My page is a place I can save articles I want to read later. It contains articles and videos on various topics including news, reforming student lending practives, web development, cooking, politics, and other miscellaneous and useful stuff.

Chris Dalton

Articles 280
Views 136.6K

America, land that use to be free... | Politics

Politics | America, land that use to be free...

Citing Indefinite Detention Without Trial, Sen. Paul Delays NDAA

In an effort to secure protections for the Constitution and the inalienable rights of Americans, Senator Rand Paul last week blocked a controversial effort by Senate leaders to advance the giant National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). By Alex Newman

    Politics | America, land that use to be free...

    New tool allows police to seize money at traffic stops - Story

    More than a dozen units installed statewide. 

      Politics | America, land that use to be free...

      Kelowna woman warns others after terrifying ordeal at U.S. border

      Local news for Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley. Stuff that matters

        Politics | America, land that use to be free...

        Indefinite prison for suspect who won’t decrypt hard drives, feds say | Ars Technica

        "This is not a fishing expedition on the part of the government," feds say.

          Politics | America, land that use to be free...

          Charges Dropped Against Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Coming to Work too Early

          Kevin McGill was originally sentenced to 30 days in jail for picking up the trash too early, but fortunately the charges were dropped.

            Politics | America, land that use to be free...

            Food Freedom Win in Wyoming - Hit & Run :

            Measure to stop overregulation of homemade and local foods gets signed into law by Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead.