showed up on GitHub, raising concerns that hackers could find a way to comb the material for vulnerabilities. The material is gone now, courtesy of a DMCA notice Apple sent to GitHub, but the occurrence was certainly not

Science & Technology | Technology

U.S. Intelligence Got the Wrong Cyber Bear

The U.S. government's technical report on Russian hacking identifies a tool that is readily available.

Politics | Politics

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks

Nearly a decade and a half after the Iraq-WMD faceplant, the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment.

Science & Technology | Technology

Hacking Tools: PITA uses radio waves to steal encryption keys | BGR

Just when you thought you were safe, a new hacking toy comes along and rocks your world. Imagine a tool exists that lets hackers pluck encryption keys from your laptop right out of the air. You can't stop it by connecting to protected Wi-Fi networks or e

Science & Technology | Technology

How the NSA's Firmware Hacking Works and Why It's So Unsettling | WIRED

One of the most shocking parts of the recently discovered spying network Equation Group is its mysterious module designed to reprogram or reflash a computer hard drive’s firmware with malicious code. The Kaspersky researchers who uncovered this said its

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Researchers hack Gmail app with 92% success rate

Three computer engineers say in a paper they can hack Gmail apps with a 92 percent success rate.