Moptu Co-Founder. I love politics, music, history,
and I take free speech very seriously.

Josh Namm

Articles 2.6K
Views 4.6M

Articles By Me | News

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So, Just How Jewish Is Gaza? - Joshua Namm

As it turns out: very Jewish.

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We Need To Call It What It Is: Palestinianism - Joshua Namm

To effectively combat antisemitism, we need to start using more specific terms.

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What A (Jewish) Week - Joshua Namm

It Can't Be Good For All Of America, Unless It's Good For Us Too

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It’s Not The Politics: It’s The Antisemitism - Joshua Namm

Obsession with party over community MUST stop.

Recently, one of my articles was the target of some intensely negative feedback. The common thread through those reactions was basically “Most Jews are Democrats, so how dare you criticize Democratic Party?”

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Harris-Walz Are NOT Pro-Israel (Or Even Pro-Jewish) - Joshua Namm

If you are still planning to vote for Harris-Walz, be honest with yourself. Would you put up with any of this if it had all been carried out by Republicans instead of Democrats?

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I Made The Jerusalem Post!!! - Joshua Namm's Substack

Or rather, the platform I co-founded made it! And I couldn't be more proud!!!

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Is this justice? Justice has been especially unjust for the Jews of America and Israel - Joshua Namm

One of the things that has become crystal clear since October 7, and the dramatic rise in antisemitism which followed, is that the “justice” system can be anything but just for the Jewish community. While there have been some successes, there are also recent examples which demonstrate just how perverse and unjust the legal system can be – both in Israel and America.

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The Continuing Emptiness Of “Never Again” - Joshua Namm

“Never again is now” has become “never again - when it’s convenient."

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Is Israel Losing The War? - Joshua Namm

That is a headline I never thought that I’d be typing. But, as I sit here, more than seven months after the worst attack on our people since the Shoah (Holocaust), anyone objective has to wonder what is really going on in this war. I have asked a similar

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We Deserve Better. Much better. - Joshua Namm

The post 10/7 Jewish world cannot be business as usual.

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Hard Facts About "Tough Love" - Joshua Namm

What part of "sovereign nation" do Democrats not understand?

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Joshua Namm: Joe Biden Hates Israel

With friends like Joe...

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Joshua Namm: For Jews, The Ivy Is Still Poison

Nothing has changed in the Ivy League.

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Joshua Namm: “Intifada" Is Absolutely A Call For Genocide

Those Who Deny It Are Fools Or Liars.

I rarely write an article condemning another article. My usual goal is to inform, persuade and be critical of flawed or dangerous ideas.

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Chanukah: Independence & Defiance, Not Tolerance - Joshua Namm

Far from a “minor” holiday, Chanukah is more crucial than ever.

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Joshua Namm: Nazis in the Jacuzzi

For Some, Antisemitism Is Shockingly Casual

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Joe Biden’s Anti-Jewish “Antisemitism Strategy”

American Jews deserve better

At the beginning of summer, in a “private” letter to U.S. Antisemitism Envoy Deborah Lipstadt, Israeli President Isaac Herzog called Joe Biden’s plan to fight antisemitism (the so-called “national strategy to combat antisemitism”) “a historic moment deserving of recognition and gratitude. … The formidable language of the report contains a sound strategy, well-defined pillars and concrete, viable goals that will help create more tolerant and open societies.”

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Priority: Jewish Unity

Just before this year’s Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), a horrifying, and not at all surprising, report came out of Tel Aviv University (TAU) called “The Annual Report on Antisemitism Worldwide–2022.” The study found that there were roughly 3,700 attacks on Jews in the United States last year. The year before that, 2021, saw 2,717 attacks. Each set a record for attacks on our people. The incidents included beatings, being spat on, having objects thrown at people, verbal abuse, etc.

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What is Antisemitism? - Joshua Namm

Over the next 12 months, I will be writing a series about antisemitism.
While I am passionate in my zeal for Judaism and the Jewish community, and spend a good deal of time railing on social media and to anyone who will listen about antisemitism, when it came to writing this first article, I was at a loss.

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Shavuot: The holiday that started it all. | Jlife

Most people get excited, or at least know about, the festivals of Passover and Sukkot. GREAT NEWS: there are three Jewish festivals! And the third one is, in many ways, the one that started it all: Shavuot.

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JEWISH WOMEN: First Among Equals & NEVER Subservient | Josh Namm | Jlife

Judaism, and by extension, Jewish culture, has always held women in the highest regard. Not the “we’re putting you on a pedestal like a pretty doll” kind of regard, but the “women are central to our culture and traditions and every inch the equals of men” kind of regard. Virtually alone among ancient traditions, Judaism has, literally from the beginning, placed men and women on an equal footing, while still recognizing the inherent differences between the two sexes (and to claim that there are no differences is as silly as saying that water is not wet).