News | News
WATCH: You Are NOT Going to Believe Who ITV Sidelined on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day and ITV’s Good Morning Britian was one of many shows that took a moment to attempt to memorialize that suffering. But watch the video and see if you can figure out what is missing:
Politics | Media Bias
CAMERA Op-Ed: How the Press Serves Hamas’s War Aims
A recent study highlighted how Hamas has been manipulating casualty stats as part of the terror group's effort to win the information battlefield. But
Politics | Media Watch
WATCH: Journalists Echo Gavin Newsom's 'Misinformation' Talking Points on California Wildfires
Wildfires are wreaking havoc on Los Angeles, a heavily Democratic city in a heavily Democratic state renowned for being a cesspool of corruption and incompetence. Naturally, the mainstream media have been arguing Republicans are to blame.
Politics | Politics
Dem-majority FCC helping George Soros fast-track Audacy radio takeover
Left-leaning billionaire George Soros has recruited the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission to help fast track his takeover of the nation’s second-biggest radio network. Soros pumped $400m into Audacy in February, a network which reach
Media Forget the Exploding Devices Were in the Pockets of Hezbollah Terrorists
The pager attack targeting thousands of Hezbollah terrorists — which Israel is believed to be behind — stands as one of the most precise, large-scale
Business & Finance | Business & Finance
YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads
YouTube has confirmed to The Verge that advertisers can broadly serve up pause ads to you, which show you an ad alongside your content when you hit the pause button.
News | News
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: What the Media Should be Asking “Progressives” on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: What the Media Should be Asking “Progressives” on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Watching/hearing/reading an interview with a public personality in the media can be a frustrating experience when the interviewer doesn’t ask
News | News
Steve Kramer – You don’t get objective news
Steve Kramer – You don’t get objective news Israel supposedly has a public relations problem. But the underlying reason for this perception is that mass social media maximizes anti-Israel events and barely reports incidents from a non-biased persp
News | News
PODCAST | He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him
In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hat
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
The iPhone’s Notes App Is the Purest Reflection of Our Messy Existence | WIRED
This deceptively simple app, where we deposit both our grocery lists and our darkest thoughts, is the medium of our time.
News | News
How About We Enforce The Laws We Have…Everywhere?!
Listen now (30 mins) | In this episode of America’s Third Watch, Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of topics including how retailers – especially in California and up the West Coast – are lobbying Congress to create federal law that would combat t
News | News
The Death Of Mainstream Media Credibility
If the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war has reiterated any one point – besides the fact that the Arab world will never leave the Israelis to enjoy peace in the land the international community codified to them in 1947 – it is this. No one, anywhere, believes
Politics | Opinion
The West’s fifth columnists
Media outlets are enabling anti-Jewish evil in a time of war.
News | News
Richard Landes – Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Richard Landes – Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Originally posted at https://fathomjournal.org Re-posted with permission by Richard Landes Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Times | The Disorientations of Lethal Journalism: On
News | News
PODCAST | But The Media Chooses To Cover…
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to touch on the subject of media delinquency. Right now, the biggest story for the mainstream news media is George Santos and the fact that he's a liar and never should have been elected to Congress (another product of New York
Business & Finance | Media
The View From the Ramparts: No such thing as clean money
The search for a pure way to fund journalism is a search for a chimera
News | News
PODCAST | They Shoot Journalists, Don’t They?
LISTEN NOW | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something that we didn't talk about today and that was Joe Biden's interview in which he pretty much said –
News | News
PODCAST | A Final Visit With Chuck Wilder
Listen now (43 min) | Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder – our last segment with Chuck Wilder on that program (he is retiring at the end of the month), I wanted to acknowledge his incredible career.
News | News
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Feb. 5, 2023
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Feb. 5, 2023 This week’s newsletter is packed with life-enhancing creations from the minds of Israeli scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators. Cell therapy to fix genetic diseases; Artificial Intelligence
News | News
PODCAST | A New Congress. A New Speaker…But How Free Are We?
Listen now (29 min) | Before we get into yesterday morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge that US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the new Speaker of the House…after 15 votes. That’s the
News | News
The GOP: Both Young & Old Fail At Messaging
The House of Representatives leadership election failed to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot for the first time in one hundred years. US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the presumptive “next in line,” failed to reach the necessary 218 votes
News | News
PODCAST | If The FBI & DoJ Had Been Doing Their Jobs...
Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the attacks on New York City Police Department personnel on New Year's Eve into N
News | News
PODCAST | Okay, Let's Try This Again...
Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to Friday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we talk about the federal GOP, Joe Biden, Southwest Airlines, and a variety of other incredulous and disturbing things, I wanted to take a mom
News | News
PODCAST | The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class
Listen now (48 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge r
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PODCAST | Congress & BigPharma: Picking Your Pocket When You Aren’t Looking
Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we discuss, at length, the featured article over at UndergroundUSA.com today titled, “The Government Cares About Your
News | News
The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot!
Ronald Reagan was famous for saying that the scariest words that any American could hear were these: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” Anyone who questions the truth of this statement is either oblivious to reality of mentall
News | News
PODCAST | Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP
Listen now (47 min) | Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be ab
Politics | Media Bias
The history of the media intifada against Israel
Historian Richard Landes’s new book shows how a war of lies and language endangers not only the Jewish state, but the West itself.
Politics | Media Watch
Victor Davis Hanson: How Corrupt Is a Corrupt Media?
The current “media”—loosely defined as the old major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, the network news channels, MSNBC and CNN…
News | News
Has The Day Of Reckoning Come For The Fascist Progressives?
Since before the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I have warned of the coming re-emergence of fascism at the hands of the Progressives. I argued that the Progressive movement was a destructive Fifth Column that meant to kill our
News | News
Is Free Speech In Your Shopping Cart?
It can be argued that the first volley in the attack on Free Speech took place quietly in the fledgling days of the Wilson Administration, when the federal government purposely moved from direct representation of the people to empowering “experts” wit
News | News
PODCAST | The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024
The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), have telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 is to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he
News | News
PODCAST | The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy
In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their
News | News
PODCAST | Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?
The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed
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PODCAST | Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion
The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand i
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Politics | Media Watch
Media credits Biden for al Qaeda leader's death after attacking Trump for similar counterterror ops
Recent strike ordered by Biden targeting al Qaeda chief receives praise, while Trump strikes deemed illegal, destabilizing.
Politics | Opinion
How the ‘awokening’ of the media erased the working class and the Jews
A recent book details how a moral panic about race solidified journalists’ contempt for non-elites, as well as helps perpetuate economic suffering and anti-Semitism.
News | News Items
The local news crisis is deepening America's divides
"This is a crisis for our democracy and our society."
News | News
PODCAST | Adam Schiff's Problem With Sensationalism & The Truth
US Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), has a problem with the truth. Over the last six years, specifically, he has consistently made claims that he has "evidence" of this and a "smoking gun" for that, and each time the agendized and disingenuous mainstream
- AdamSchiff
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News | News
PODCAST | The Disingenuous Manufactured Media Circus With Ringmaster Pelosi
You know that Nancy Pelosi and the fascist-Left Democrats have nothing to run on in the Midterm Elections when they have to beg a news network to sensationalize a manufactured media circus in what was the January 6th mini-series-esque sitcom broadcast on
News | News
PODCAST | The Truth About The Narrative Of Disinformation
I can't begin to tell you how many times someone has asked me who they can trust when it comes to accurate information in the news. The simple answer is that you should trust no one; no newspaper, no columnist, no talking head, no politician. We live
News | News
HonestReporting – Media’s Eyes Wide Shut
HonestReporting – Media’s Eyes Wide Shut Media’s Eyes Wide Shut: Iran’s ‘Hidden’ Hand Behind Palestinian Violence Atop Temple Mount Are global media outlets complicit in obfuscating the true root causes of ongoing unrest at holy sites in J
News | News
Diving into the Biden Administration's Rolodex of Blame
It's a legitimate question. Has the Biden administration taken responsibility for anything they have launched or affected since it took the helm in Washington, DC? From the energy crisis to Afghanistan, the devastation of the economy to the deepening
News | News
We Must Move Away from the Cult of Personality in Politics Before It's Too Late
The transformative Left, or the fascist left (same thing), has done a great job of duping the country into believing that our political system is simply the clash of cult titans; the politics of cult personalities. Moving forward in these very dangerous t
News | News
PODCAST: Putin Recruits Islamofascist Mercenaries; The Atlantic Focuses on Nuclear War's Effect on the Climate
While Russian despot Vladimir Putin continues to target civilians in his unprovoked war in Ukraine, the fascist-Left darling publication The Atlantic features an article panicking about how a nuclear war would be harmful to the climate. Honestly, you can
News | News
The Political Class and Mainstream Media Have Destroyed the People's Ability to Divine the Truth
We have all heard it and many of us have said it. We live in a moment in time when accurate, unmanipulated, and truthful information is at a premium. We cannot trust our mainstream media nor can we trust our elected class. Even advocates and activists are
Psychology | Psychology
Labelling something a “conspiracy theory” does little to stop people from believing it – Research Digest
By Emma Young. People call ideas they already consider unbelievable "conspiracy theories", rather than being influenced by the label to stop believing them.
Politics | Media Watch
‘It Flipped Overnight’: Glenn Greenwald Points To The One Moment That Changed The Pandemic And Destroyed Trust In Media
Journalist Glenn Greenwald said in a Tuesday Twitter thread that there was one single moment that changed media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic — and that when it “flipped overnight,” it destroyed trust in media.
News | News
CTECH – Latest Israeli Technology and Innovation News
CTECH – Latest Israeli Technology and Innovation News Fintech unicorn Tipalti quadruples valuation to $8.3 billion in $270 million Series F. The Israeli company currently processes over $30 billion in total annual payments volume — growing 120% ye
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Facebook 'Hate Speech' Algorithm Found 90% of Hate Speech Directed at White People
The Washington Post reported that an April 2020 examination of Facebook’s anti-racism algorithm found that roughly 90 percent of the...
News | News
CTECH – Latest Israeli Innovation and Technology News
CTECH – Latest Israeli Innovation and Technology News Crypto giant Coinbase acquiring Israel’s Unbound Security. “We’ve long recognized Israel as a hotbed of strong technology and cryptography talent,” Coinbase said after securing the ac
News | News
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Nov. 21, 2021
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Nov. 21, 2021 the highlights include: Breakthrough Israeli-led research has located multiple weaknesses in cancer cells. Tel Aviv University is ranked world’s fifth best for entrepreneurship. Four Israeli pr
News | News
Honest Reporting in Global Media — Daniel Pomerantz
Honest Reporting in Global Media — Daniel Pomerantz An entire organization grew from a small mailing list … HonestReporting is an NGO that’s grown exponentially over the past two decades. Today, the mailing list is 100,000 strong. And CEO Daniel Pom
News | News
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – When Democracy’s Watchdogs Become Rabid
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – When Democracy’s Watchdogs Become Rabid Imagine a watchdog that barks at everything: vehicles, passersby, birds, etc. Not much use, right? A similar problem arises when Democracy’s “Watchdog” – the media – bark
Politics | Media Watch
CBS, NBC Fully Back Milley’s Act of TREASON, Promised to Warn China
If a military general tried to insert himself into the chain of command in an attempt to usurp power from a civilian Democratic president and promised America’s chief adversary they would warn them if we were going to attack, the liberal media would be sc
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Kamala's Horrible Reaction to the Afghanistan Question Not Only Exposes Her, but the Media
I can't believe she did that...
News | News
Phyllis Chesler – Yet Again, the Media Blames Israel for a Conflict Hamas Started
Phyllis Chesler – Yet Again, the Media Blames Israel for a Conflict Hamas Started IPT News Steven Emerson, Executive Director: https://www.investigativeproject.org/8846/yet-again-the-media-blames-israel-for-a-conflict Islamist terrorist groups, Hama
Politics | Covid 19
15 months too late, Vox now reports that travel bans can work to ‘keep COVID-19 out’
Trump was right. Again.
News | News
PODCAST: Okay, What the Hell Is a 'Race & Inclusion Editor' Anyway?
Recently, the USA Today canned its "Race & Inclusion Editor" because she identified the Boulder shooter as an "angry White man...It's alway a White Man." The problem here is two-fold, and Andy and Frank point them out...
Politics | Politics
Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections
D.C. Circuit Senior Judge Laurence Silberman’s diatribe amounted to an assault on a Supreme Court decision that set the framework for modern defamation law.
Politics | Politics
Blue-check journos RAGE at the White House over new plan to start charging for daily Covid-19 tests
You mean they're not free?
News | News
Camera – Media Highlights: Accuracy in Reporting Israel in the Media
Camera – Media Highlights: Accuracy in Reporting Israel in the Media CNN’s Kiley Parrots B’Tselem Slanders February 8, 2021 CNN’s Kiley was a pass-through for B’Tselem charges, questioning nothing. He ignored the ordinary norm
Politics | Politics
Megyn Kelly blames media hatred of Trump in part for Capitol riot
Megyn Kelly says the media is partly to blame for the riot of pro-Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol. "They hated him so much," she told the BBC.
News | News
POLL: Trump Outperformed Biden in Presidential Approval Ratings
A new presidential approval poll reveals that even though Joe Biden has allies in the mainstream media and Big Tech,
News | News
Biden’s Press Secretary Now Pre-Screens Questions After Being Mocked For Many Promises to ‘Circle Back’
The Biden White House's press team has started prescreening the questions reporters will be able to ask Press Secretary Jen
News | News
Steve Kramer – The Media Is Not Trusted
Steve Kramer – The Media Is Not Trusted According to the respected yearly survey of mass media reliability available at edelman.com, the majority of people don’t trust the media. Can you blame them? Watch one TV channel, or read one article, or se
Business & Finance | Small business
28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.
Politics | Politics
The Media Abandons Democracy
Nice try. Over there at the New York Times my former CNN colleague Charles Blow headlines this: Trump Has Never Believed in...
News | News
Facebook Fact-Checker Is Censoring Criticism Of Its Fake Fact Checks
Facebook began censoring criticism of a fake fact-check published by an "independent fact-checker" before it was even published on The Federalist's Facebook page.
Politics | Media Watch
NPR: Waitresses are being asked to remove their masks so men know how much to tip
It's almost like One Fair Wage has an agenda they want NPR to amplify.
News | News
BuzzFeed acquires HuffPost | TechCrunch
HuffPost has a new owner, with its current parent company Verizon Media reaching an agreement to sell the site to BuzzFeed. The Wall Street Journal broke the news and described this as a stock deal. Verizon Media is also making an investment in BuzzFeed a
News | News
Getting into the Subject of the 'Uncensored'
In this episode of Underground USA I introduce Pete D'Abosca, an independent journalist and political guy with National File. Pete and I will be doing a 3-times weekly podcast for National File so we decided to shake it down here. Don't worry, U
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Politics | Politics
Yes, Media Are Rigging Election Against Half The Country. Here's How
Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, the media's coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure.
Politics | Politics
Elder Of Ziyon - When The Media Extols Evil: Hitler, Farrakhan and Ahlam Tamimi
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Philadelphia expects to release police body camera video in Wallace death next week
Philadelphia officials said they expect to release police body camera footage and 911 audio in the fatal shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. next week.
Politics | Politics
Attention Mainstream Media: Here Are 4 Times That President Trump Denounced White Supremacy Trump Has Denounced White Supremacism
Trump has denounced white supremacy and racism multiple times over the course of his presidency despite what the establishment media says.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Any Leftist (or media outlet) that doesn’t immediately denounce Roger Waters for antisemitism is a disgusting hypocrite
.After the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, the media took note of the shooter’s love of conspiracy theories where George Soros was the “puppetmaster” in running the world. Everyone accepted that the idea of a Jewish puppetmaster was a pernicious, centuries-old antisemitic trope.
Antisemitism: The Oldest Hatred Rears Its Head
It’s been more than two days now since the New York Times opinion page published an op-ed that approvingly cites the black anti-Semitism.
Politics | Politics
How Media Sensationalism, Big Tech Bias Extended Lockdowns | RealClearPolitics
This is Part 2 in a series. Last week, Part 1 discussed How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessary Global Lockdowns.
Epidemiologists created faulty lockdown models. The media promoted fear. Politicians...
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - The problem with how world media treats Jews and Israel (Seth Mandel and Stephen Daisley)
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Media Watch
Yahoo News Reporter Literally Gets Taken to School on Testing by Birx, Trump
President Trump didn’t host a formal White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Tuesday, but he twice took questions from reporters after coronavirus-related events. It was after a pool spray with Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis that Trump an
Politics | Media Watch
CURL: Media’s COVID-19 Coverage Has Been Disastrous For America
When the postmortem is done on the media’s coverage of COVID-19 (and it will be), it will be clear that the virus was no Black Plague — rather, it’s more on par with the flu on a bad year. SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has killed 56,749 Americans as
News | News Items
Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting* - Forge
*Gaslighting, if you don’t know the word, is defined as manipulation into doubting your own sanity; as in, Carl made Mary think she was crazy, even though she clearly caught him cheating. He gaslit…
Psychology | Personality
Are You as in Control of Your Emotions as You Think? | Psychology Today
During times of uncertainty, it’s natural for your mood to be influenced by outside factors. A new study on emotion contagion shows how this process works in a digital world.
News | News
Dr. Drew Pinsky: Coronavirus Panic Must Stop, Press Needs to Be Held Accountable for Hurting People
Dr. Drew talks with CBS Local's DJ Sixsmith about coronavirus: "The panic must stop. And the press, they really somehow need to be held accountable because they are hurting people."
CBS NEWS: "So you've seen pandemics over the decades, how does this one
News | The News
BREAKING: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Announces Retirement During TV Segment
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews announced on Monday that he was retiring effective immediately following controversy surrounding recent remarks that he had made on air. “Let me start with my headline tonight. I’m retiring,” Matthews
News | NEWS
How Al Jazeera is Avoiding Registering as a Foreign Agent
The international media conglomerate Al Jazeera has long operated as a Qatari publicity agent, producing content that consistently reflects the emirate's pro-Islamist, anti-American outlook. But when the U.S. Justice Department, spurred on by Russian
Politics | Trump Politics
How to Win an Argument with Your Liberal Relatives
Fight back this season - with this guide to help Trump supporters win arguments with liberal friends, relatives, and snowflakes they encounter during the holidays.
Politics | Media Watch
Palestinian Terrorist Killed In Israeli Airstrike. AFP Calls Him Simply 'Palestinian.'
A Palestinian terrorist leader was killed in an Israeli airstrike Tuesday morning, yet the Agence France-Presse referred to him simply as a “Palestinian.” In a tweet thread announcing the death of Baha Abu al-Ata, a senior leader of the militant group Pa
News | News
Dennis Prager on why new film 'No Safe Spaces' is unfairly rated | Fox News
Dennis Prager and Adam Caroll's upcoming documentary "No Safe Spaces" has been given a PG-13 rating by the MPAA.
Politics | Antisemitism
Watch what happens when an Australian Jew crashes a Jihadi rally
They literally support Hamas and the destruction of the Jewish people!
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
The positive vs negative tone of the media impacts mood and trauma
It's no surprise that the repeated viewing of grisly images can be emotionally harmful and exposure to media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings has ...
Politics | Media Watch
YO media, THIS is why Americans hate you –> NYT’s headline about ‘CO students disrupting shooting vigil’ will INFURIATE
We see a lot of bad headlines but THIS headline is one of the worst.
News | News
Barry Shaw - Inaccurate reporting on Palestinian-induced wars cause collateral damage to Israel.
Barry Shaw – Inaccurate reporting on Palestinian-induced wars cause collateral damage to Israel. Accuracy is essential when reporting claims of Palestinian casualties during Palestinian-induced wars. But accuracy is always the missing ingredient in
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Why Has Explicit Anti-Semitism At A UNC/Duke Conference About Gaza Been Ignored By The Media?
The media ignored outrageous anti-Semitic speech at a major academic conference on Gaza. Ignoring the issue will not make it go away.
Politics | Media Watch
Mueller Madness: The media pundits who got it most wrong
Special counsel Robert Mueller has definitively put to rest the collusion theory of President Trump’s election. That’s not a little embarrassing for the many journalists, talking heads, celebrities…
Politics | Politics
Media Ignores Major Story About the Dossier—Again
Whispers about the late Senator John McCain’s involvement in spreading the infamous Steele dossier around Washington mostly have been a sidebar to the larger scandal. But the court deposition of David Kramer, a close associate of McCain who was part of
Politics | Politics
Do Israeli Jewish Lives Even Matter to the Media?
Last week, two rockets from Hamas-ruled Gaza were launched against Israel’s densely populated commercial center, Tel Aviv. So, where was the media?
Politics | Media Watch
'Consistent, vicious, and VILE': Ben Shapiro UNLOADS on media for treating Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitism like it's just 'sad'
Ilhan's anti-Semitic comments aren't accidental.
Politics | Politics
Two Days After Telling Americans to Check All Sides of a Story, CBS Dumps Lara Logan
Only two days after veteran news woman Lara Logan told audiences to check with both liberal and conservative news, CBS said that Logan has been fired.
