
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff

The World Economic Forum: Making the World Safe for Autocracy › American Greatness

Churning out carbon emissions to fly in on their corporate jets to Davos, Switzerland, for their annual fête to make the world safe for autocracy, the World Economic Forum’s hypocrisy is once again…

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PODCAST: Russia, Insurrection, It All Leads to Klaus Schwab

Our country faces a litany of societal challenges. We have the false narrative of January 6th, the c

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The Moscow-Beijing Axis Is a Troubling Alliance Toward a New World Order

There has always been a lot of talk about the threat of a “new world order” in contemporary America. From talk about the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg to the Council on Foreign Relations, there has always been a shadow in which organization

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There’s Something Happening Here, What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear...

In a world where it is impossible to fully believe we are getting even a portion of the truth from the mainstream media, and where divining the facts online about any given matter is a dubious task, points of view with solid arguments are a premium.

Politics | Politics

World Economic Forum Tries to Strong-Arm Sovereign Economies: ‘Nobody Can Hide’ from ESG Standards

As if to believe they have the unilateral power to ignore the economic sovereignty of every nation on the planet, the senior-most elite of the government-usurping globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland has declared that Environ

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The World Economic Forum Fear-Mongers the Global Economy in Attempt to Coerce a 'Great Reset'

It is the definition of audacious: A hyper-agendized group of global profiteers – a cadre of the world’s wealthiest people bent on co-opting the world’s economic system – producing fearmongering reports about economic doom in the immediate future

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The Federal Reserve Falls to Wokeness

In yet another move by the radical Left to “reimagine” our historical culture, the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors issued an edict...

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The Institutionalized Call for ESG Scoring Is Upon Us

As the Right in Washington exists preoccupied with whatever the Marxists put in front of them (and admittedly it is a lot), the financial...

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Podcast | Underground USA | United States

An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Not to get biblical sounding, but it is done. We now have a President biden and a cast of radical Left wing Marxist-Progressives in our Executive Branch administration whose goal is to embrace the Grea

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RightMinded with Frank Salvato

An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

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World Economic Forum-Endorsed ‘Great Reset’ Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

With the results of the 2020 General Election soon to be discovered, the next great threat on the horizon –

Politics | Thoughts, Ideas, Discourse

Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance.