I founded www.workplacecoachblog.com (still active) & ran for 39 years a nationally respected management consulting firm; authored four books, Beating the Workplace Bully, AMACOM 2016 & Solutions (both rated 4.8 stars out of 5 on amazon.com). I've written a "dear Abby for the workplace" weekly newspaper column for 38 years, love answering coach questions.

Lynne Curry

Articles 621
Views 436K

Psychology | Psychology

Psychology | Psychology

Navigating Conflict Webinar: practical tools for handling difficult, messy, touchy situation: practical strategies &

Conflict Tools Webinar: practical tools for handling difficult, messy, touchy situations: practical strategies & useful tools: a practical, hard-hitting 'how-to" webinar with the proven strategies to help you gain positive outcomes from even seve

Psychology | Psychology

Your Sneak Peek of Navigating Conflict | Workplace Coach Blog

Conflict skills & self-training manual: 20 pages from the new release of Navigating Conflict; the full table of contents & chapter 1

Psychology | Psychology

Is It Time You Acted? | Workplace Coach Blog

Workplace bullying, it's time you acted. Concrete reasons for getting off the sidelines.

Psychology | Psychology

Handling Employee One-Uppers and Hotheads | Workplace Coach Blog

Strategies that work when you deal with employee one-uppers and hotheads

Psychology | Psychology

Identifying & Outsmarting Bullies. | Workplace Coach Blog

Just provided a short webinar showcasing: the 7 bully bully types; how to handle the bully’s initial confrontation without being …

Psychology | Psychology

Workplace Quicksand: Don’t Step Into It | Workplace Coach Blog

workplace quicksand: what's really beneath many conflicts, and how to avoid and fix them

Psychology | Psychology

Nuke Fear: An Extra Christmas Gift You Owe Yourself | Workplace Coach Blog

Perhaps fear has been a slithering snake whispering “danger” in your ear. Possibly fear has stopped you from swallowing words …

Psychology | Psychology

You Were Doing Fine Until . . . What To Do When Something Unexpected Takes You Down | Workplace Coach Blog

Personal coaching: what to do when something unexpected takes you down

Psychology | Psychology

What We Need to Get Through This - Workplace Coach Blog

What we need to get through this. Working together. Healing ourselves first.

Psychology | Psychology

You Knew She Was Depressed, But Suicidal? Now What? - Workplace Coach Blog

Your coworker is depressed, possibly suicidal, what can you do?

Psychology | Psychology

The Toxic Workplace and You - Workplace Coach Blog

Toxic workplace: how has it impacted you, what do you want your leaders to realize?

Psychology | Psychology

Revenge Porn - Workplace Coach Blog

Revenge porn: a true story & what can be done

Psychology | Psychology

7 Strategies That Nuke Energy Vampires & Judgmental Critics - Workplace Coach Blog

7 strategies that nuke energy vampires & judgmental critics

Psychology | Psychology

Outsmarting Bullies: So You Can Call "Game Over" - Workplace Coach Blog

Outsmarting bullies: tips and strategies

Psychology | Psychology

Are You a Bully Magnet? - Workplace Coach Blog

Are you a bully magnet? Here are 5 answers that tell you what you need to know.

Psychology | Psychology

Emotional Hijacking - Workplace Coach Blog

Conflict tools: emotional hijacking; here's what happens & what to do

Psychology | Psychology

Attacked by a Workplace Cyberbully: Actions to Take ASAP - Workplace Coach Blog

Cyberbullying escalating: why & what to do

Psychology | Psychology

Navigating Your Landmines - Workplace Coach Blog

Navigate your landmines; bring light to your shadow side.

Psychology | Psychology

The Politics of Manipulation: Employee "Fan" Turns on You - Workplace Coach Blog

Unsuspecting supervisor falls into the drama triangle; employee exacts revenge

Psychology | Psychology

The Drama Triangle Quicksand - Workplace Coach Blog

Have you fallen into the drama triangle? How did it hook you? Does it work or what do you need to change?

Psychology | Psychology

Drama Triangle Collision & Escape - Workplace Coach Blog

The dreaded drama triangle; how it hooks you; what abusers are like; how to cut the wires.

Psychology | Psychology

PTSD and Bullying - Workplace Coach Blog

Bullying creates PTSD & employers need to accomodate employee victims

Psychology | Psychology

Bitten by Jealousy: Own It Before It Owns You - Workplace Coach Blog

You appreciate Josh. Or, at least you did until last week. It still stings that he upstaged you when you …

Psychology | Psychology

Taking Suicide Down From 44% Times National Average to Zero - Workplace Coach Blog

The year was 1971. The suicide rate in Nome, Alaska was forty-four times national average. The most at risk were …

Psychology | Psychology

Fatal Attraction: Possession Becomes Obsession - Workplace Coach Blog

She seemed like any other employee, but she wasn’t. She was an employer’s worst nightmare. Within a three months period, four employers called me reporting run-ins with “fatal attraction” employees. In each case, the store plays out like a televis

Psychology | Psychology

The Workplace Ted Bundy: stopping a serial killer - Workplace Coach Blog

You’ve met him–the workplace Ted Bundy. Initially he’s charming, both to men and women, and especially in the presence of the boss. He’s friendly and confiding. He extends himself on your behalf—out of all proportion to anything you’d expe

Psychology | Psychology

Courage, Convictions and Speaking Up: It’s Your Voice That’s Needed - Workplace Coach Blog

Recently Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski spoke about having “the courage of our own convictions to speak up.” As she noted, there are “important conversations that we need to have as an American people among ourselves about where we are right now.”

    Psychology | Psychology

    All On My Own Against a Bully - Workplace Coach Blog

    Question: When my boss is upset, he stomps through the office and yells “who’s going to pay for this!” or threatens “there’s going to be blood in the water.” My coworkers and I all put our heads down and all hope we’re not the one he picks o