Pets & Animals | Dogs & Other Animals
Whale song mystery solved by scientists
Scientists deduce how whales sing under the sea, and why they can be drowned out by noisy ships.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Don't Miss the Migration of Thousands of Beluga Whales That's Streaming Live
Thousands of beluga whales are swimming south, and you can watch their progress live.
Politics | Energy
Whale Corpses Are Stacking Up But the Libs Won't Talk About What Might Be Killing Them
Why are whales dying in record numbers and — just as importantly — why are the deodorant-dodging Libs not talking about the whale-ocaust?
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Democrats Are 'Saving the Environment' by Killing Whales
Seven dead whales have washed up on the New York-New Jersey coastline since December, prompting calls for Gov. Phil Murphy (D., N.J.) to halt development on a number of offshore wind farms in the area. He refused.
Pets & Animals | Animals!
Orcas Hunting Great White Sharks Captured on Camera for the First Time
Is anything safe from orcas?
Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment
12 Fascinating Facts About Whales
We still have a lot to learn about these beasts of the deep.
Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment
New Killer Whale Could Be the Largest Unknown Animal Left on the Planet
Found in some of the most inhospitable latitudes on Earth, it's no wonder these mysterious creatures remained undescribed by science for so long.
Pets & Animals | Animals!
Nice Whale Returns Phone Woman Accidentally Dropped Into Sea
"We almost didn't believe what we saw."
News | News Items
What’s Happening to the North Atlantic Right Whale Is Just Plain Wrong | NRDC
Scientists say the species could be functionally extinct in as little as 20 years—but there are some solutions within reach.
Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment
World’s first talking killer whale: Wikie the orca learns to say ‘hello’ and ‘bye bye’
Whales are known for their impressive communications skills which allow pods to ‘talk’ to each other through complex clicks and singing, even when they are 100 miles apart.
Sports | Surfing/Skating/SUPing
Humpback whale lunges out of the water just inches from a paddle boarder
A humpback whale got a little too close to a paddelboarder in California.
Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment
10 Playful Facts About Beluga Whales | Mental Floss
In an ocean filled with over 80 whale species, belugas definitely stand out from the crowd. From their distinct pale shade to their relatively petite stature, you should have no trouble identifying these social sea mammals if you’re ever in their arctic neighborhood. Here are 10 facts worth knowing about the bubbly beluga whale.