I founded www.workplacecoachblog.com (still active) & ran for 39 years a nationally respected management consulting firm; authored four books, Beating the Workplace Bully, AMACOM 2016 & Solutions (both rated 4.8 stars out of 5 on amazon.com). I've written a "dear Abby for the workplace" weekly newspaper column for 38 years, love answering coach questions.

Lynne Curry

Articles 604
Views 394.6K

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Quiet Vacationing: What’s the Real Story | Workplace Coach Blog

Quiet vacationing: What's the real story: employees pretending they're at work while they're really vacationing: the statistics and truth

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employees Turn to AI in a Seismic Shift | Workplace Coach Blog

AI in the workplace: employees turn to AI in a seismic shift; the reality, the trends, the implications and the fears

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers and Employees Battle Over Employee Dissent on Gaza | Workplace Coach Blog

Employee dissent: employers & employees need to up their game; what employers are doing & need to do when employees speak out

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers, Can You Handle Gen Zers? If Not, Better Get Ready. | Workplace Coach Blog

Employers need to learn to manage/motivate Gen Z employees, who they view as difficult but who now outnumber Boomers. 4 strategies that work.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Do Employers Need to Come to Grips with Employees’ Mental Health Struggles? | Workplace Coach Blog

Do employers need to come to grips with employees' mental health needs? Yes, because they're real & impact the workplace

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Escaping Golden Handcuffs | Workplace Coach Blog

Escaping golden handcuffs: you have the key for unlocking those handcuffs: use your analytical and people skills & create your future

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Unhappy Employees: Fix the Problem by Changing the Workplace | Workplace Coach Blog

Unhappy Employees: Fixing the Problem by Changing the Workplace: One employer and one employee at a time: 3 concrete strategies that work

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Unhappy Employees, An Essential Truth, and Solutions | Workplace Coach Blog

Unhappy employees, an essential truth, and solutions that work to increase employee engagement, motivation, productivity and retention

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Israel/Hamas Conflict Rocks Our Workplace – Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I supervise a tight-knit team of professionals that work hard and play hard. To describe them as intense would be an understatement. They all care about current events and their heated discussions add spice to the workday. Even more important, t

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Israel/Hamas Conflict Rocks Our Workplace – Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I supervise a tight-knit team of professionals that work hard and play hard. To describe them as intense would be an understatement. They all care about current events and their heated discussions add spice to the workday. Even more important, t

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employee Works a 2nd Job and Works a Con on His Manager – Workplace Coach Blog

Question:  I supervise a talented but difficult employee, whose performance has always been spotty but recently went downhill. Lately, “Scott” has dragged himself into the office every morning. He looks exhausted. His eyelids half-close during staff

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers: You Don’t Need to Bring Employees Back to the Office to Build a Culture | Workplace Coach Blog

Building a company culture with hybrid or remote employees: here's what leaders need to do and here's how to involve employees

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers: You Don’t Need to Bring Employees Back to the Office to Build a Culture | Workplace Coach Blog

Building a company culture with hybrid or remote employees: here's what leaders need to do and here's how to involve employees

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers: You Don’t Need to Bring Employees Back to the Office to Build a Culture | Workplace Coach Blog

Building a company culture with hybrid or remote employees: here's what leaders need to do and here's how to involve employees

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Is It Time You Rose To The Challenge? | Workplace Coach Blog

Is it time you rose to the challenge? Avoid the leadership vacuum. Address problems and bullies. Learn to handle conflict.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employees Forced to Return to the Office Quit–In Droves | Workplace Coach Blog

Employees forced to return to the office quit in droves. 3 questions employers need to ask themselves. Employers solutions.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workday Dead Zone & The Triple Peak Workday | Workplace Coach Blog

Employees have changed how they’re working—as wise employers race to catch up. Here’s what’s new: Workday dead zone Managers and …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workday Dead Zone & The Triple Peak Workday | Workplace Coach Blog

Employees have changed how they’re working—as wise employers race to catch up. Here’s what’s new: Workday dead zone Managers and …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workday Dead Zone & The Triple Peak Workday | Workplace Coach Blog

Employees have changed how they’re working—as wise employers race to catch up. Here’s what’s new: Workday dead zone Managers and …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workday Dead Zone & The Triple Peak Workday | Workplace Coach Blog

