News | News
UN WATCH: UNRWA Kidnapped Her Son Into Gaza
UN WATCH: UNRWA Kidnapped Her Son Into Gaza Explosive Testimony at UNHRC “I ask the United Nations: Where is my son?” On Friday, March 7th, UN Watch gave the floor to the courageous Ayelet Samerano, whose 21-year-old son Yonatan was kidnapped o
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UN WATCH: Hillel Neuer Addresses European Ambassadors, Presents New Exposé on UNRWA Terror Ties
UN WATCH: Hillel Neuer Addresses European Ambassadors, Presents New Exposé on UNRWA Terror Ties UNRWA employs terror advocates, facilitates violence in Middle East, according to a UN Watch investigation GENEVA, January 9, 2025 – Addressing European am
News | Israel At War
Hamas chief in Lebanon, on UNRWA payroll, killed in Israeli strike
The PFLP announced that three of its operatives were killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut • Israeli FM: Only implementing U.N. Resolution 1701 will stop military action against Hezbollah.
News | The UN
UNRWA adds insult to injury
U.S. President Joe Biden can and should revoke any immunity for UNRWA employees facing charges stemming from Oct. 7.
News | Interesting Stories
UNRWA demands immunity for employees implicated in October 7th massacre | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva
The UN, with the support of the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre have immunity from prosecution.
News | National News
Congress Unveils Ban on Funding for UNRWA After Allegations of Role in Terrorism
The U.S. Congress is expected to soon discontinue its funding for the U.N. agency that delivers humanitarian aid to Gaza amid allegations that the agency has Hamas terrorists in its ranks.
Miscellaneous | Resources
The Case Against UNRWA
THE CASE AGAINST UNRWA How UN schools use our tax money to teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews Posts Videos Social Media Reports UN WATCH LIVE EVENT International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mazb9Iiwiw&a
News | News Items
Hoyer: The United Nations’ historic anti-Israel bias emboldened Hamas | Semafor
Former Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Richard Schifter, chairman of the American Jewish International Relations Institute, urge the UN to "reckon with the anti-Israel bias that has long plagued its institutions."
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Tsvi Bisk – The Refugee Racket
Tsvi Bisk – The Refugee Racket The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace, by Adi Schwartz & Einat Wilf, (All Points Press, 2020) The War of Return should be on every Jewish bookshe
News | The UN
UNRWA, the Greatest Welfare Scam Ever
The “Palestinian refugees” are neither Palestinian nor refugees.
News | The UN
Right beneath UNRWA’s headquarters: Israel Hayom gets inside look into Hamas’ servers
You have to hand it to Hamas – if this were a tourist attraction, one couldn't ask for a
News | The UN
UNRWA Teachers Held Israeli Boy, Elderly Woman Hostage for Hamas
JERUSALEM—At least two teachers for the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency in Gaza separately held captive Israeli civilians abducted on Oct. 7. One of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency teachers smuggled a young Israeli boy between locations in Gaza
News | The UN
UNRWA: 10 myths about the UN Palestinian refugee agency debunked
UNRWA is rotten to its core. It validates and perpetuates the Palestinian war against Israel instead of helping to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is an obstacle to peace.
Politics | Politics
Over $7 Billion in US Funding Went to UN Agency Whose Employees Reportedly Attacked Israel on Oct. 7 | The Epoch Times
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized the aid agency of being ‘riddled with waste, fraud, and concerns of support to terrorism.’
News | The UN
EXCLUSIVEHow can the war between Israel and Hamas ever end when so many schools in Gaza - run by a UN agency backed by our millions - teach children to hate Jews?
DAVID PATRIKARAKOS: The tunnel yawns from the earth beneath the Al-Azhar University in Gaza City. Once, Hamas terrorists would emerge from here to commit atrocities.
News | The UN
UNRWA exists only to push the delusion that Israel is a temporary state
It is the greatest obstacle to peace
News | The UN
Israel’s counterclaim against South Africa - and its claims against UNRWA and Iran
South Africa brazenly brought an absurd case before the ICJ while the sordid role of UNRWA in this horrible tragedy also puts into question South Africa’s continued commitment to funding UNRWA - a group which can now be considered a terrorist organization
News | The UN
UNRWA is worse than you think
For far too long this UN agency has provided moral cover to the anti-Semitic haters of Israel.
News | The UN
Never mind UNRWA — end US funding for the pro-terror United Nations itself
America has laws against financing terrorist groups, and the United Nations does just that.
Politics | Politics
US House officials dig deep into UNRWA-Hamas ties | World Israel News
Testimonies of UNRWA's failure to help the Palestinians in Gaza were recorded, with bipartisan unity in UNRWA's condemnation.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - Everyone in Gaza knew that Hamas built weapons tunnels under UNRWA schools - since 2008!
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | POLITICS
GOP Lawmaker Accuses Biden of Pushing Out ‘Tens-of-Millions’ in Taxpayer Funding for UNRWA Just Prior to Aid Suspension
The Biden administration may have funneled "tens-of-millions" in American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations’ Palestinian aid group before announcing a pause in U.S. contributions as a result of the organization’s role in Hamas’s October 7 terror spre
News | The UN
Elder Of Ziyon - Palestinian leaders defend UNRWA - and their reasons are exactly why it SHOULD be shut down
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | The UN
The U.N.’s War on Israel
While the International Court of Justice dignifies a blood libel, Unrwa has to fire staff over Oct. 7.
Politics | Politics
State Department Continues to Fund the UN's Terror-Simping UNRWA After Advertising a 'Pause' in Funding
A growing list of countries have announced their contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) would "pause" after revelations that some of its employees were active participants in the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.
News | The UN
Terrorists deeply embedded within UNRWA staff
Many Hamas operatives register as agency employees.
News | The UN
UNRWA: The rotten edifice of ‘humanitarianism’
UNRWA should be prosecuted for complicity with war crimes
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Hamas sacrifices Gaza children, and UNRWA is complicit
From jihadist indoctrination in their education system to using them as human shields, Hamas’ abuse of Gaza’s children runs rampant.
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Chat Group of UN Teachers in Gaza Filled With Posts Supporting Hamas
Back in November, Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, a UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said claims that Palestinian schools teach hatred of Jews are "false and insidious" and "only fuel a toxic and deeply polarized environment." He got hit with a Community Note about the textbooks used in the schools.
News | The UN
Troops in Gaza find dozens of rockets under UNRWA boxes
The Israel Defense Forces says troops operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located dozens of rockets hidden under boxes with UNRWA markings in a residential home, and other weaponry belonging to Hamas.
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Hostages held in homes of Hamas-sympathetic UNRWA employees
Released hostage was held for 50 days in the attic of an UNRWA teacher, another was held captive by a children's doctor.
News | The UN
Several UNRWA staffers praised Hamas's October 7 massacres
'This is an unforgettable glorious morning,' said an UNRWA employee about onslaught; 'What a splendid sight!' wrote another on fires caused by Hamas rockets, according to IMPACT-se
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Behind the Scene with David Bedein: Watch UNRWA in Action
Behind the Scene with David Bedein: Watch UNRWA in Action UNRWA Video starts at 11:16
Politics | Politics
Why is the Biden administration funding a UN agency it deems 'unacceptable'?
In the diplomatic understatement of the year, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides stated last month that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the U.N. body tasked with helping so-called Palestinian refugees,
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David Bedein – Watch UNRWA Incitement to Jihad
David Bedein – Watch UNRWA Incitement to Jihad UNRWA Ignites Jerusalem – March 2022 from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה”ת CFNEPR on Vimeo. During the first week of 2023, Fatah & the Palestine Liberation Organization
News | Antisemitism Watch
Understanding Israel-hatred: Follow the $$
Why would NGOs, U.N. agencies and international organizations ever want to give up the filthy lucre they get for bashing Israel?
News | News
David Bedein – How to Defeat the PLO and UNRWA
David Bedein – How to Defeat the PLO and UNRWA Following the US and Israel elections: The following document will be submitted to the new US Congress & Israeli Knesset. Below is a list of doable steps that will make all the difference: 1. Rec
News | Antisemitism Watch
UN Agency Suspends 6 Staff for Calling to Murder Jews
GENEVA, June 29, 2022 — The UN agency that runs schools for Palestinians announced to donor states yesterday that it has just placed six employees on administrative leave after a report on Thursday by UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers who publicly call to m
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UN Watch Report Exposes UNRWA’s Teachers of Hate
UN Watch Report Exposes UNRWA’s Teachers of Hate GENEVA, June 28, 2022 — As the U.S. and other Western states gathered on Thursday at the United Nations in the presence of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to pledge funding for the UN agency t
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Israel National News – ‘UNRWA is missing the point entirely’
Israel National News – ‘UNRWA is missing the point entirely’ By Elad Benari – Israel National News UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer responded to UNRWA’s statement in which it announced a probe into alleged anti-Semitism and anti-
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Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky – How Hamas Took UNRWA Hostage
Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky – How Hamas Took UNRWA Hostage http://www.romirowsky.com/25446/hamas-took-unrwa-hostage Truth is a rare commodity when it comes to international organizations, all the more so when it comes to the United Nations Relief
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
GOP Rebuffs Biden Move to Resume Funding for Jihad, Anti-Semitism-Linked U.N. Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency
A group of GOP senators came out against the Biden administration's move to resume funding for a U.N. Palestinian refugee agency.
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UN Agency Continues Teaching Terrorism, Antisemitism; Biden Resumes Taxpayer Funding
The Biden administration’s resumption of taxpayer-funded aid to the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency was met with accolades by...
Politics | Opinion
Biden Just Threw Israeli-Palestinian Peace Under the Bus | Opinion
At a time when the Abraham Accords finally mark acceptance by some Arabs of Israel's belonging and permanence in the region, the Biden administration is refinancing an agency that provides
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
Elder Of Ziyon - The Biden administration is gaslighting Jews
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
New hate-mongering scandals at UN agency that Biden means to send millions
President Biden, in his obsession with reversing every Trump policy, means to reinstate funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year for an agency that teaches Palestinian children to hate “the E
News | News
05/12 Links David Collier: Palestinian refugees and UNRWA – it is time to tell the truth; Lag B’Omer Amid COVID-19; Israeli Soldier Killed by Rock Thrown During West Bank Arrest Op
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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UNRWA nervous over Israel offering free education for Arab "refugees" in Jerusalem
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
The UN Agency for Palestinians Is Even Worse Than You Think It Is
A corruption scandal involving sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation against whistleblowers, and lots of business-class travel has gripped the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). It represents a new l
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The Center for Near East Policy Research - UNRWA 2004 to 2019 Explained!
The Center for Near East Policy Research – UNRWA 2004 to 2019 Explained! The Center for Near East Policy Research-Israel Resource News Agency About the Center The Center for Near East Policy Research is dedicated to proactive, investigative research
News | News
Watch What is Taught in UNRWA Schools. PEACE Possible?
Watch What is Taught in UNRWA Schools. PEACE Possible? h/t Stand With Us Arabic & Michael Shine Related
Politics | PLO Fatah (Arabs occupying Israel)
US Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Monitor Intolerance in Palestinian Textbooks | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner
Palestinian schoolchildren sit inside a classroom at an UNRWA-run school, on the first day of a new school year, in …
News | News
Young Palestinian Discovers He's Jewish, Becomes Anti-UNRWA Activist
Anti-UNRWA activist Mordechai Yosef. Photo: Twitter screenshot. A young Palestinian Muslim man was raised to hate Jews, but then discovered …
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Palestinian Op-Ed Accurately Explains How UNRWA Turned From Humanitarian to Political
Ma’an published an op-ed by Ali Hweidi, a writer and researcher on Palestinian affairs from Lebanon, about the threat of...
Politics | Opinion
Terror kites, terror tunnels, suicide bombings, stabbings, rock-throwing: the lie of the Palestinian “right of return”
Nazi politician and propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels once advised: “When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. [One should] keep up the lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”
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Why Is a Study of Palestinian School Books Being Kept Secret from the US Congress?
Why does the US State Department continue to block the publication of the congressional investigation of Palestinian textbooks taught in...
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Will the World Finally Turn Off the UNRWA Spigot?
It’s been a rough few months for UNRWA — the UN agency dedicated to providing care for more than five million Palestinians...
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
How Palestinian Education and UNRWA Incitement Lead to Innocent Deaths | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
Teachers work hard to find real-life examples to help pique the interests of their skeptical students. Teachers in UNRWA schools...
News | News
New Scandal Envelops UNRWA as Employees Praise Jerusalem Synagogue Atrocity | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
Among the many Palestinians who openly celebrated Tuesday’s terrorist atrocity at a synagogue in Jerusalem, during which four worshippers and a police officer were brutally murdered, were several employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (
Politics | Opinion
The trouble with UNRWA
Israel privately says the UN's Palestinian refugee organization -- now a prominent factor in the war with Hamas -- is biased, hostile, and shouldn't exist at all. So why doesn't Israel want it abolished?