Event planner, broker of unique, unusual and unexpected accessories, lawyer, wife, mother of two, and dog lover. Interested in too many things to keep up with.

Nicole Foos

Articles 12
Views 9.2K

Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion

Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion

LA's 38 Coolest Indie Boutiques, Spring 2015

To help broaden your LA shopping horizons, here's a roundup of super-inspiring independent stores that feature fashion and more from a kickass range of local talents.

Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion

she's a legend at any age

hi guys, happy memorial day weekend! how's life? that's such a simple question but one i've been thinking a lot about lately. i have to admit i fell into a rut over the last year, maybe it was a mi...

Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion

Ari Seth Cohen, Advanced Style, Interview

Ari Seth Cohen and Debra Rapport talk Advanced Style, aging gracefully, fashion and style