Employees have changed how they’re working—as wise employers race to catch up. Here’s what’s new: Workday dead zone Managers and …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Ex-employee Bandit | Workplace Coach Blog

The ex-employee bandit: a departing employee that walks out the door with the employer's client and computer files--what employers can do.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Ex-employee Bandit | Workplace Coach Blog

The ex-employee bandit: a departing employee that walks out the door with the employer's client and computer files--what employers can do.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Ex-employee Bandit | Workplace Coach Blog

The ex-employee bandit: a departing employee that walks out the door with the employer's client and computer files--what employers can do.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Low Morale? Employees Lost Heart & Disengaged? Here’s How to Fix That with Team Building That Goes Beyond Rah-Rah

Low morale? Employees disengaged? Here's how to fix that with team-building activities that go beyond rah-rah to real.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Special Free Access to the Managing for Accountability App | Workplace Coach Blog

Accountability: free access to the managing for accountability apps to the first 15 blog readers who have a wonderful use for the apps

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Special Free Access to the Managing for Accountability App | Workplace Coach Blog

Accountability: free access to the managing for accountability apps to the first 15 blog readers who have a wonderful use for the apps

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Special Free Access to the Managing for Accountability App | Workplace Coach Blog

Accountability: free access to the managing for accountability apps to the first 15 blog readers who have a wonderful use for the apps

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Delivering Bad News to Those Who Deserve It | Workplace Coach Blog

Disciplinary meetings: delivering bad news to problem employees: what delay costs you and how to effectively conduct meetings

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Noncompete Agreements: I signed one; can I break it? | Workplace Coach Blog

Noncompete agreement: I signed it; can I break it? How much legal trouble will I be in? Do employers need to panic? The changing laws.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Confidentiality Agreements No More: It’s now safe to tell the truth about my ex-employer’s lies | Workplace Coach Bl

Confidentiality agreements no more: It's now safe to tell the truth about my ex-employer's lies: what's changed

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

When Employees Need to Vent Because Management Messed Up…for more than a year | Workplace Coach Blog

Managing an employee venting session so it doesn't explode

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Remote Employees: Employee Dream, Employer Nightmare | Workplace Coach Blog

Remote employees: an employee dream that becomes an employer's nightmare, the real tax and liability issues and what you need to navigate

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Free Podcast on How to Build Accountability…In Yourself, In Your Employees | Workplace Coach Blog

Accountability: free podcast on how to create accountability in yourself, in others, on how accountability is a game changer

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Enticing Employees Back into the Office: 3 Strategic Employer Mistakes | Workplace Coach Blog

Return to the office: enticing employees back to the worksite: 3 strategic employer mistake that kill morale, productivity & retention

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Why Leaders Fail: A Cautionary Tale | Workplace Coach Blog

Why newly promoted leaders fail: a cautionary tale: the reality and what failing leaders can do before they resign or find themselves fired

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Signs of Potential Disaster Were Present at Walmart—Are They Present at Your Workplace? | Workplace Coach Blog

Workplace violence signs were present before the murders at Walmart; are they present in your workplace: here are 6 warning signs

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Guns in the Workplace | Workplace Coach Blog

Guns in the workplace, what you need to know...about your coworkers, your employer, and the reality you face

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Inflation’s Impact on Employees and the Workplace | Workplace Coach Blog

Inflation's impact on employees and the workplace: financial worries and other the stunning survey results

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Elon Musk’s Twitter Crises: 5 Key Take-aways for Employers | Workplace Coach Blog

Elon Musk's Twitter Crises: 5 Key Take-aways for Employers

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Digital Presenteeism: Faking You Care, Faking You’re Even There | Workplace Coach Blog

Digital Presenteeism: Faking You Care; Faking You're Even There; the trend, the costs, what employers, managers and employees need to do

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Tough Love—What if the manager needs it as well as the “star in his own mind” employee? | Workplace Coach Blog

tough love for an employee who's a star in his own mind and for a manager who's "had it"

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employee Uses FMLA to Cover Drinking | Workplace Coach Blog

Alcoholic employee claims FMLA leave after calling in sick 2 to 3 Mondays a month.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Surviving the Dreaded “You’re Fired” Interview | Workplace Coach Blog

How to terminate an employee: surviving the dreaded "you're fired" interview; how to prepare; what to do and say

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Firing Without Backfiring, Avoiding the Revenge of the Difficult, Fired Employee | Workplace Coach Blog

Firing without backfiring: avoiding the revenge of the difficult, fired employee: just cause; good faith and 22 questions

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Signing Bonuses: A Wise Move? The advantages, disadvantages and how to make them work | Workplace Coach Blog

Signing bonuses: a wise move? Advantages, disadvantages & how to make them work --- and how to realize when an applicant has a better offer

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

I Smell Danger and So Should Your Boss | Workplace Coach Blog

Sexual assault or a pattern of sexual harassment can turn tragic and needs to be immediately investigated

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Workplace Coach Blog

Navigating Workplace & Life Challenges; Coaching & Inspiration

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    College…No Longer the Golden Ticket for Employers or Employees | Workplace Coach Blog

    college...no long the golden ticket for employers or employees, what kind of job can you get without a degree

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Employers are Hiring and Laying Off at the Same Time | Workplace Coach Blog

      50% of employers are planning layoffs, yet many are hiring at the same time; here's whose laying off employees

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Quiet Quitting: The New “Just Say No” Employee Pushback | Workplace Coach Blog

      Gone are the days when most employers could count on employees competing to go “above and beyond” to rise faster …

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Does Your Employer Have Long COVID; Check Out These Symptoms | Workplace Coach Blog

      Does your employer have long COVID; check out these symptoms; and here's the treatment

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Are We Headed Into A Recession Or Not? The Answer May Surprise | Workplace Coach Blog

      Are we headed into a recession or not? The answer may surprise...because the indicators don't mean what they once did.

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Laying Off Employees Who Don’t Expect It: consider the alternatives & don’t destroy morale | Workplace Coach Blog

      Laying off employees who don't expect it: consider the alternatives; how to do it without destroying morale

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      If You Want Your Business to Live, Consider This–And Get Your Father On Board | Workplace Coach Blog

      Question I grew up working in our family’s business under my dad’s mentorship. I’ve learned a lot from him and …

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        Romance 2022: 3 Real-life potential hot messes | Workplace Coach Blog

        Romance 2022: 3 real-life potential hot messages, the new workplace dynamics and the rules for employers and employees

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        Love Contracts: Help for Hot Messes | Workplace Coach Blog

        Love contracts: help for hot messes & a tool to handle perceived or potential sexual harassment situations

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        A Crucial First Step Many Managers Forget To Take | Workplace Coach Blog

        onboarding: a crucial first step many managers forget to take

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        Accountability in the Workplace: a 1 hour session on how to create a thriving accountability culture | Workplace Coach Blog

        Law Office Manager & Medical Office Manager have teamed together to sponsor this fast-paced 1-hour manager/leader briefing. Here’s what the …

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        Recruiting Gen Z Employees? Employers, Change Your Ways. | Workplace Coach Blog

        Recruiting Gen Z Employees? Employers Change Your Ways; here's what you need to realize & the changes you'll want to make in your recruiting

          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

          Roe v. Wade in the Workplace | Workplace Coach Blog

          Roe v. Wade in the Workplace, what to do when the discussion turns ugly

          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

          CEO Tells the Truth About Why He Fired Two Senior Managers | Workplace Coach Blog

          CEO tells the truth about what he learned about his company during the pandemic--that employees were the lifeblood

          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

          We Just Fired Our CEO | Workplace Coach Blog

          We just fired our CEO: five action steps; why CEO's become corrupt

          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

          Caregiver Wipeout: Caught in a Vise Between My Employer’s Expectations and My Family’s Needs | Workplace Coach Blog

          Caregiver Wipeout: Caught in a Vise Between My Employer’s Expectations and My Family’s Needs: what the laws say

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Betrayed by My Employer — How Can I Fight Back? | Workplace Coach Blog

            Employer rolling back vaccine mandates. How you can fight back. The leverage you have.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Employer/Contractor Win/Win Turns into a Lose | Workplace Coach Blog

            Making employees into independent contractors poses risks -- here's how to understand the regulations

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            It Isn’t the Pay; It’s What You Won’t Fix | Workplace Coach Blog

            it isn't the pay that costing you employees in the great resignation; it's what you won't deal with

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Emoji Harassment | Workplace Coach Blog

            Emoji harassment: what you didn't know; what it could mean to you

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Fallout Against Russian-born Employees | Workplace Coach Blog

            Ukraine invasion fallout against Russian-born employees

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Remote employee moonlighting: opportunity for employees; challenge for employers | Workplace Coach Blog

            Remote employee moonlighting: opportunity for employees; challenge for employers

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Restoring Trust in the Workplace: What managers can do to restore mutual trust that lasts for the long haul | Workplace Coach Blog

            Restoring trust in the workplace: what managers can do to return mutual trust that lasts for the long haul

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Pay Attention to Internal Warning Signals & Red Flags | Workplace Coach Blog

            New job landmines; pay attention to internal warning signals & red flags

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Fired For Using My Company’s Email During Non-Work Hours: Or Was There More to the Story? | Workplace Coach Blog

            Fired for using my company's email during non-work hours, or was there more to the story?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Are Remote Employees Second-class Citizens? | Workplace Coach Blog

            Remote work can hurt your career -- here's how to fix that

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Omicron and the Supervisor as Duct Tape | Workplace Coach Blog

            Omicron hits the workplace and supervisors have to duct tape the workplace together

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on OSHA Vaccine-or-testing Rule: What employers need to know/do | Workplace Coach Blog

            U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on OSHA vaccine mandate: what employers need to know and do now

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Winning the Talent War: What Employers Need to Understand | Workplace Coach Blog

            winning the war for talent; solutions and strategies that enable employers to win

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Zoom and Doom CEO fires 900 Employees over Zoom . . . When Senior Managers Lie & What to Do ABout it | Workplace Coach Blog

            Doom and Zoom CEO fires 900 employees in a 3 minute Zoom, what to do if you work for a senior manager who lies

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            When Work Ethic Goes Too Far: An Important Story Hidden in the Mayfield Candle Factory Disaster | Workplace Coach Blog

            workplace safety: an important story hidden in the mayfield candle factory disaster

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Is Your Harassment Policy Out-of-date?: Does it protect your remote workers? Does it ban trolling, doxing, and dogpiling? | Workplace Coach Blog

            Online harassment. Hate speech. Doxing. Trolling. Is your harassment policy out of date? Does it protect your employees and your company?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Religious Exemptions: A way out for employees or a tricky challenge for employers? | Workplace Coach Blog

            Question: If I’m to believe the stack of religious exemptions on my desk, a miracle unfolded in our company last …

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Don’t Lose Your New Employees Their 1st Week: The Reality & Drama of New Job Remorse | Workplace Coach Blog

            How to retain employees: don't lost your new employees their first week: the reality and drama of new employee job remorse

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            A Surprising New View on the Risk Employers Take When Terminating Employees for Refusing Vaccines - Workplace Coach Blog

            A surprising new view from an attorney on the risk employers take when terminating employees that refuse vaccinations

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            How Employers Can Lure Employees Back to the Office - Workplace Coach Blog

            How employers can lure back to the workplace; pragmatic suggestions employers & HR can implement today

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            The Reality of Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace - Workplace Coach Blog

            The reality of vaccine mandates in the workplace: the facts, the pros, the hows.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Is It True? Will Employees Resign Rather Than Get Vaccinated? - Workplace Coach Blog

            Will employees resign rather than get vaccinated? Here's the truth and here's how you can find out the truth in your workplace.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            You Worked Remotely During the Pandemic…But Your Employer Says You Have to Come into the Office? Not So Fast. - Workplace Coach Blog

            If you worked remotely during the pandemic, you may have grounds to insist you should still be allowed

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Can Employers Ask Applicants "Are You Vaccinated?" - Workplace Coach Blog

            Can employers ask applicants "are you vaccinated?"--not before making the job offer

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            When Your Daughter is Also Your Employee and About to Get Fired - Workplace Coach Blog

            How do you fire you child in the family business, when you want her to inherit the business?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            You Worked Remotely During the Pandemic…But Your Employer Says You Have to Come into the Office? Not So Fast. - Workplace Coach Blog

            If you worked remotely during the pandemic, you may have grounds to insist you should still be allowed

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Find Out What Your Employees Want—Before You Lose Them - Workplace Coach Blog

            Escape the great resignation, find out what your employees want before you lose them.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            My Employer is Strong-arming Me to Get Vaccinated with a Pay Cut - Workplace Coach Blog

