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The American Experiment | Politics

Politics | The American Experiment

FPI Analysis: What U.S. Officials Said on Iran, What We Know Now | Foreign Policy Initiative

The United States remains the world's indispensable nation -- indispensable to international peace, security, and stability, and indispensable to safe-guarding and advancing the ideals and principles we hold dear.

Politics | The American Experiment

Kerry’s absolute idiocy | Power Line

The Obama administration's rush to sell us out to Iran presents a spectacle of deception, prevarication, and idiocy the likes of which we have never seen. It is as though Henry Wallace had been giv...

Politics | The American Experiment

Feds Can’t Verify $2.8 Billion in Obamacare Subsidies | Washington Free Beacon

The federal government cannot verify nearly $3 billion in subsidies distributed through Obamacare, putting significant taxpayer funding “at risk.”

Politics | The American Experiment

ICE: 121 migrants awaiting deportation charged in deaths

Between 2010 and 2014, 121 undocumented immigrants who committed crimes but were released awaiting deportation were later charged with homicide.

Politics | The American Experiment

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns - Rasmussen Reports™

Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on

Politics | The American Experiment

How Obama Abandoned Israel - WSJ

In The Wall Street Journal, Michael Oren writes about the rocky relationship between Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Politics | The American Experiment

Iran’s Nuclear Stockpile Grows, Complicating Negotiations -

Iran’s nuclear material has increased during talks with the United States, despite the Obama administration’s assertion that the program had been “frozen.”

Politics | The American Experiment

The governor who didn't bark |

On July 1, 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law the Local Control Funding Formula, depicting it as a “truly revolutionary” change in California public schools. Instead of the previous basic formula of paying districts based on average daily attendan

Politics | The American Experiment

The New Nationwide Crime Wave - WSJ

Writing in The Wall Street Journal about the new nationwide crime wave, Heather Mac Donald says that the consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.

Politics | The American Experiment

The Curiously Redacted Sentence From Hillary Email… | Weasel Zippers

Politics | The American Experiment

Emails Cast Doubt on Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Claims

Hillary Clinton was personally made aware of security dangers in the months leading up to the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi.

Politics | The American Experiment

Patrick Moynihan: Bill Clinton is the problem - Opinion - - Providence, RI

 Colleagues who have listened to me criticize Bill Clinton for his work in Haiti since it began five years ago have urged me to share my views with the wider public. For a long time, I have hesitated. Anyone who delves into how the former president faile

Politics | The American Experiment

Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are - The Atlantic

Surveys show a shockingly high fraction think a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when the reality is that it's probably less than 2 percent.

Politics | The American Experiment

Murders in Bangladesh, Government Looks the Other Way

Forty-seven percent of Bangladeshi Muslims said that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets could be justified to defend Islam from an enemy (compared to Malaysia at 18%, Indonesia at 9% and Pakistan at 3%). It seems clear,

Politics | The American Experiment

More Proof Of Paid Protesters: Ad Asking For Protesters To Travel To Protest, List Of Payouts To #Ferguson Protest Organ

Politics | The American Experiment

Civil War on the Left, Part 19 | Power Line

I recall back in the 1980s that you could always count on Duke political scientist and “Sovietologist” Jerry Hough to take the wrong line on everything. Reagan was a dunce, the Soviets are normal f...

Politics | The American Experiment

DHS IG report undercuts argument for Obama’s executive amnesty | Power Line

In defense of President Obama's executive amnesty, the Department of Justice has argued in court that the policy is a proper exercise of prosecutorial discretion. It claims that by deferring action...

Politics | The American Experiment

The First — and a Half — Amendment | National Review Online

Politics | The American Experiment

Corruption from the IRS to the DoJ | Power Line

The pro-Israel group Z Street had its application for tax-exempt status held up at the IRS. When founder Lori Lowenthal Marcus asked why, she was told that IRS auditors had been instructed to give ...

Politics | The American Experiment

No, there’s no “hate speech” exception to the First Amendment - The Washington Post

Asking “is this free speech or is it hate speech?” is like asking “is this free speech or is it rude speech?” or “is this free speech or is it evil speech?”

Politics | The American Experiment

How the Clintons Get Away With It - WSJ

The Clintons are protected from charges of corruption by their reputation for corruption, Peggy Noonan writes.

Politics | The American Experiment

The Koran Does Not Forbid Images of the Prophet

The Charlie Hebdo killers were operating under a misapprehension.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obamacare program may be linked to ER opioid prescriptions |

Experts say too many patients are being prescribed opioid painkillers by emergency room doctors, and a program created by Obamacare could be enabling the problem. A new study released this week found 17 percent of nearly 20,000 patients were discharged fr

Politics | The American Experiment

How images of the prophet Muhammad became ‘forbidden’ - The Washington Post

It's complicated.

