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Shelly Schreter: Israel-The Curse of Wanting It All

Shelly Schreter: Israel-The Curse of Wanting It All Compromise is a nice concept, praised in theory but disdained in practice in the polarized climate of our times. Compromisers are suckers, weaklings who traffic in the poison called doubt, diluters of th

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Shelly Schreter – Critical Race Theory Explained

Shelly Schreter – Critical Race Theory Explained [This is an excerpt from a long interview/podcast of Ezra Klein in the NY Times (July 9, 2021) speaking to Eve Ewing, an amazing person who is a professor of sociology at the U. of Chicago, a publishe

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Shelly Schreter – A Berkeley Jewish Radical, Fifty Years Later in Israel

Shelly Schreter – A Berkeley Jewish Radical, Fifty Years Later in Israel An old friend from my Berkeley days asked whether my political opinions and values had changed since we were students in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He was only asking for

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Sheldon Schreter - The Shoah and the Creation of the State of Israel

Sheldon Schreter – The Shoah and the Creation of the State of Israel Many Jews and non-Jews, both friends and enemies of Israel, assume that Israel was founded as a result of the Shoah of European Jewry. While the Shoah was indisputably an important