            Are employer's insurance surcharges on unvaccinated employees fair?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            The #1 Mistake Managers Make When Disciplining Employees - Workplace Coach Blog

            The most effective way to start a disciplinary meeting; IMPACT, make the employee care

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Fired Because I Won't Get Vaccinated - Workplace Coach Blog

            firing unvaccinated employees: an employer's right

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            That Glowing Reference? It's Fake. - Workplace Coach Blog

            Fake resumes & fake references; the reality & the consequences

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Sneak Preview (free): Here's Managing for Accountability: A Business Leader's Toolbox: Chapter 1 - Workplace Coach Blog

            Please let me know what you think.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            We Suspect Our Employees Provided Us Fake Vaccination Cards - Workplace Coach Blog

            Suspect you've received a fake vaccine card? How to tell & what to do.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Smoking Gun: can I ignore it? - Workplace Coach Blog

            If you investigate anonymous rumors you unload a smoking gun

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Time for a Game Change - Workplace Coach Blog

            Game-changer: accountability: tools, tactics, and strategies

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Are We Making a Mistake to Require Employee Vaccinations? - Workplace Coach Blog

            Can employers require employees to get vaccinated?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            What 5 attorneys, 21 business leaders, 6 HR professionals, 13 non-profit organization leaders and 4 authors say about Managing for Accountability - Workplace Coach Blog

            Accountability in the workplace: a toolbox for managers, leaders and professionals

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Delta Variant: What Employers/Employees Need to Do Today - Workplace Coach Blog

            You’ve heard. Now you need to act. If you had hoped the pandemic had faded away, you need to buckle …

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Documentation That Makes the Case The Employee Deserved to be Fired - Workplace Coach Blog

            As an expert witness (qualified in Court in management best practices, HR, and workplace issues), I’m often handed documentation by …

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            What Do You Mean You Gave My Job Away? - Workplace Coach Blog

            When an employer gives away an employee's job after her daughter dies

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Can Employers Ask Me If I'm Vaccinated? Can Employers Decide Who to Hire Based on Vaccination Status? - Workplace Coach Blog

            Can employers ask employee if they're vaccinated? Can they made employment decisions based on vaccination status?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Delta Variant Fears Further Split the Workplace - Workplace Coach Blog

            Delta variant feears create workplace tensions; employees need to intervene

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            What you can do today & every day. - Workplace Coach Blog

            Accountability is a choice for us and our leaders

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            The Difference Accountability Makes - Workplace Coach Blog

            Accountability and what it takes

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Netflix Fired 3 Executives for Slack Chat: More to the Story - Workplace Coach Blog

            Netflix Fired 3 Executives for Slack Chat: Right? Wrong?

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            You Love Being Your Own Boss: Tips for Finding Higher Quality, Better Paying Freelance Work - Workplace Coach Blog

            Freelance success: tips for finding higher quality, better paying work

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            CELEBRATE!: Managing for Accountability - Workplace Coach Blog

            Leadership + managing for Accountability: the tools you need in one fast read

              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

              Guns In Cars in the Parking Lot - Workplace Coach Blog

              Can employers ban employees from having guns in their personal cars at work?

              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

              Surfside Condo Disaster Reminds Us: When You Serve on a Board, You Hold Lives and Livelihoods In Your Hands - Workplace Coach Blog

              Surfside Condo disaster reminds us when you serve on a board of directors, you hold people's lives in your hands

              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

              I Fired Her Because She's Slow, But Now She's Sued. Can She Win? - Workplace Coach Blog

              Can an employee who works slowly and has bad habits win a wrongful termination lawsuit?

                Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                They've Tasted Freedom & Betrayal: the pandemic changed employees; can employers adapt? - Workplace Coach Blog

                The pandemic changed employees; can managers adapt?

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Performance Reviews: Dread Them? Ditch Them?Replace Them? - Workplace Coach Blog

                  performance reviews: dread them? ditch them? replace them? Here's what you need to know.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  My Employer Drew a Line in the Sand Against Remote Work - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Employee options when an employer insists on a return to the company worksite

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Who Misrepresented What? The Potential Cost of Leaving an Awful New Job - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Did the employee or the employer misrepresent? The cost of leaving an awful new job.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Bullying and real and/or perceived retaliation compromises a community's vision - Workplace Coach Blog

                  workplace bullying and real &/or perceived retaliation compromises health care and a community's vision

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  You Can Sue for Anything. Even When You're in the Wrong. - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Ex-employee sues her employer for firing her for racism after she acts in a racist manner

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  No Love Lost: What Do Employers Need to Realize to Keep Employees Onboard? - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Employees are heading for the doors in droves. What do employers need to realize & what can they do?

