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Jonathan Sacks - Rethinking Failure (Pt 2 of 3 | Elul 5780)

Jonathan Sacks – Rethinking Failure (Pt 2 of 3 | Elul 5780)

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Jonathan Sacks - How to Renew a Nation

Jonathan Sacks – How to Renew a Nation   The Talmud gives an ingenious reading to the line, “Moses commanded us a Torah, as a heritage of the congregation of Israel.” Noting that there are 613 commands, and that the numerical value of the w

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Jonathan Sacks - My Teacher: In Memoriam Matot – Masei 5780

Jonathan Sacks – My Teacher: In Memoriam Matot – Masei 5780 There are moments when Divine Providence touches you on the shoulder and makes you see a certain truth with blazing clarity. Let me share with you such a moment that happened to me this m

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Jonathan Sacks - The Weighing of the Heart

Jonathan Sacks – The Weighing of the Heart In this week’s parsha, before even the first plague has struck Egypt, God tells Moses: “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart and multiply My miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt.” (Exodus 7:3) The

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Jonathan Sacks - Family, Faith and Freedom

Jonathan Sacks – Family, Faith and Freedom If you want to understand what a book is about, look carefully at how it ends. Genesis ends with three deeply significant scenes. First, Jacob blesses his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasheh. This is the blessi

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Jonathan Sacks - Isaac and Esau Toldot 5780

Jonathan Sacks – Isaac and Esau Toldot 5780 It’s a haunting question. Why did Isaac love Esau? The verse says so explicitly: “Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebecca loved Jacob” (Gen. 25:28). Whichever way we read this

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Jonathan Sacks - The Ecological Imperative

Jonathan Sacks – The Ecological Imperative In the course of setting out the laws of war, the Torah adds a seemingly minor detail that became the basis of a much wider field of human responsibility, and is of major consequence today. The passage conc

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Jonathan Sacks - Jerusalem, the Beating Heart of Jewish Faith

Jonathan Sacks – Jerusalem, the Beating Heart of Jewish Faith This Saturday night and Sunday we will celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. Im eshkachech Yerushalayim. We never forgot Jerusalem, the beating heart of Jewish faith. Here is a short video celebrat

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Jonathan Sacks - The Birth of Hope Bechukotai 5779

Jonathan Sacks – The Birth of Hope Bechukotai 5779 This week we read the Tochecha, the terrifying curses warning of what would happen to Israel if it betrayed its Divine mission. We read a prophecy of history gone wrong. If Israel loses its way spi

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Jonathan Sacks - Evolution or Revolution? Behar 5779

Jonathan Sacks – Evolution or Revolution? Behar 5779 There are, it is sometimes said, no controlled experiments in history. Every society, every age, and every set of circumstances is unique. If so, there is no science of history. There are no unive