My page is a place I can save articles I want to read later. It contains articles and videos on various topics including news, reforming student lending practives, web development, cooking, politics, and other miscellaneous and useful stuff.

Chris Dalton

Articles 280
Views 136.6K

Web Development | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Web Development

YouTube In this first video, we get our project scaffolded and set up on Turbo and set up a theme with some...

      Science & Technology | Web Development

      4 free tools ( 1) to check how your website looks like from different countries

      1.GeoPeeker is precisely meant to view a site from different geographic locations. Nice design. Provides screenshots for free from Singapore, Brazil, Ireland, Australia and two US States (Virginia …

        Science & Technology | Web Development

        Google Fonts

        Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography

          Science & Technology | Web Development

          Practical JavaScript | Watch and Code™

          Learn the real-world skills that you need to become a software engineer

            Science & Technology | Web Development

            GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization

            GTmetrix is a free tool that analyzes your page's speed performance. Using PageSpeed and YSlow, GTmetrix generates scores for your pages and offers actionable recommendations on how to fix them.

              Science & Technology | Web Development

              Best Password Manager, Free Form Filler, Secure Digital Wallet | Dashlane

              Dashlane is rated the best password manager. Autofill with our free form filler. Save receipts, payment types, passwords & personalize your digital wallet.

                Science & Technology | Web Development

                Codecademy Labs

                Learn and play with Ruby, Python, and JavaScript from your browser

                  Science & Technology | Web Development

                  DevDocs - JavaScript documentation

                  DevDocs is a fast, offline API documentation browser with 60+ docs including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Go, C, C++, jQuery, and more.

                    Science & Technology | Web Development

                    Build an Infinite Scrolling Photo Banner With HTML and CSS | Design Shack

                    Today we’re going to embark on the challenge of creating an animated banner of photos that automatically scrolls horizontally through an infinite loop. The best part: we’re going to do it without a single line of JavaScript. To make this banner truly

                      Science & Technology | Web Development

                      Gratisography: Free high-resolution photos

                      Gratisography - Free, use as you please, high-resolution stock photos for personal and commercial projects. All pictures were captured by Ryan McGuire of Bells Design.

                        Science & Technology | Web Development

                        Unsplash | High-Resolution Photos

                        Do whatever you want high-resolution photos. Download 10 new free photos every 10 days.

                          Science & Technology | Web Development

                          DevDocs - JavaScript documentation

                          DevDocs is a fast, offline API documentation browser with 60+ docs including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Go, C, C++, jQuery, and more.

                            Science & Technology | Web Development

                            12-Step Guide to Building Your Very First Mobile App: Part 1

                            12 key steps to bring that great mobile app idea from your imagination to smartphone screens everywhere.

                              Science & Technology | Web Development

                              This nightmare USB hack toasts your computer in less than two seconds | One Page |

                              If you plug this little USB drive into your computer, you won't have time to do anything to avoid your fate. It's too late. Your computer is fried.Normally, the last thing a ha...

                                Science & Technology | Web Development

                                Ruby on Rails: An Introduction - Johns Hopkins University | Coursera

                                Ruby on Rails: An Introduction from Johns Hopkins University. Did you ever want to build a web application? Perhaps you even started down that path in a language like Java or C#, when you realized that there was so much “climbing the mountain” that yo

                                  Science & Technology | Web Development

                                  [attribute] | CSS-Tricks

                                  There are lots of ways you can select elements in CSS. The most basic selection is by tag name, like p { }. Almost anything more specific than a tag select