
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Where Pain Lives

Fixing chronic back pain is possible only when patients understand how much it is produced by the brain, not the spine.

Health & Fitness | Health News

What is the Best Ab Exercise? | Gokhale Method Institute

The abdominal crunch, though ubiquitous, is actually quite detrimental to the spinal discs and nerves. Better to find an abdominal exercise which respects and protects the spine! Image courtesy Jonathan Borba on Unsplash.

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Sit on the Floor, Part 2: Squatting | Gokhale Method Institute

This is the second post in our multi-part series on floor sitting. For Part 1 on floor sitting, click here.Why squat? Squatting isn’t something we do much in industrialized societies beyond childhood, but if you can do it healthfully, it is an eminently

Health & Fitness | Health News

Posture and Pregnancy: A Report | Gokhale Method Institute

During my first pregnancy in 2011–12 I had — compared with other women — only a little trouble; I felt relatively fit. At the time, the occasional pain in my lower back and my permanent shoulder/ neck pain seemed normal because I had suffered them s

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to do Pull-ups with Healthy Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

Our company’s deepest goal is to support people in being more sturdy in the world. Posture is a key ingredient for this, as is fitness. It’s commendable when people take on a fitness regimen of any kind; the companion undertaking needs to be to learn

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Towel Roll Exercise to Increase Your Neck Curve

Here is a simple exercise that can help you hold your upper cervical correction longer. And at the same time it can help your body move bak toward a more nor...

Health & Fitness | Health News

Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain - Senior Americans Association

Back pain is a big deal. It will affect almost every American over the course of their lifetime, and in many cases, it goes on to become chronic and untreatable. Back pain drives up the dependency of painkillers, it causes loss of sleep, loss of work, and

Advice & Self-Help | Great Referrals

Upper Cervical Chiropractic - Natural Healing in Los Angeles

Upper cervical chiropratic doctors dedicated to the natural healing of all kinds of illness and injury including: whiplash, Auto-immune, Meniere's...

Health & Fitness | Health News

The 4 Best Moves for Stronger Abs

Most people miss the mark when it comes to training their abdominals. They either do countless sit-ups and crunches, putting their lower backs at risk of injury, or they ignore core training altogether because they think compound exercises like squats and

Health & Fitness | Health News

5 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain You Will Thank Us Later For!

These 5 exercises for lower back pain which are low in intensity are beneficial for the following muscle groups.

Advice & Self-Help | Great Referrals

Great Upper Cervical Chiropractor- Dr. Beth O'Rourke

Blair Upper Cervical Chiropratic serving Carson, CA

Health & Fitness | Health News

New Help for Back Pain

When surgery fails or isn’t an option, an approach to physical and psychological healing called functional restoration may work. The aim is for patients to manage their back pain and return to normal activities.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain

There are a few populations in the world where back pain hardly exists. One woman thinks she has figured out why, and she's sharing their secrets. Have Americans forgotten how to stand properly?

Health & Fitness | Health News

The spine gives structure to your life: Keep it fit with good posture

Christiane Carman believed she had good posture. Then one day she woke up with a crick in her neck, a nagging little pain on the left side that didn't go away. Soon it was shooting down her left arm. By the time she landed at UCLA's Spine Clinic, the pain