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  5 Steps for Addressing Workplace Bullying - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Workplace bullying costs. Here are 5 steps that effectively tackle workplace bullying.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  How Not to Hire a Narcissist - Workplace Coach Blog

                  How not to hire a narcissist, Signs & signals. 5 key strategies.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  The Competent Jerk: Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates His Coworkers - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Managing the competent jerk, getting him to change

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Finding Out Why Your Best Employees Are Quitting - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Finding out why your best employees are leaving: how to conduct a dynamite exit interview

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Can My Employer Make Me Get Vaccinated - Workplace Coach Blog

                  mandatory vaccination in the workplace, is it legal? what are the downsides?

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Manipulative Employee Trapped Me - Workplace Coach Blog

                  When a manipulative employee traps you, act to get out of the trap

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Trouble Unleashed: How to Resolve Conflicts in a Virtual, Remote Work Environment - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Virtual, remote workplaces can be petri dishes for conflict. Here's how to prevent/resolve virtual workplace conflict.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance


                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Exciting Opportunity...How a Mental Health Organization Took the Ball and Ran - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Writing a stellar ad that attracts just the right applicant--and you can have free help too

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  5 Action Steps for Regaining Trust - Workplace Coach Blog

                  When employees or coworkers no longer trust you, they don’t tell you. Why would they? They don’t trust how you …

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  No Love Lost: Employees Head for the Doors - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Employees leaving their jobs in record numbers--employers need to "get it" and act fast?

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Attract & Hire Outstanding, Accountable Employees - Workplace Coach Blog

                  how to write ads that attract the best employees & 25% off coupon on Managing for Accountability

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  A Terrific Applicant; A Hard-to-fill Position and an Outstanding Warrant - Workplace Coach Blog

                  When your #1 candidate has a warrant for her arrest AND you REALLY want to hire her

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Combatting Employee Isolation with Virtual Team-building - Workplace Coach Blog

                  Combatting employee isolation and disengagement with virtual team-building: 4 great options

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  A Major Change & Accountability - Workplace Coach Blog

                  A major change and accountability; your 25% off coupon & why I'm posting 4 not 5 times weekly

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    Resume Fraud: increasingly prevalent in today's virtual environment - Workplace Coach Blog

                    Resume fraud, increasingly common, and how you can protect yourself

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Vaccinated Employees Skirmish with Unvaccinated Coworkers - Workplace Coach Blog

                      Vaccinated v. nonvaccinated employees; what employers need to know

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Drunken Manager Shut Down Our Zoom Call - Workplace Coach Blog

                      Drinking Shut Down Our Zoom Call Question: We had to shut down our all-hands Zoom meeting three weeks ago when …

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Rule-breaking CEOs - Workplace Coach Blog

                      HR and CEO get into trouble when CEO doesn't follow company policy

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Conducting a Virtual Investigation: the landmines to avoid - Workplace Coach Blog

                      Conducting a virtual workplace investigation: what you need to know & landmines to watch for

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Mandatory COVID Vaccination: New Guidance & Update - Workplace Coach Blog

                      mandatory COVID vaccination: new guidance & update for employers & employees

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Managing Post-pandemic - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Managing post-pandemic, offer your employees location & schedule flexibility for their benefit and yours

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Performance Reviews: Dread Them? Ditch Them? Replace Them? - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Performance reviews; why don't they work and what's a GREAT alternative?

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        If Your Employee Won't Admit the Truth, You Need To - Workplace Coach Blog

                        You know your employee tells little white lies; the ball's in your court, what do you do?

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        COVID Vaccination Update—in light of the vaccine’s “Emergency Use Authorization” status - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Will COVID vaccination be mandatory in light of the contradiction between EEOC and FDA guidance?

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Many of Our Employees Refuse Vaccinations - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Should we make COVID vaccination mandatory? Many of our employees plan to refuse it.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Can a prospective employer ask for a W-2 as proof of salary history? - Workplace Coach Blog

                        If a prospective employer asks you for a W-2, is it legal? How do you handle the question?

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Want to be a Great Supervisor: Do a 180: Coach - Workplace Coach Blog

                        If you want to be a great supervisor, become a trusted coach who respects employees

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        How HR Shoots Itself in the Foot - Workplace Coach Blog

                        HR can help employees and organizations; except when it doesn't; here's how to turn that around

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Retention Strategies a "Must" During a COVID-19 - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Employee retention strategies are a must during COVID-19. Here are 5 specific tactics leaders need, along with specific information.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Prove You Respect Your Employees & Their Investment in Your Company - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Employee development boosts employee engagement, productivity, profits, morale, and retention--discover ten no-cost/low cost methods for providing employees development opportunities.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Lead Us Through This Mess: COVID-19 Leadership Truths - Workplace Coach Blog

                        COVID-19 requires leadership to inspire, communicate transparently, provide crisis plans, create trust and team

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Your Employees Know the Truth; Ask Them - Workplace Coach Blog

                        You know your company has problems; conduct skip-level meetings to get to the truth.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        A Christmas/New Year’s Surprise - Workplace Coach Blog

                        What's a gift you can give your employees that costs 0 but matters hugely & produces amazing long-term benefits: impact & habit of gratitude and reognition

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Flexibility: What Employees Want & Need for Christmas 2020 (Part 2) - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Employers & employees benefit from flexible work hours--it's a benefit that costs nothing but significantly increases employee satisfaction

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Mandatory COVID Vaccinations: The Rules - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations: Here are the rules employers need to follow

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        What Employees Really Want for Christmas - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Employee engagement and productivity; what employees really need during COVID-19

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        When A Fired Employee Won't Move On, You Need To - Workplace Coach Blog

                        When a fired employee won't move on & continues to text your employees with lies, send her packing

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        COVID-19 & First Responders: Work Comp: Justice or Injustice? - Workplace Coach Blog

                        COVID first responders & workers compensation: justice needed

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Suspect Telecommuting Employees of Passing Off Accidents as Covered Workers' Compensation Injuries - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Employer protection against fradulent workers' compensation claims by tele-commuting employees

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Zero-tolerance: Can You Afford It? - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Zero-tolerance policies in employee handbooks--the benefits, the risks.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        The Job Applicant Scammed You: You Let It Happen - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Reference checking job applicants so you won't make hiring mistakes

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Suspect Our Employee of Lying to Get Extra Time Off; Can We Fire Him Without Proof? - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Your employee lies about COVID to get extra leave. Can you fire him or do you need proof?

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        Don’t write a positive reference for a problem employee; instead... - Workplace Coach Blog

                        Question: After an investigation, we fired one of our employees for threatening and stalking two co-workers. He now demands a …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Employees Stage a Thanksgiving Rebellion - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Employer policies & holiday celebrations

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Can We Use a Contact Tracing App to Protect Our Business & Employees? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Using a contact tracing app; what you need to know as an employer or employee

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          We Suspect Drug Addiction in a Top Producer - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Handing a senior manager who may be a drug addict

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Getting the Truth From Job Applicants - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: Every job applicant I’ve interviewed in the last ten days claims to be a “team player” and “motivated by …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Dueling Managers Clash; Everyone Else Is Caught in the Cross-fire - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Mediating clashing supervisors

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          We have two flawed managers, which one should we promote? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          You can't promote a flawed maanger unless you fix him/her

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Manager Secretly Works a 2nd Job During Paid Work Hours - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Manager secretly moonlights/daylights; can he be fired?

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Employee Political Dispute Escalates to Danger Level - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Political discussion in the workplace; employee rights & employer duty

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Tattoos are Us - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Tattoos and body art; do you want to discriminate against employees with tattoos?

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Can't Stand 2 More Weeks of This Supervisor - Workplace Coach Blog

                          How to get a great new job, when you suddenly quit.

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Meetings Are Us - Workplace Coach Blog

                          If you dread meetings–attending them, hosting them–and long for meetings to become more than a necessary evil, you can make …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Twilight Ethics - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Ethical breaches. What do they cost? Can you afford yours?