Politics | The American Experiment

After Dropping Depth Charges on Suspected Russian Sub, Finland Sends Readiness Letter to 900,000 Reservists | Washington

At about 3 A.M. local time last Tuesday, ships of the Finnish Navy dropped depth charges into the waters near Helsinki in the vicinity of what has been reported to be a possible Russian submarine. The Finns initially refused to confirm that this possible

Politics | The American Experiment

The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities’ Social Breakdown | National Review Online

Politics | The American Experiment

U.S. Emergency-Room Visits Keep Climbing - WSJ

Emergency-room visits continued to climb in the second year of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting the law’s supporters who had predicted a decline in traffic as more people gained access to doctors and other health-care providers.

Politics | The American Experiment

Uranium Company's Lobbyist Has Clinton Ties | The Daily Caller

The Podesta Group has lobbied for Uranium One, the company at the center of a scandal involving the Clintons.

Politics | The American Experiment

The Blue-City Model - WSJ

Baltimore shows how progressivism has failed urban America, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.

Politics | The American Experiment

1,100 donors to a Canadian charity tied to Clinton Foundation remain secret - The Washington Post

Non-disclosure raises questions about group’s adherence to 2008 ethics deal with Obama officials.

Politics | The American Experiment

181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department - Vox

Get the list of Clinton Foundation donors who reported lobbying the State Department when Hillary Clinton was in charge. Right here.

Politics | The American Experiment

Firms Paid Bill Clinton Millions As They Lobbied Hillary Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton accepted $2.5 million from 13 major companies that lobbied the U.S. State Department during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

Politics | The American Experiment

Top Clinton Foundation Official: "This Is Not Charity"

When asked by a reporter to describe the Clinton Foundation's charitable efforts, a top Clinton Foundation official declared, "This is not charity."

Politics | The American Experiment

Freedom of Conscience Wins a Round | National Review Online

Politics | The American Experiment

No, the War on Drugs Is Not ‘Forcing Black Men Out of Society’ | National Review Online

Politics | The American Experiment

The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013

In 2013, the most recent year for which data are available, only 10 percent of the Clinton Foundation's expenditures were for direct charitable grants.

Politics | The American Experiment

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’ | New York Post

The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month. The Clinton family’s mega-charity took...

Politics | The American Experiment

Iran plays chess, U.S. plays checkers -

While the U.S. entangles itself in the nuclear negotiations, Iran is gaining a freer hand to assert its regional influence

Politics | The American Experiment

This is the case against Obama's Iran deal that everyone should hear - Vox

Michael Doran, who sat on Bush's National Security Council, explains how the deal could make things a lot worse.

Politics | The American Experiment

The Khamenei Fatwa Hoax Is Absurd on its Face

Politics | The American Experiment

Obama removes Cuba from terror sponsor list, Cuban supported terror group kills 10 | Power Line

On Tuesday, President Obama announced that the U.S. is removing Cuba from its state sponsors of terror list. Hours later, FARC, a terrorist group long supported by Cuba, murdered 10 Colombian soldi...

Politics | The American Experiment

Decoding the Obama Doctrine :: Daniel Pipes

James Jeffrey, Barack Obama's former ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Iraq, has this to say about the administration's current record in the Middle East: "We're in a goddamn free fall." Count the mistakes: Helping overthrow Muamma

Politics | The American Experiment

The New Intolerance - WSJ

Indiana isn’t targeting gays. Liberals are targeting religion, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obama’s next earthquake - The Washington Post

He’s set the stage for a Middle East legacy.

Politics | The American Experiment

Don’t believe Obama’s faux outrage at Netanyahu - The Washington Post

If you think the Obama Administration's recent hostility to Israel results from Bibi's unwise pre-election comments, you haven't been paying attention--which is exactly what the administration hopes.

Politics | The American Experiment
Politics | The American Experiment

The Obama Administration’s Attack on the Constitution: Part 2, Environmental Protection Agency | Power Line

Politics | The American Experiment

The Obama Administration’s Attack on the Constitution: Part 1, Immigration | Power Line

Politics | The American Experiment

Cotton Letter Smokes Out Dangerous Concession to Iran

Using Security Council to achieve

Politics | The American Experiment

Rural hospitals, beset by financial problems, struggle to survive

Experts and practitioners cite declining federal reimbursements for hospitals under the Affordable Care Act.

Politics | The American Experiment

C.I.A. Cash Ended Up in Coffers of Al Qaeda -

The United States, largely because of poor oversight and loose financial controls, has sometimes inadvertently financed the very militants it is fighting.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal | New York Post

It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy. Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of...

Politics | The American Experiment

Legal Experts: Future U.S. President Could Revoke Bad Nuke Deal With Iran | Washington Free Beacon

Legal experts are refuting a claim by Iran’s foreign minister that revoking a potential deal on the country’s nuclear program would violate international law, amid confusion Wednesday regarding whether or not the deal the State Department is negotiati

Politics | The American Experiment

Lawfare › The Iran Letter and the Logan Act

Please like our Facebook page and follow Lawfare on Twitter: Follow @lawfareblog // The second-day story about the letter by 47 Republican Senators to the government of Iran that Jack's discussed here and here has shifted to whether these Senators

Politics | The American Experiment

On That Extraordinary Letter to Iran

Politics | The American Experiment

Bribes Disguised As Charitable Gifts: Hillary Clinton's Legal Trouble

Hillary Clinton's foundation says the money Algeria gave it was for a charitable cause, not favorable treatment. But plenty of bribes are given as charity.

