Psychology | Parenting and Kids
Phrases To Use With Your Teen That Will Transform Your Relationship | HuffPost Life
Plus, which phrases to avoid.
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
What Teens Need Most From Their Parents
Recent studies of adolescents reveal what teenagers need most from their parents during four phases of teens’ intellectual, emotional and social development.
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
Overcoming video game addiction in children | iMore
Video games are great. I love them. I podcast about them. But when it comes to my children, my husband and I have a strict system to help them maintain balance and learn moderation. How your child or children react to playing video games can vary. It's an
Health & Fitness | Family Coach Training
Coaching and Academics?
Learn How and Why Coaching Fits Better with Education than Psychology
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
Incredible Poet Proves Just How Influential Teen Girls Can Be
“You are the first drop of rain in a hurricane.” That’s what being a teenage girl means to Clementine von Radics. The 23-year-old traveling poet performed her spoken word poem, “Advice for Teenage Girls with Wild Ambitio...
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Be Less Irritable With Your Child Today | Hunter Clarke-Fields
The key to any kind of successful parenting is keeping our cool -- self-regulation. We have to model the behavior that we want to see in our kids. This means that our adult-tantrums (a.k.a. yelling fits) are not helping us folks....