Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Born to Fly | LynneCurryAuthor.com
I was born to fly, so it didn't matter the ground beneath my feet crumbled. I hit bottom . . .and danced.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Fired for Not Smiling–This is Not a Joke | Workplace Coach Blog
Fired for not smiling--who does that? And what do I do now? Do I have to say "I was fired"? Can I say, "it was a mutual decision"?
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Are We Brave or Quiet? | Workplace Coach Blog
Ukraine: Are we brave or quiet? What do each of us, including me, need to do and say to help?
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Treasure Trove of the Valuable, Interesting & Fun | Workplace Coach Blog
Those of you know the blog well know that I normally post 3 to 4 interesting articles weekly. That was …
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Love your job but hate your boss? | Workplace Coach Blog
7 action steps when you love your job but hate your boss
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Ready to Quit? Which of These 5 Reasons Fits? | Workplace Coach Blog
Ready to quit your job? Which of these 5 reasons fits? Each suggests a different path.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Looking for Mr. Goodboss | Workplace Coach Blog
Looking for Mr. Goodboss, tough love coaching if the problem is you
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
New Year, Old Job, New You | Workplace Coach Blog
When you don't get the promotion you want and deserve, ask these questions, take these actions and find your next chapter
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
How to Move Past an Employer's Betrayal - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: I was laid off last week, along with two other employees, without advance warning or severance. I received a …
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
COVID quarantines us, but doesn't stop us - Workplace Coach Blog
COVID quarantines us but doesn't stop us.
Psychology | Psychology
Navigating Your Landmines - Workplace Coach Blog
Navigate your landmines; bring light to your shadow side.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Make Your Career Dream a Reality - Workplace Coach Blog
What are your career goals and dreams? Make them happen.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Written for You - Workplace Coach Blog
I was interviewed this morning by Jerry Jenkins of Left Behind fame for a podcast to his 2000 students. He …
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Ask a Coach - Workplace Coach Blog
Workplace coach blog's Ask a Coach tool allows anyone to submit a question and receive free feedback from an expert. We've assisted thousands of businesses, this resource allows us to do the same to anyone in the world...at no cost!
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
The Big NO-I Slept with My Boss - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: I did the big NO. I slept with my boss. At first it was exciting, and then it got old, but I didn’t know how to end it. Turns out, I didn’t need to. Someone spotted us coming out of a restaurant and necking in the parking lot afterward. She
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Workplace Bullying: a resource from a workplace coach - Workplace Coach Blog
A new review of Beating the Workplace Bully by a publisher, editor and author: https://bit.ly/39gDz2L BLOG, BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEW: BEATING THE WORKPLACE BULLY: A TACTICAL GUIDE TO TAKING CHARGE BY LYNNE CURRY PH.D. by fromthefrontporch At one point or
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Dishonest Former Supervisor's Bad Reference Haunts Me - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: After eight months of putting up with a problem supervisor, “Alex,” I quit a job I liked and left coworkers I enjoyed. Alex was sneaky and smooth, but he had charisma. He came on like he was your best friend and committed to honesty, but he
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Emotional Landmine Eating - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: When my employer and the gym both shut their doors, I began working from home. Then I was laid off. Although I make as much on unemployment as I did work, I’m bored. Worse, I’ve gained weight, at least eight pounds. I’m not yet ready to go
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Win Back Trust by Facing Truth - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: Last year I did something awful. I can give all the excuse—my bully ex-husband was making my life miserable, as was my volatile pre-teen daughter. I felt pressed for time and so falsified two reports. When a coworker sensed something didn’t
Psychology | Psychology
All On My Own Against a Bully - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: When my boss is upset, he stomps through the office and yells “who’s going to pay for this!” or threatens “there’s going to be blood in the water.” My coworkers and I all put our heads down and all hope we’re not the one he picks o
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
What Do I Do Now That I've Been Furloughed? | Workplace Coach Blog
Join Dr. Lynne Curry as she helps several readers determine next steps after they've been furloughed and/or layed off due to COVID-19.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Falling In Love With My Job and It's Messing With My Guy - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: Two life-changing events happened the first week of March, just before COVID-19 turned everyone’s lives upside down. I landed a terrific job and my boyfriend and I moved in together. For the first three weeks, everything seemed great. My job
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Is What You're Doing Working for You? - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: When I interviewed in January for my current job, I knew there might be problems even before I met the supervisor. I’d run into a woman in the bathroom and when I told her why I was in the building and who I was interviewing with, she seemed s
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
When the Absolute Wrong Person Reads What You've Written Online - Workplace Coach Blog
Question: When COVID-19 hit, my employer sent everyone home. I hadn’t liked my job, but staying at home proved worse. I ran out of toilet paper and the paper towel pieces plugged the toilet. I tried yoga but my cat sat on my face and my puppy ran around
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
5 Ways to Cultivate Empathy for Others - Happify Daily
Did you know that empathetic people have more satisfying relationships and perform better at work? Here are 5 tips for increasing your own levels of empathy.