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Chris Dalton

Articles 280
Views 136.5K

Science | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Science

Bowhead Whale Population Recovers Despite Arctic Warming

In good news that has scientists excited, bowhead whale populations are nearing pre-commercial whaling numbers in U.S. waters. ​According to a recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) report card on the species, bowhead whales are t

    Science & Technology | Science

    Impossible Foods CEO Is “Dead Serious” About Making All Food Animals Obsolete by 2035

    Pat Brown says it’s “game over” for the meat industry and “they just don’t realize it yet.” 

      Science & Technology | Science

      Molten salt and traveling wave nuclear reactors

      This is part 5 of a series.To read from the beginning find part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here and part 4 here. The Molten salt reactor Of all the advanced reactor designs, the molten s…

        Science & Technology | Science

        Liberty & Justice for All: A Conversation with Kirk Sorensen of Flibe Energy

        In the 6th Episode of Liberty & Justice for All, Jack and Paul talk with Kirk Sorensen about the history of nuclear power and its regulation. Jack and Paul are also joined by special guest Katie Tubb who is a nuclear policy expert at The Heritage Foundati

        Science & Technology | Science

        Meteor showers can light up night skies from dusk to dawn, and if you’re lucky you might be able to catch a glimpse.

          Science & Technology | Science

          Two North Atlantic right whale newborns have been spotted off the US coast

          The year is ending on a positive note for North Atlantic right whales, a critically endangered species, with the spotting of two newborn calves.

            Science & Technology | Science


            The birth of Molly Gibson using an embryo from 1992 broke a record set by her sister, Emma, in 2017. The embryos were donated when the girls’ mother was herself a toddler.

              Science & Technology | Science

              Chloroquine Known as Effective Against Coronavirus Since 2005

              Anti-malarial drug chloroquine is effective as a prophylactic and treatment for coronavirus and the medical establishment has known since...

              Science & Technology | Science

              French study finds anti-malarial and antibiotic combo could reduce COVID-19 duration | TechCrunch

              A new study whose results were published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents has found early evidence that the combination of hydroxychloroquine, a popular anti-malaria drug known under the trade name Plaqenuil, and antibiotic azithromyci

              Science & Technology | Science

              STUNNING! NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc (VIDEO)

              Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients. Dr. Zelenko joined Sean Hannity earlier today on his radio program to discuss the results from h

                Science & Technology | Science

                Why We Shouldn't Kill Snakes

                Snakes are some of the most misunderstood creatures around; whose instinctually driven brains, reactions, and energy can be hard to comprehend and so it can be hard for the mainly logic-driven human to relate.

                  Science & Technology | Science

                  The Engineering of a Disposable Diaper - YouTube

                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      Science & Technology | Science

                      Dogs give food to their 'friends' in first-of-its-kind study

                      Voluntary acts of kindness and positive outward gestures without thought of reward are two of the more redeeming aspects of human society, but to what extent do these prosocial behaviours exist in other animals? A new study by researchers in...

                        Science & Technology | Science

                        The Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor: Why Didn't This Happen (and why is now the right time?)

                        Google Tech Talk December 16, 2011 Presented by Kirk Sorensen

                        Science & Technology | Science

                        Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD

                        Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the...