
Politics | Blue State/City Life

Here's Another Way California Just Found to Make Life Hell

 Call me old-fashioned, but I've always believed that the government's job was to provide basic services like roads and infrastructure and otherwise stay out of the way so people could make their lives better. At the very least, I figured it was the government's job to not make things worse.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The $20 million business of gutting failed Bay Area tech companies

Inside Better Source, the furniture warehouse that sells shuttered Bay Area tech companies' high-end furniture for cheap.

Politics | Politics

Kamala Harris’ San Francisco is a dystopian nightmare, is this what she has planned for America? | Fox News

Anyone from any city in the northeast will say after 5 minutes that San Francisco is a terrifying disaster. But many of the people here, like frogs slowly boiling, think it's normal.

News | The News

We Have More Info on 'Woke Kindergarten' and It's Worse Than We Could Have Imagined

 The other day Amy C. wrote about a San Francisco school that, hoping to bring up flagging test scores and aptitude tests amongst their students, hired a company called 'Woke Kindergarten' to 'train (their) teachers to disrupt racism and remove those barriers to learning'.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

San Francisco Hilton in Financial District Defaults on Mortgage

The Hilton Financial District in San Francisco has defaulted on its loan, the latest major commercial failure in the struggling city.

News | In The News

Anti-Israel Protesters in S.F. Delayed Organs from Reaching Transplant Patients

Anti-Israel protesters who blocked the San Francisco Bay Bridge also delayed ambulances from delivering vital organs to transplant patients.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Shut Down the Bay Bridge in San Francisco

 Governor Gavin Newsom managed to hose all of the homeless encampments off the streets of San Francisco for a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping, but the communist dictator might have to find a different route out of town, as pro-Hamas demonstrators have blocked the Bay Bridge.

Science & Technology | Tech News

Twitter: 'X' sign removed from San Francisco headquarters

The city's department of building inspection responded to 24 complaints against the sign which had intrusive lights and did not appear to be secured safely to the roof.

News | National News

Mayor’s rebuke could signal end of 'Democratic Socialist, radical politicking' in this city, activist says

The San Francisco mayor's clash with a city official over drug policies could signal a tone shift in the deeply blue city, one cautiously-optimistic activist says.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Filmmaker Has Stunning Example of How Crime in San Francisco Is Out of Control

 Eli Steele, a filmmaker, detailed his experience of what happened when the SUV he was using in San Francisco was broken into and thousands of dollars of equipment was stolen.

News | National News

Walking away: San Francisco mall owner hands property back to bank as exodus continues

Westfield has given up its San Francisco Centre mall according to a new report, making it the latest company to flee the crime-riddled California city.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Cruise California During The Golden Age In Beautifully Restored Videos

A YouTube channel called NASS features restored and colorized videos of city streets in the 1950s and 1960s, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

The Man Who Built a 40-Foot Spite Fence Around His Neighbor’s Home

When Nicholas Yung wouldn't sell his land to railroad baron Charles Crocker, Crocker built a 40-foot fence around his house and blotted out the sun.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Video shows baby lying on San Francisco sidewalk with mother who apparently just gave birth

A viral video shows a crying baby lying on a San Francisco sidewalk with the mother, who apparently just gave birth.What do we know?The baby was born Thursday, KRON-TV reported, citing the city's fire department. The video in question began circulating Sa

Miscellaneous | I Like This

30 Candid Photos Capture Street Scenes of San Francisco From the Second Half of the 1970s

San Francisco in the 1970s was a global hub of culture. It was known worldwide for hippies and radicals. The city was heavily affected by dr...

News | Antisemitism Watch

Suspect arrested over San Francisco synagogue shooting

Dmitri Mishin is alleged to have fired multiple shots inside the Schneerson Center • No one was hurt and no property was damaged in the attack.

Politics | Politics

Paul Pelosi Body Cam Footage Stuck in Technology Black Hole at San Francisco Court (That's Their Story)

I’ve been waiting around all day for the release of the bodycam footage that will finally show us what happened at Paul Pelosi’s house last October when a Berkeley nudist, David DePape, at...

Miscellaneous | Fun Stuff

This San Francisco museum holds secrets to Disneyland

The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco has insider knowledge of the happiest place on earth that even die-hard theme park fans likely missed.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Universal Basic Income Hits the Bay Area—If You’re Black

At least three guaranteed income initiatives in the San Francisco Bay Area openly discriminate against white residents, limiting or entirely preventing their participation in programs that dole out no-strings-attached cash.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

San Francisco Is A Hellhole For A Reason

Earlier today I wrote about an infant who overdosed on fentanyl while playing in a park. The child’s nanny had taken her to the park for a walk and among the detritus left by druggies was enough fentanyl to cause a near-fatal overdose. Luckily the EMTs arrived and saved her life.

Music | Music

Lost for decades, a relic from the Beatles’ last official concert in SF has been unearthed

It was rediscovered this year after it was thought to have been lost for decades. 

Politics | Politics

WHAT HAPPENED? Gavin Newsom had a 10-year plan to end homelessness in San Francisco … back in 2008

Gavin Newsom had a 10-year plan to end San Francisco homelessness back in 2008. How has that worked out?

Politics | The Decline Of America

Bleeding Heart of Darkness: My Journey to the Left Coast

To paraphrase a line inaccurately attributed to Mark Twain: The most unsafe I ever felt in Iran was seven years later on the streets of San Francisco.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

Explore a photographic history of San Francisco

Loved by the likes of Jack Kerouac and John Steinbeck, San Francisco has always had an air of romanticism. Delve into these images of its history and arts.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Ousted San Fran School Board Member Says Those Opposed Her Are 'Alinged With' White Supremacists

San Francisco Board of Education President Gabriela López, along with two other school board members, lost a recall election in a landslide with 72 percent

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area is now so bad residents are being asked to house a homeless person in their OWN HOMES

Some charities have urged local families - who are sick of seeing the homeless crisis on their doorsteps - to do something about it personally.

Politics | POLITICS

San Francisco Promotes Illegal Drug Use, Overdose Deaths 'Skyrocket'

San Francisco launched a “bizarre medical experiment” in which the city helps the homeless use illegal drugs. Environmental and urbanization writer Michael Shellenberger notes that since t...

Politics | Politics

San Francisco's mayor has a plan for the troubled Tenderloin district : NPR

San Francisco Mayor London Breed's recent emergency declaration will allow the city to fast-track social services to address drug overdoses and crime.

News | News

COVID is now an ‘endemic,’ not a ‘pandemic,’ San Francisco doctors say

Doctors are calling for a language pivot to emphasize that California should work toward "an end to all remaining restrictions, particularly as they apply to children."

Politics | Interesting Links

Nancy Pelosi’s S.F. event interrupted by the loudest ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shout we’ve ever heard

This one must still be echoing around the City by the Bay.

News | News

‘Please Do Not Break Glass’: San Franciscans Leaving Car Trunks Open To Prevent Smash-And-Grab

In the robbery-infested areas of San Francisco and Oakland, California, some residents are so fearful of having their cars broken into that they are deliberately leaving their car trunks open so robbers won’t shatter the windows.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

California Diner Kicks Out Uniformed Police Officers to Create 'Safe Space'

The staff of a San Francisco restaurant denied service to three uniformed police officers, claiming the officers' weapons made them feel "uncomfortable."

News | News

Former Soros Activist Explains How Progressives Ruined San Francisco

In his new book "San Fransicko,” Michael Shellenberger explains how progressives ruin cities, focusing on several on the West Coast.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

You Are Not Going to Believe How the San Francisco Mayor Defended Her Going Maskless at Nightclub

There is "hubris," and then there's "chutzpah." I don't know which one we should accuse San Francisco Mayor London Breed of being guilty of.

News | News

AK-47 Wielding Drive-By A Byproduct Of 'Defund The Police' Movement

Even before the unintelligent move to “defund the police,” law enforcement had its hand not only full but loosely hog-tied in their...

News | In The News

San Francisco won't follow LA County's lead, but could update mask guidance

Hours before LA County officials reinstated its mask mandate, San Francisco Mayor London Breed stopped short of saying the city would also bring back its own. But new guidance could be issued in the coming days.

News | News

Expansion of the Capitol Police into Field Offices Stinks of a National Police Force

The acting US Capitol Police Chief, Yogananda Pittman, made an alarming announcement last week that the department – which is limited in...

News | News

San Francisco's Teacher Union Outs Themselves as Anti-Semitic

In a move that has nothing – zero – to do with education, the United Educators of San Francisco’s voted to endorse the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, accusing Israel of committing “apartheid and war crimes.” The m

Politics | Woke Insanity

San Francisco Seeing an 'Epidemic' of Shoplifting

San Fransisco, once one of the most beautiful and pleasant cities in America, is being destroyed by an ideology that promotes "permissiveness."

News | News

San Francisco School Board VP: Many Asian Americans Use 'White Supremacist Thinking' to Achieve

A group standing up to the totalitarianism of wokeness on the San Francisco School Board highlighted the blatantly racist tweet...

Politics | Donald Trump

Flashback: Critics dismissed Trump's warning that cancel culture would come for Washington, Jefferson

American icons like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson on the chopping block in San Francisco as its public school board voted to remove their names from its schools, something President Trump warned the country about while he was in office. 

Politics | Corruption

BLOOD-BOILING: San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin under fire after a career criminal who should have been in jail was arrested on manslaughter charges

"We will make changes..."

Politics | Politics

REPORT: Sen. Dianne Feinstein In Severe Cognitive Decline, Schumer Having ‘Serious And Painful Talks’

After several moments over the past months that have raised eyebrows among high profile Democrats, it is being reported by

Politics | Politics

San Francisco: Something Strange in the City by the Bay - American Greatness

According to the San Francisco Department of Elections, 503,899 men and women were registered to vote in the city at the time of the March primary election…

Travel | Travel

Country's oldest Chinatown fights for its life in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO - The oldest Chinatown in the United States is starting to resemble a ghost...

Politics | Politics

It’s the great San Francisco exodus | Fortune

Tech heavyweights are leaving the Bay Area for Miami, Austin, and Los Angeles.

Politics | Politics

San Francisco Votes In Favor Of ‘CAREN Act’ To Ban “Discriminatory” 911 Calls

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to pass legislation that would allow the target of a racially motivated or otherwise

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

‘It’s Infuriating’: Private San Francisco Gym Owners Angry After Gyms Open In Government Buildings

Some private gym owners in San Francisco are incensed after learning that gyms in government buildings have been open for some time, despite coronavirus lockdown edicts that have kept private gyms shuttered. Daniele Rabkin from Crossfit Golden Gate told N

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'

EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News had learned.

News | News

Leading Art Curator Resigns After Allegedly Saying He’d ‘Definitely Still Continue To Collect White Artists’

One of the leading art curators in the nation resigned from his job after allegedly stating at a recent staff meeting, “Don’t worry, we will definitely still continue to collect white artists.” Gary Garrels, senior curator of painting and scul

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Ulysses S. Grant statue toppled in San Francisco

A statue of former President Ulysses S. Grant-- the Union general who led his army to victory against the Confederacy during the Civil War-- was toppled on Friday as hundreds gathered in San Francisco to celebrate Juneteenth. 

News | News

Six Bay Area counties ban use of reusable bags at grocery stores

Reusable grocery bags are a shopping staple for many in the Bay Area but now shoppers must adjust to using plastic and paper bags in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

News | News

Life in San Francisco area screeches to a halt amid shutdown

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — First, people were advised to avoid large gatherings. Californians adjusted. Life went on. Kids went to school, some people worked from home, but mostly it was business...

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

S.F. Police Union Slams New Progressive D.A., Says ‘It’s Open Season’ On Cops

The leader of a union representing San Francisco police officers recently blasted the newly-elected, progressive district attorney, claiming the city and county’s top prosecutor has given criminals a “green light” to attack cops. The accusation came

Sports | Sports

Here's how the San Francisco 49ers can still win the NFC West

In the span of 48 hours the 49ers went from the best record in the NFL to fifth seed in the NFC. But all is not lost just yet in the Bay Area.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Richard Grenell: California needs a reality check after reading San Francisco DA’s stance on ‘quality of life’ crimes

San Francisco's new DA won't prosecute “quality-of-life” crimes like vehicle break-ins, drug dealing, and petty theft.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

INSANITY: California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state

In a lighted garage on one of San Francisco's busiest streets, a young man in baggy trousers and messy brown hair pulled down his pants. He had been hiding two pairs of stolen jeans with the tags still on them. He handed them to another man waiting nearby

Politics | Corruption

Burgeoning Homeless, High Gas Prices — Is California Becoming Premodern?

California seems to be going premodern, with homeless people turning cities like San Francisco into medieval towns with disease and feces on the streets, high gas prices, crowded roads, and people turning the lights off.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

San Francisco is losing residents because it's too expensive for nearly everyone

A former bohemian mecca, San Francisco now lays claim to the most expensive housing in the West, with a median home price of $1.4 million.

Business & Finance | Business

Why San Francisco is still the gold mine for tech startups – TechCrunch

Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast where each week we discuss other people’s copious dollars and lacking sense. This week was special! Kate and Alex at Disrupt where they recorded live in front of an audien

Miscellaneous | Other Stories

I bought a foreclosure in San Francisco. Here are six tough lessons I learned.

With the real estate market just now beginning to take a breather after a years-long sprint, it's a good time to remember that a decade ago the Bay Area was not immune to the foreclosure crisis facing the rest of the nation. After the financial collapse o

Politics | Donald Trump

Report: Trump, Fed-Up With Dems, Orders White House Officials To Combat CA Homelessness

President Trump, disgusted with the inability of California's Democrats to address the skyrocketing number of homeless people in California’s major cities, has ordered White House officials to address the issue, according to

Politics | Second Amendment

San Francisco Has Beclowned Itself By Labeling The NRA A ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization’

As The Daily Wire reported yesterday, the comically leftist Board of Supervisors for the city of San Francisco took it upon itself to deem the nation's oldest continually operating civi

Politics | Woke Insanity

‘Returning resident’?? San Francisco’s push to rebrand ‘convicted felons’ (and more) with these terms sends heads CRASHING to desks

"You can't make this up."

Politics | Campus Watch

Eighty Groups Protest California Professor's Use of Official Department Facebook Page to Spread Anti-Israel Propaganda

An anti-Israel demonstration in London. Photo: Campaign Against Antisemitism. A petition from dozens of organizations large and small has been …

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

REPORT: It Will Cost $600,000 To Cover Up George Washington Mural That 'Traumatized' San Fran High School Students

It will cost a San Francisco school district more than half a million dollars to cover up a "controversial" mural of George Washington, after a handful of activists complained that the mere sight of the nation's first president was "traumat

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Burnout & locked out?

Hot in the news this week is burnout with the World Health Organization officially recognizing Burnout as a syndrome of chronic stress at…

Science & Technology | Tech News

San Francisco supervisors vote to ban facial recognition software | VentureBeat

San Francisco's Board of Supervisors voted 8-1 to adopt a facial recognition software ban as part of a new surveillance technology use policy.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Don’t put the problem off

Modern medicine and surgery has gone amazing things and will continue to do so — but we only get one body. Our body and parts are not as…

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

Old & new: Beloved San Francisco spots and what has replaced them - SFGate

If you walk by Columbus and Bay streets in San Francisco these days, you might stare at the Walgreens on the corner for a while and then ask yourself, "Wait, didn't that used to be Tower Records?"

News | The News

California Leads The Nation In Bringing Back Medieval Illnesses

Diseases the modern world virtually eradicated are making a resurgence in California

Politics | Corruption

John Stossel: San Francisco has become the slum by the bay -- Bad laws cause city's homeless crisis

San Francisco is one of the richest cities it the world. It’s given us music, technology and elegant architecture.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

San Francisco to pay $190G to undocumented immigrant over sanctuary law violation, lawyer says

A man from El Salvador in the U.S. illegally who sued San Francisco after police turned him over to immigration authorities in violation of the city's sanctuary law is set to be awarded $190,000, his attorney said Thursday.

News | Antisemitism Watch

'Anti-Zionist' Protesters Harass, Vandalize Jewish-Owned Leftist Cafe In San Francisco

Last month, The Daily Wire brought you the story of a leftist-owned cafe called "Manny's," that was targeted by other leftists for it's "pro-Israel" owner.

Science & Technology | Tech

Husband-and-wife duo sets sights on flying cars over San Francisco next year

New Future Transportation (NFT) is developing an electric car prototype with wings that aims to solve congestion and also be affordable at $50,000

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

Here's the Salary You Need to Buy a Modest Home in New York City, San Francisco & 22 Other Places | Apartment Therap

If you're thinking about buying a home someday soon, these numbers should offer a little gut check to see how close you are to making The American Dream a reality.

News | Heroes & Heroines

San Francisco spends about $6,326 for each non-citizen voter to sign up for local election, report says | Fox News

San Francisco reportedly spent $310,000 on a new registration system aimed at getting non-citizens to cast votes in school board elections.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

San Francisco to vote on taxing rich businesses for homeless

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco has come to be known around the world as a place for aggressive panhandling, open-air drug use and sprawling tent camps, the dirt and despair all the more remarkable for the city's immense wealth. Some streets are

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

San Francisco Is Removing Statue That Shows Founding Of California Over Racism Concerns

American Indian groups have tried to remove the statue for over 30 years

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

THAT'LL DO IT: Having Solved All Its Other Problems, San Francisco Looks To Ban Free Lunches | Daily Wire

Having solved crippling homelessness, cleaned its streets, and driven down the cost of housing in the Bay Area, the city of San Francisco has moved to tackle the real challenge facing the tech-centric city: free lunch.

News | Antisemitism Watch

SFSU Not Planning Further Action After Professor Refuses to Remove Declaration Rejecting Zionist Students

San Francisco State University will not take further action to remove a post visible on an affiliated social media page that...

Music | Music

The Mermen - The Whales are Coming and Boy Are They Pissed

The Mermen - The Whales are Coming and Boy Are They Pissed #SurfMusic #SF #SanFrancisco #BayArea

Music | Music

The Mermen - Pull Of The Moon

The Mermen - Pull Of The Moon #SurfMusic #SanFrancisco #SF #BayArea

Science & Technology | Tech

The mad, twisted tale of the electric scooter craze - CNET

Betrayal, clipped brake cables and chop shops. And that's just in San Francisco.

News | Interesting Links

$2,000 for a U-Haul to move out of San Francisco? Believe it. - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Rental costs for U-Haul trucks in San Francisco are said to have skyrocketed due to a mass exodus from the city.

Business & Finance | Business

The Bay Area’s 2017 fastest-growing private companies revealed - San Francisco Business Times

These fast-growing businesses reflect a diverse and flourishing Bay Area economy. The winning companies include the region’s up-and-coming gaming companies, software developers, marketing agencies, contractors and staffing firms, to name a few. The comb

Music | Vinyl Records!

Record sleeves designed by iconic artists explored in new exhibition

Art & Vinyl, a new exhibition looking at artwork created for vinyl over the past 70 years, has opened at the Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

SHOCK: California Jury Acquits Illegal Immigrant Killer Of Kate Steinle | Daily Wire

At roughly 3 p.m. Thursday afternoon, jurors decided the illegal immigrant accused of murdering Kate Steinle was innocent, finding him not guilty of murder and assault with a deadly weapon, but guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

News | That's News to Me

San Francisco street sells for $90K. Neighbors aren't happy

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — These days, the price of a San Francisco home can easily top a million dollars. But one savvy investor has bought up a whole street in the city's most exclusive neighborhood for a mere $90,000.

Music | Music

MERMEN - 02Be My Noir 06/21/1994

Mermen LIVE at the Making Waves Festival 06/21/1994. Shot at Ferry Plaza, SFCA.

Travel | Travel

40-year milestone for famed SF Beefeater figure Tom Sweeney

In the back closet of a row house on a treeless strip of the Richmond District hangs a line of heavy red jackets with gold and black piping. At the end of his shift, his trademark seven-piece Beefeater uniform — sourced from four continents — will be

Visual Arts | Visual Arts

These amazing photos document the iconic Summer of Love in San Francisco

100,000 hippies descended on San Francisco in 1967. Jim Marshall captured it all.

Sports | NFL

49ers hire Chip Kelly as next head coach - CBSSports.com

The 49ers hired Chip Kelly as their head coach on Thursday.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

After Dems Block ‘Kate’s Law’ in Senate, San Francisco Reaffirms Status as Illegal Immigrant ‘Sanctuary’ | The

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Officials have determined that San Francisco will remain an immigration-related sanctuary city, despite criticism after a woman was killed by a Mexican national who had been released from jail even though federal agents wanted him de

Science & Technology | Apps I Like

Fixed, The App That Fixes Your Parking Tickets, Gets Blocked In San Francisco, Oakland & L.A. | TechCrunch

Fixed, a mobile app that fights parking tickets and other traffic citations on users' behalf, has had its parking ticket operations blocked in three of its..

History | History

Is this proof Alcatraz escapees are alive?

IN JUNE 1962, three inmates shimmied through a hole they’d chiselled into the walls of Alcatraz prison and climbed up to the roof.

Miscellaneous | Los Angeles Stuff

L.A. Metro Piggybacks Off Dodgers' Victory To Troll New York And San Francisco: LAist

Riding high off the Dodgers clinching the division last night, L.A.'s Metro decided to punch above its weight class and pick fights with transit systems baseball fans actually use. After the Dodgers clinched the National League West (behind another Clayton Kershaw gem) against the rival Giants in San Francisco, Metro fired the first shot at Muni:

Sports | NFL

49ers offseason gets even worse, will cut Aldon Smith after DUI arrest | Shutdown Corner - Yahoo Sports

From Yahoo Sports: Aldon Smith was arrested and booked into Santa Clara County Jail on $26,000 bail on Friday, according to Matt Keller of ABC 7 in the Bay Area.

Travel | Travel

11 must-see San Francisco destinations that most people don't know about

A few spots you need to check out next time you're in San Francisco. Or, with Google Maps, you can pay a visit from your computer browser.

Politics | Woke Education

San Francisco Middle Schools No Longer Teaching ‘Algebra 1′ | The California Report | KQED News

Parents of high-achieving students say delaying the course until high school will slow children's progress.

News | The News

This is What Happened to Chipotle’s Menu After the SF Minimum Wage Hike

In order to compensate for having to pay their employees more, businesses hike up their prices, no doubt turning off customers to their services. Either that, or they employ fewer people, making acquiring a job that much more difficult for the unemployed.

Sports | NFL

49ers DL Justin Smith announces retirement after 14 seasons

Smith, 35, was a two-time All Pro and made the Pro Bowl five times – all with the 49ers.

Politics | Woke Insanity

Marin County School Nixes Sedentary Education With Standing Desks For 4th Graders

4th graders and some 1st graders at an elementary school in San Rafael are using standing desks and it seems to be helping the students to maintain focus and dissipate excess energy.

Sports | NFL

NFL players shocked by Chris Borland's retirement, but respect his decision

Some NFL players were understandably surprised, but most were supportive and respected Borland’s tough decision.

Sports | NFL

Purdy: The worst day in 49ers history? - San Jose Mercury News

Patrick Willis, Frank Gore, Justin Smith, Bruce Miller -- all the news is bad for San Francisco 49ers

Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets

The 11 Best Dog Parks In San Francisco: SFist

San Francisco is known, apocryphally, as the city where dogs outnumber children. And just as kids benefit from going to the playground to get some fresh air, exercise, and socialization, so does your dog.

Architecture & Interior Design | Decorating & Interior Design

Tour 11 Stunning San Francisco Homes - Architizer

Unsurprisingly, many new homes in San Francisco address issues of providing adequate living space in a dense urban environment — while capitalizing on the Ba...

Politics | Interesting Links

Homeless People Shower on New Bus in San Francisco

In May, San Francisco introduced the

Sports | NFL

49ers sign Kaepernick to six-year extension worth $126M

The San Francisco 49ers knew they couldn't head into the season with Blaine Gabbert making more than Colin Kaepernick.