Citizen Journalist, Reaching for the stories you won't see on CNN or FOX. Anti-War and Anti-Imperialist. A Wretched Soul. And a Liberal Mind.

Declaration of Liberty

Articles 34
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Politics | Politics

    Politics | Politics

    Have Our Public Institutionalists Become Institutionalized? PART II, The Woke Right

    Institutions of learning and propagandists of war can't help but to submit to the "experts" in the age of doing your own Research.

    Politics | Politics

    Review of Bob Woodward's Latest Book "War" and Failure of "Access Journalism"

    It should have been called: Breaking "Hearts & Minds" of those who still believe in Watergate and Bob Woodward. Part 1: Ukraine.

    Politics | Politics

    The Persecution of Truth-Tellers

    Chapter I Edward Snowden