Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation
Intel showcases new 3D camera for robot, drone navigation sired by Haifa team
Camera uses an inside-out tracking system that frees it from reliance on external sensors or GPS to navigate obstacles, US tech giant says
Science & Technology | Tech
The robot controlled by your thoughts
How you can correct the mistakes of robots using only brain and muscle signals.
Science & Technology | Tech
Boston Dynamics' Robot Dog Will Be Available Next Year | WIRED
The secretive company has long been research-focused, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been thinking about what consumers want out of SpotMini.
Science & Technology | Technology
9 robots that will make your life better because the future is now
These high-tech robots will change the way you live. Within every price range, there's a bot to do the job.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Robot Vs. Samurai | Five amazing Challenges with Sword
Robotics engineers at the Yaskawa Electric Company in Japan have trained one of their Motorman industrial robots to use a Samurai sword. By studying the move...
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Robotic 'Pack Mule' Can Take On Any Terrain
No, you're not watching a scene from "Transformers."
The U.S. Military released new footage on July 13, 2014 of the Legged Squad Supports System robot, which behaves sort of like a futuristic mule, being tested in an open field at the Kahuku Training Area in Hawaii. Just check it out in the YouTube video above.