Politics | Media Watch
Yes, the media (wait for it) pounced again! Covington reaction + Smollett reaction = why 'fake news'
Has Trump been reelected yet?
Politics | Op-Ed
Publishing Stupid 'Hot Takes' Is Why We Can't Have National Discussions
Is there any American newsroom left that has the good sense not to publish outlandish hot takes on hot-button issues? Where?
News | News
Media Can't Admit Trump–Russia Sources Are Compromised, Feeding Them Fake News
What if the documents the leakers viewed actually do say Trump told Cohen to lie; it's just that the documents they viewed weren't real? They were fakes.
News | News
BuzzFeed to cut 15% of staff in new round of layoffs - CNN
The coming contraction at BuzzFeed is the latest example of a media company making cutbacks in a difficult operating environment.
Politics | Politics
Trump Continues to Prepare the Battlefield
People claiming Trump needs urgency and to move quickly right now as if Trump's in any real danger are misreading what's actually happening.
Politics | Politics
Networks Trashed Trump With 90% Negative Spin in 2018, But Did It Matter?
At the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first term, the establishment media’s obvious hostility shows no signs of relenting: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive, matching the historically bad press we documented in 2017. But polls show this negative coverag
News | The News
Liberal media tell us the left is right – And the right is wrong | Fox News
Many journalists argue that there is no such thing as liberal media bias. But polls show that most Americans disagree. Even a recent survey of financial journalists shows self-described liberals outnumbering conservatives 13-to-1.
News | The News
Media Bias: Pretty Much All Of Journalism Now Leans Left, Study Shows | Investor's Business Daily
The media have drifted to the far left on the political spectrum. Yet again, a major study of media bias shows just how far from the center they are.
News | Heroes & Heroines
Dennis Miller on 2020: ‘Why not Pelosi? What does it say about the Dems that they haven’t foisted her up?’ | Fox N
Dennis Miller’s political leanings set him apart from the majority of the ultra-liberal show business industry that seems to care more about derailing President Trump than entertaining people these days. Miller caught up with Fox News to offer his thoug
News | News
More Voters Say the Press Has Divided the Country Than Trump
In the new Morning Consult/Politico poll, 64 percent of registered voters said the press has done more to divide the country than unite it since Trump took office, compared with 56 percent who said the same was true of the president.
Politics | Politics
Insane Footage of Migrant Caravan Gets OUT - Democrats Never Wanted This To Be Released! (Video)
It's worse than we thought.
News | News
Network Coverage of Trump 92 Percent Negative, Lacks Diversity, Report Says
President Donald Trump has received 92 percent negative evening news coverage from the main broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Politics | Politics
Watch: Pelosi Explains How To Run a Successful Smear Campaign 1 Year Before Kavanaugh
This hasn't aged well...
Politics | Media Watch
Idiot Partisan Reporters Make Everything Worse | National Review
On nearly every question and issue, the tenor of the press — shockingly — mirrors the tenor of the Democrats who insist that it falls to Kavanaugh to disprove these allegations. This is morally grotesque.
Politics | Politics
Media scrutinizes Kavanaugh but gives Ted Cruz challenger a pass | Fox News
It's good to be a Democrat.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Qatar’s Underhanded PR Strategy: AJ+
Qatar’s agenda is obvious with Al Jazeera and all their platforms. The efforts to whitewash terrorism and minimize (even promote in Arabic) antisemitism.
News | News
Leaked video shows Google co-founder compare Trump voters 'fascists' | Daily Mail Online
Google co-founder Sergey Brin can be seen on stage in front of hundreds of employees saying he was 'deeply offended' by Trump's election and that it 'conflicts with many of Google's values.'
Politics | Politics
Facts Of The Trump Tower Meeting Are Incriminating, But Not For Trump
The real colluders with Russia are the Democrats, intelligence agencies, and corporate media. The facts about the Trump Tower meeting only reinforce that.
News | The News
Jack Lew Criticizes Trump Trade, Interrupted by News It's Working
"I'm in a little bit of a bad position to respond..."
Politics | Politics
Is Trump-Bashing Backfiring on the Democrats? - Rasmussen Reports®
Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on
Politics | Trump Politics
Trump Explains Meaning of Melania's Controversial 'I Really Don't Care' Jacket
Melania Trump also tweeted a message about her visit.
