Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
American U. bans protests inside campus buildings in response to antisemitism | The College Fix
Also: All posters and university-sponsored events must be ‘inclusive.’…
News | News Items
How Anti-Zionist Faculty Captured a University of California Campus and What It Means for the Future of Jews in America
“Let’s make it clear – zionism is not welcome on our campus” read a recent Instagram message, which was followed by raised fist and Palestinian flag emojis. At first blush, this posting appeared to be one more bullet in the barrage of vitriolic ha
News | News Items
Making “Israel Alone” a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – Israel Policy Forum
Israel is not actually alone, despite the U.S. abstention at the U.N. But preventing its sense of isolation from deepening depends on Netanyahu wising up to where he does and does not have leverage.