Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
How to Finally Stick With a Fitness Habit | Lifehacker
Have you committed to a new habit—exercising, let’s say—but keep falling off the wagon? Do you give up when the going gets tough? You may have low self-efficacy. But don’t worry: Self-efficacy is something that you can build with practice.
Health & Fitness | Health News
How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Getting a grip on blood pressure without drugs isn't impossible, and can even be fun and delicious.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
It Was Hard To Snack Healthy Until I Learned These 22 Delicious Metabolism-Boosting IdeasREALfarmacy.com | Healthy News
Snacking can be a huge downfall of a healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, you don't have to go hungry between meals. Here are some great ways to keep your metabolism boosted with delicious and healthful choices. Some of these ideas are absolutely to die for and
Health & Fitness | Health
The State Where The Most Americans Drink Themselves To Death
Since Colorado legalized marijuana last year, politicians and pundits have focused intently on health and safety concerns surrounding legal weed. But a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests a more imminent danger for ...
Health & Fitness | Health
Have You Seen This Crazy, New Thing At The Gym?
Have you seen this barbaric-looking fitness equipment? Here's what you need to know about the new training tool.