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- Medicine, Science & Technology
Medicine, Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Robotics: Ethics of artificial intelligence : Nature News & Comment
Four leading researchers share their concerns and solutions for reducing societal risks from intelligent machines.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless' warns professor - Telegraph
Robots, called LAWS – lethal autonomous weapons systems – will be able to kill without human intervention
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees: How soon will robots take over the world? - Telegraph
An explosion in artificial intelligence has sent us hurtling towards a post-human future, warns Martin Rees
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think - NYTimes.com
A review of studies shows that coffee’s reputation as being unhealthy is undeserved, with the potential health benefits surprisingly large.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
New machine could one day replace anesthesiologists - The Washington Post
Four U.S. hospitals are using the Sedasys machine, which is limited to simple screenings in healthy patients.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Why Pi Matters - The New Yorker
Yes, Pi Day is again upon us. And not just any Pi Day. They’re calling this the Pi Day of the century: 3.14.15. Pi to five digits.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Why processed foods make you fat: two common food additives linked to obesity and gut inflammation
A new study suggests that two very common emulsifiers - chemicals that stabilize foods and stop products like mayo from separating - could increase the risk of obesity and irritable bowel syndrome.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
What if the universe had no beginning? | Science Wire | EarthSky
Reports of the death of the Big Bang have been greatly exaggerated. Big Bang theory is alive and well. At the same time, our universe may not have a beginning
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Nano-Coated Steel Is 10 Times Stronger | MIT Technology Review
A new way to produce metals could have wide-ranging effects.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever - Telegraph
New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Asteroids Had Magnetic Fields That Could Have Protected Hitchhiking Lifeforms
New research that shows that the rubble of our solar system, asteroids and meteoroids, once had long-lasting magnetic fields that perhaps could have protected life stowing away on them.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy
There’s another kind of nuclear energy that’s been waiting in the wings for decades – and it may just demand a recalibration of our thoughts on nuclear.
Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology
First new antibiotic in 30 years discovered in major breakthrough - Telegraph
The discovery of Teixobactin could pave the way for a new generation of antibiotics because of the way it was discovered.