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Do Employer Owe Employees Paid Sick Leave When They Self-Quarantine - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: After I spent a weekend bar hoping, I felt remorseful, and self-quarantined so I wouldn’t bring COVID into my …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          I've Been Told Never To Fire An Employee On A Friday; But I Really, Really Want to - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: I’ve been told to never to fire an employee on Friday, but I really don’t want this employee back …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          My Employer's Shenanigans Cost Me My Job - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: After coronavirus hit, my employer changed a dozen of us to contractor status. None of us understood why or …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          My Co-worker Cyberstalks Potential Hire, Looking for Dirt - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: According to rumor, one of my co-workers conducts unauthorized criminal background investigations on prospective employees without their knowledge or …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Be a Coach, Not a Supervisor; Here's What It Takes - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Be a coach, not a supervisor What’s the difference between coaching and supervising? Most of us value those who coach …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Managing a Team When You Have No Firing Authority - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: I supervise 15 employees, the largest crew in our company. I’m expected to handle employees who don’t show up …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          My Boss Refuses to Wear a Face Mask - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: In past weeks, it’s just been four or five us in the office. Two of us wear masks when …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Are Post-Accident Painkillers Causing a Star Employee to Make Errors? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: One of my top employees, “Mary,” was rear-ended at a stop light three months ago and suffered from whiplash …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          I Don't Want to Wear a Face Mask; Can My Employer Make Me? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: My employer’s “back to the office” email informs us we’re required to wear face masks anytime we’re not at …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Am I Safe When I Tell the Truth About My Manager’s Flaws on a Survey Monkey Survey - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: I raised allegedly confidential concerns about my former manager’s behavior last year. After that, I felt like I had …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Does My Employer Have to Pay My Office Expenses? Are They Liable for My Safety? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: COVID19 has caused employers large and small to require the employers work from home rather than their employer’s worksites. …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Employees & Their Families Sue Employers Over COVID-19 Exposure - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: My partner and I have owned and operated our business for twenty-three years.  When the pandemic first hit, we …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Employees Push Back Against Returning to Work, Choosing Unemployment - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: We didn’t expect the pushback we got from two of our furloughed employees when we called them back to …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Your Company's Culture - Truth or Lie? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          You feel it the moment you enter the organization. Ask employees “what’s it like around here?” and they confirm the …

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Employees Could Take A Company Down During COVID - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: Our small business is hanging on by a shoestring. Three of our employees attended a fourth of July barbecue. None of them wore masks. Another barbeque guest was COVID-infected. One after another each of our employees became become ill, forcing m

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          It's Official: Exciting news:) - Workplace Coach Blog

                          It’s official: I’ve agreed with the high-quality publisher Business Expert Press to write 3 books: Managing for Accountability: A tool box for business executives and owners; Reality-based Management: How to use five key performance tools to p

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          6 ?s to Answer Before Returning Your Workplace to a "New Normal" - Workplace Coach Blog

                          You’ve been operating your company with a skeleton crew. In less than ten days, you plan to resume “new-normal” operations. Before you welcome your furloughed employees back to the workplace, make sure you can answer these six questions. Can you imp

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Can My Employer Fire Me For Going to a Bar or Do I Have Any Freedom Left? - Workplace Coach Blog

                          Question: My employer sent a two-part email to every employee last week. “As you know we’ve had a local spike in COVID-19 infections. The health department has provided a list of the establishments, primarily bars, where COVID-19 individuals spent ext

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          Darth Vaders & Toxic Employees - Workplace Coach Blog

                          In the end, it may not be the pandemic, a bad economy or tough competition that takes your company down, it might be a handful of managers and employees who make everyone else miserable. You’ve met them. “Darth” who doesn’t hesitate to offer caust

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            Employee Fakes COVID To Get 2 Weeks Off - Workplace Coach Blog

                            When your employee or coworker calls to let you know he tested positive for COVID, you respond immediately with sympathy and worry, and then spring into action and offer what help you can. If you are his employer, you tell your employee to take care of hi

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            COVID-19: How to Create a New Normal | Workplace Coach Blog

                            Join Dr. Lynne Curry as she helps explain how to create a new normal in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            How to Make Layoffs with Heart: Three Questions | Workplace Coach Blog

                            Join Dr. Lynne Curry as she helps three different people understand how to make layoffs with heart.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            Who's the REAL person? - Workplace Coach Blog

                            You thought the job applicant knocked it out of the park with his resume and his answers to your interview questions. You interviewed the references he provided. Do you make the offer? Not so fast. Have you checked out the real person behind the resume an