Politics | The American Experiment

Emails May Be a Key to Addressing 'Pay-to-Play' Whispers at Clinton Foundation -

There are not two separate Clinton controversies. There is one big, hairy deal.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obama "Very Interested" In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action - Conn Carroll

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is "very interested" in the idea of raising.03/02/2015 19:37:46PM EST.

Politics | The American Experiment

Internet Access Is Not a Civil Right

Politics | The American Experiment

John Kerry | Iran | Joint Plan of Action | Nuclear

John Kerry criticizes critics of his negotiations with Iran for not knowing the details of the deal. His critics however have seen how he negotiates.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obama: Islam 'Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding' - Breitbart

“Here in America,” Obama stated, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

Politics | The American Experiment

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

Politics | The American Experiment

This African Country Was Once the World's Third Poorest. Here's How It Turned Things Around.

But buried in the heart of Southern Africa lies a success story that could be a model for the rest of the continent—Botswana.

Politics | The American Experiment

Texas District Court Enjoins Immigration Nonenforcement Order | National Review Online

Texas District Court Enjoins Immigration Nonenforcement Order -

Politics | The American Experiment

The Madisonian Nightmare | Washington Free Beacon

Book excerpt: How Interest Group Liberalism Breeds Corruption

Politics | The American Experiment

Cuban Democracy Advocate Viciously Beaten By Castro’s Thugs | Power Line

Many people are happy that the Obama administration is trying to normalize relations with Cuba's Communist dictatorship. They are the same people, or descendants of the same people, who idolized "U...

Politics | The American Experiment

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than in 2007 | The Daily Caller

Almost half of new jobs added since 2010 have gone to migrants

Politics | The American Experiment

The Legacy of Debt: Interest Costs Poised to Surpass Defense and Nondefense Discretionary Spending - Real Time Economics

The budgetary impact of the federal debt--$18 trillion in total, $13 trillion of that owed to the public--will reassert itself in coming years.

Politics | The American Experiment

The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

Here's something that many Americans -- including some of the smartest and most educated among us -- don't know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Politics | The American Experiment

Speaking of Underinflated Balls. . . | Power Line

Did you catch the economic news yesterday? The U.S. economy hit “speed bumps,” according to the Wall Street Journal’s lede story, but it would appear that those berms may be quicksand traps. Fourth...

Politics | The American Experiment

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Politics | The American Experiment

Elizabeth Warren backers fund poll stoking Hillary Clinton doubts

A group of major liberal donors who want Elizabeth Warren to run for president have paid for a poll intended to show that Hillary Clinton does not excite the Democratic base and would be vulnerable in a 2016 general election. The automated poll of nearly

Politics | The American Experiment

Loretta Lynch Must Not Be Confirmed | Power Line

Politics | The American Experiment

Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

No one really acts as if Islam and Christianity are an equal threat. So what exactly causes one religion to be more violent?

Politics | The American Experiment

Chicago Activists Unchained, Destroy Black Leadership

Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold

Politics | The American Experiment

800,000 Muslims Rally Against Charlie Hebdo in Chechnya – A Country of 1.3 Million People

Nearly one million Muslims rallied in Grozny, Chechnya against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. They're more upset with the magazine than they are with the killer Kouachi brothers. People attend a rally to protest against satirical cartoons of prop

Politics | The American Experiment

Obamacare “Fail” Stories | Sharyl Attkisson

Politics | The American Experiment

TV Makers Design for Streaming Video to Stay Relevant

Does anyone just watch TV anymore? The dramatic shift toward online and mobile viewing is driving television set makers to design as much for streaming video as for watching broadcast or cable channels. Traditional TV is far from dead, but these days view

Politics | The American Experiment

The GOP Doesn't Have To 'Replace' Obamacare

You don’t have to replace Obamacare's bad ideas, you just have to get rid of them.

Politics | The American Experiment

Cuban dissidents arrested before free-speech demonstration in Havana

Antonio Rodiles, Eliezer Avila and Reinaldo Escobar reportedly detained and government action will be test of newly restored diplomatic relations with US

Politics | The American Experiment

Paving the Way to Full Repeal - THE 2017 PROJECT

Under a winning alternative, costs would drop, liberty would be secured, and any American who wants to buy health insurance would be able to do so.

Politics | The American Experiment

Big Data, Big Brother: It’s a Big Deal

Government knows it can find small problems by sweeping up “Big Data.” Sifting through it, they can find terrorists’ needles amid a haystack of tweets about who got voted off The Voice.

Politics | The American Experiment

Anderson Forecast: U.S. economy falls short of true recovery; California job growth steady / UCLA Newsroom

Anderson Forecast: U.S. economy falls short of true recovery; California job growth steady / UCLA Newsroom