Miscellaneous | Interesting
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Weekly Column - The Roseanne Dilemma
The culture war heated up this week with the self-destruction of Roseanne Barr. It’s a fascinating story that has wide implications for all Americans who care about free expression - but not in the way you might think.
Politics | Politics
The Media Who Cried Wolf: Anit-Trump Bias Hurts Media Most
How is President Trump surviving the relentless onslaught of negative media? The counter-intuitive conclusion is that this unparalleled negative coverage is more damaging to the source than the target.
Politics | Media Watch
Mark Levin: The Media 'Have Blood On Their Hands'
Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin blasted the mainstream media’s coverage surrounding Israel's response to the Palestinians' violent protests following the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem.
Politics | Politics
Trump has a week of wins and media a week of losses | Fox News
This past week was the kind of nightmare journalists have been having since Nov. 8, 2016.
Politics | Newsmedia
Chris Wallace: Trump's Attacks on the Media Bother Me, But There 'Absolutely' Is Bias in Mainstream Media | Breitbart
On Friday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," FNC anchor Chris Wallace stated that President Trump's "unprecedented" criticisms of the media bother him, in particular, the president criticizing the press during
Politics | Politics
Newt Gingrich: President Trump is up, elite media are down | Fox News
Imagine the frustration building in elite media offices across the country.
Politics | Politics
When will the media accept that Trump is not a criminal target? | TheHill
Robert Mueller has told the White House that the president is only a “subject” of the investigation.
News | News
Companies Boycotting Laura Ingraham Get Nasty Wakeup Call After Going Too Far
Fighting fire with fire ...
News | The News
John Stossel: Why so many are 'taking the red pill' (and discovering the truth about the mainstream media) | Fox News
In the movie “The Matrix,” swallowing a red pill reveals the truth, while downing a blue pill leaves you trapped in illusion.
Politics | Politics
Poll: 59 Percent Disapprove of Media's Coverage of Trump
A just-released Quinnipiac poll reveals that 59 percent of the American people disapprove of the way the media cover President Trump.
News | The News
#QuitFacebook: Are people fleeing the social network? | Fox News
Facebook is in danger of losing its most precious currency.
News | News
Tom Petty debacle was an embarrassing mistake for all media
The media reported the singer/songwriter’s death too soon.
Business & Finance | Business
Is The New York Times vs. The Washington Post vs. Trump the Last Great Newspaper War? | Vanity Fair
Breaking story after story, two great American newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, are resurgent, with record readerships. One has greater global reach and fifth-generation family ownership; the other has Jeff Bezos as its deep-pockete
Politics | Politics
Nearly half of Republicans approve closing media outlets for inaccuracy, bias: poll | TheHill
Almost half of Republicans say they are in favor of courts shutting down media outlets that publish inaccurate or biased information, according to a new survey.
Politics | Media Watch
Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retracted Russia Story
Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau, and Lex Haris have resigned in the wake of the story.
Politics | Politics
OPINION: Trump's travel ban victory should force media to examine itself | TheHill
OPINION | The Supreme Court's stay should concentrate minds in both the judiciary and the media on the loss of objectivity in analysis over the president's immigration order.
Politics | Politics
The Media Bubble is Real — And Worse Than You Think - POLITICO Magazine
We crunched the data on where journalists work and how fast it’s changing. The results should worry you.
News | News
Megyn Kelly, Matt Lauer, and the Battle for the Future of NBC | Vanity Fair
In his high-profile, high-priced hire of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, NBC News chief Andy Lack placed a major bet on star power. But Lack’s biggest, priciest talent, Today’s Matt Lauer, provides something of a cautionary tale. With morning news being
News | News
16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won
Journalists, media types, reporters, you have two choices: you can fix these problems, or you can watch your profession go down in flames.
News | News Items
Does Truth Still Exist, or Are There Just Alternative Facts?
Kellyanne Conway, advisor to President Trump, introduced a new term into most people’s lexicon: “alternative facts.” What does this phrase tell us about what it means to be human?
Miscellaneous | Social Media
Introducing: The Facebook Journalism Project | Facebook Media
By Fidji Simo, Director of Product Facebook is a new kind of platform and we want to do our part to enable people to have meaningful conversations, to be informed and to be connected to each other. We know that...
Miscellaneous | Social Media
Did Media Literacy Backfire?
Anxious about the widespread consumption and spread of propaganda and fake news during this year’s election cycle, many progressives are…