Politics | Blue State/City Life
The Real Minimum Wage Is Zero: Seattle Restaurateur Closing Down Due to Mandated Wage Hike
The minimum wage has been and always will be zero. As many states and locales that have passed ever-higher minimum wage hikes are learning to their sorrow, the cost of an employee must be less than the value added to the business by that employee, and minimum wage hikes can negate that added value.
Politics | Gender Insanity
Fake Female Swimmer Lia Thomas Says Those Who Think He Shouldn’t Compete Against Women Just Hate Women
Fake female swimmer Lia Thomas’ spurious claim to the moral high ground is yet another indication of the madness of our age. As if we needed another.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Actor links passage of Florida’s ‘violent’ ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill to the Pulse nightclub mass shooting
President Biden called the bill "hateful," and now it's "violent" as well.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Out-of-touch elitist Stephen Colbert jokes he doesn’t care if gas prices go to $15 a gallon because ‘I drive a Tesla’
"...a clean conscience is worth a buck or two."
Politics | Politics
Microsoft's woke word filter a new 'mechanism of mind control'
Vivek Ramaswamy sounded off Friday on “Fox & Friends” on Microsoft introducing a new software to correct some terms seen as not politically correct.
Politics | Covid 19
A Pandemic of The Uneducated: COVID "Logic" From the left
Omicron is the Stephen Baldwin of the China flu family. People say, “Aw, how cute,” and then no one really expects much.
Hospitalizations and deaths from omicron are low. How low? Hard to...
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Real Estate Websites Remove Crime Data Citing ‘Racial Bias’
Realtor.com and Redfin both announced they would not include neighborhood crime data.
Politics | Woke Insanity
‘Bachelor’ Fans Say It’s ‘Infuriating’ That The Next Bachelor Isn’t Black — ‘They’re Privileging White Men’
The end of Michelle Young’s season of “The Bachelorette” is still fresh in everyone’s minds, but fans have already moved on to discussing the next season of the “Bachelor” franchise, which will debut in January. Some viewers, however, are not thrilled that producers chose Clayton Echard as the leading man.
Politics | Woke Insanity
There’s a card for asking your doctor not to weigh you unless it’s (really) medically necessary
Weighing you could cause unhealthy stress and contribute to weight stigma.
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Global Investment Firm Forces Executives To Snub White Men In Light Of Race Hiring Quotas
The new policy reportedly states white men may only be hired after a non-white panel has evaluated job candidates of different races and ethnicities first.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Dean Cain: Making Superman Bisexual Isn't 'Bold or Brave'
Dean Cain, the actor who portrayed Superman in the 1990s TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman alongside Teri Hatcher, dismissed the new iteration of Superman. He argued that DC C...
Politics | Politics
Follow the Science: Stanford Cyclists Prefer Masks to Helmets
Cyclists on the Stanford University campus are more than twice as likely to wear a face mask while riding their stupid bicycles outside than they are a helmet that might actually save their lives, according to a recently published analysis.
Politics | Politics
Democrats and the Press Declare Being 100% Wrong on Saturday’s J-J-6 Rally Proves Them...Correct??
Somehow the lack of insurrections, violence, and attendees at Saturday's rally only assures the dangers of MAGA Nation.
Politics | The "Squad"
AOC says ‘they’ want to trick you into thinking Democrats are referring to doctors and lawyers when they say ‘rich’
When AOC says "rich," she's talking about billions of dollars.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Eliminating ‘Racist’ Entrance Exam Led to More White Students, Fewer Asians at Top High School
The number of white students admitted to the freshman class of the nation's top high school skyrocketed—and the number of Asian students plummeted—after district officials nixed the school's entrance exam in an attempt to boost black and Hispanic enrollme
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy
Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy. Jessica Bridges from Oklahoma State University preaches anti-racism during Women's Gender Studies Conference.
Politics | Op-Ed
Men Give Birth. America Was Founded in 1619. And Israel Is the Aggressor. | RealClearPolitics
When you meditate for a moment on what the left expects honest and decent people to believe, you confront the world of absurdities and lies in which we...
Politics | Liberal Fascism
CEO fired for telling a boy wearing a red prom dress that he looked like an idiot
The company shares the concerns expressed by so many.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Well, Apparently, Trees Might Be Racist Now, Too
A high school in Portland, Ore., has postponed changing its mascot to the evergreen tree after a committee member raised concerns over the possible racist connotations....
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Long Beach Democrats Mandate 'Hero Pay' Wage Increase, Which Promptly Forces Two Grocery Stores to Close
Performance art as governance strikes again. This one isn’t as deadly as “defund the police,” but it’s every bit as unmoored from reality....
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Chicago public school teachers use interpretive dance to ‘express their desire to feel safe’ upon returning to classroom
We're waiting for the shelf-stockers at the grocery store to do their interpretive dance.
Politics | Media Watch
‘We cannot become numb to this’! @redsteeze puts COVID19 deaths on President Joe Biden’s watch into devastating perspect
You may have felt like a CNN mainstay has been a bit scarcer these past few days.
Politics | Politics
Seriously? As Trump Announces Another Mideast Peace Deal, Biden Named Person of the Year
President Trump has delivered another rebuke to the failed foreign policy establishment that is poised to get back in the saddle and start failing some more.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
‘He would be my favorite Muslim’: MSNBC political analyst wants you to imagine if Kyle Rittenhouse were Muslim
If he were a Muslim who killed two white men and wounded a third in self-defense?
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
She’s not owned! She’s NOT! Georgia Dem Rep who didn’t know what a ‘coyote’ was DOUBLES down and LOL
How could she NOT know what a coyote is?
Politics | Woke Insanity
Uncle Ben's Rice No Longer Has His Picture on the Box Because That's Racist
You eat the rice, you don't eat the rice, whatever. How is it hurting you? The worst that can happen is you'll get fat from all the carbs.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
‘I wish I had been f*cking aborted!’ Young woman appears to be very upset about seeing a ‘pro-life sign’ while driving
"This is disturbing....on many levels. She needs help."
Politics | Corruption
Fund set up to bail out Minneapolis rioters ‘deeply saddened’ man they bailed out arrested for assault resulting in traumatic brain injury
Maybe the police had very good reason to arrest them.
Politics | Hollywood Propaganda
‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Director: Trump Partly Inspired The Villain; It’s Not A Political Statement
The upcoming “Wonder Woman 1984” – a sequel to the 2017 smash hit – will be having a villain whose conception was apparently influenced by Orange Man Bad, though that was not meant as a political statement, the director claimed. According to P
Politics | The "Squad"
Rep. Ilhan Omar has been triggered by Elon Musk’s ‘FREE AMERICA NOW’ tweet
Odd definitions of "freedom" and "oppression."
Politics | Woke Insanity
Etiquette Expert Suggests Thanksgiving Hosts Offer A Safe Space To Discuss Politics, Gets Mocked Online
A recent article in the Associated Press is now getting roundly mocked for featuring an etiquette expert who suggested that people hosting Thanksgiving provide an actual safe space for people to discuss the current political issues. The article by Dan Sew
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Los Angeles County Nixes $1.7 Billion Deal To Replace Jail After Pressure From Prison Abolition Advocates | Daily Wire
Elected officials in Los Angeles County decided to scrap a $1.7 billion jail project last week after anti-incarceration activists convinced them to change course, adopting a new “care first, jail last” approach.
Politics | Leftist Lies
Ha Ha, Those Paper Straws Coming Soon to a McDonald's Near You Can't Be Recycled
Once again, the cure was more harmful than the disease.
Politics | Climate Change
‘You going to be OK?’ Female journo cries sexism after meteorologist Ryan Maue calls her climate ‘expertise’ into question
Emily Atkin writes about climate for the New Republic. Which automatically makes her an expert and de facto scientist and if you disagree with that, then obviously you’re a sexist.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Air conditioning is ‘sexist’? Charles C.W. Cooke throws ice cold water on the anti-AC movement
"This is probably the most boring of the inevitable summer takes."
Politics | The "Squad"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Community gardens fail because we look at them through a colonial lens
Colonialism — in the form of cauliflower — is what's turning a lot of people of color away from the environmental movement.
Politics | Conservatism
Liberals Were Very Wrong About Tax Cuts. Again.
Once again, tax relief has spurred economic growth, stimulated higher productivity, and created jobs. The experts were wrong.
Politics | Woke Insanity
YOU’VE BEEN WARNED: Netflix Film says you’d better stop calling chick flicks ‘chick flicks’
According to their Twitter bio, @NetflixFilm’s tweets are “mostly by real humans.” Which unfortunately means that there are real humans who feel like this is a Very Important Conversation worth having:
Politics | Woke Insanity
Hot take: Mispronouncing unconventional names 'has a long and racist history'
You know, you could just tell people politely one time how to pronounce your name.
News | The News
With Collusion Deep-Sixed, Resistance Switches To Even Crazier Claims Of Obstruction
The obstruction switch is beginning with claim there’s a ‘fight’ with Attorney General William Barr over releasing the Robert Mueller report to Congress.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Essayist and poet looks at photo of coal miners after work, sees 'offensive blackface'
It doesn't matter if the photo is of coal miners — he sees white men in blackface.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
British police ask citizens to narc on people buying hammers or other objects that could cause harm – twitchy.com
Counterterrorism police want you to say something if you see someone buying a hammer.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
California Dem State Senator bans 'he' and 'she' pronouns during judiciary committee hearings
Says it's because state recognizes non-binary as gender
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Ocasio Cortez: ‘The World is Going to End In Twelve Years If We Don’t Address Climate Change’ | National Review
She warned that climate change would “destroy the planet” by the year 2031 if people fail to address a generational challenge she likened to “Word War II.”
Politics | Gender Insanity
‘Gender-Diverse Women’s College’ Won’t Use Female Gender Symbol Because It’s ‘Offensive’
A Massachusetts all-women’s college found out the hard way that any attempt to include anything relating to gender or sex will be met with scorn in today’s society.
Politics | Woke Insanity
‘Long Time, No See’ Is Offensive To Asians, Native Americans Apparently | Daily Wire
Ever cross paths with an old friend and utter the phrase "long time, no see"? If yes, slap yourself for being an insensitive racist against Asians and Native Americans.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Protesters Shout Down Henry Kissinger During NYU Event: ‘Rot in Hell!’
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger faced angry protestors during his visit at New York University this week.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
San Francisco to vote on taxing rich businesses for homeless
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco has come to be known around the world as a place for aggressive panhandling, open-air drug use and sprawling tent camps, the dirt and despair all the more remarkable for the city's immense wealth. Some streets are
Politics | Woke Insanity
This New Study About The Unpopularity Of Political Correctness Will Shock You | Daily Wire
On Wednesday, Yascha Mounk, lecturer on government at Harvard University, wrote a fascinating piece for The Atlantic regarding a new study from Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Y
Politics | Politics
University Of Georgia Journalism Dean Forced To Apologize For Having A Republican Friend
The dean of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia was forced to apologize, Campus Reform reports, because he tweeted out a congratulatory message to a friend, who just so happens to be the state's Republican candidate
Politics | BDS
Boycott Israel Movement Stunts the Palestinian Economy
A push to “boycott, divest and sanction” (BDS) Israeli companies has limited impact on the credit profile of Israel, yet it directly harms its intended beneficiaries, the Palestinians. The BDS movement, including universities, pension funds and leader