I love design, photography, politics and The Jewish Messiah—Yeshua

Patrick Donnelly

Articles 34
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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Liz Cheney Is Lying About Trump's Inaction On The National Guard

Before Liz Cheney claimed President Donald Trump took no action on the National Guard, she coordinated a campaign to prevent deployment.

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      Politics | Politics

      The real story behind AG Barr authorizing investigations of vote fraud blows away the MSM narrative

      Even some of my most respected conservative correspondents have been taken in by pessimism over Attorney General William Barr's authorization of investigation of vote fraud.  The media cabal seeking to oust President Trump foc...

      Politics | Politics

      Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a 'Time-Honored Tradition'

      In the wake of President Donald Trump sounding the alarm on potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) on Friday accused Democrats of stealing elections for a long time. | Clips

      Politics | Politics

      The Left Ruins Everything

      From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.

        Politics | Politics

        One Barber's Successful Lockdown Defiance Shows Why the Separation of Powers Matters | Jon Miltimore

        Karl Manke has been cutting hair since 1961. In March, he closed his barbershop when Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered a statewide lockdown closing all “non-essential” businesses. When Whitmer extended that order to May 28, Manke decided he could not comp

          Politics | Politics

          Judge: Oregon governor's stay-at-home orders unconstitutional and are now "null and void"

          The executive stay at home orders in the state are now "null and void." Governor Kate Brown plans on appealing to state Supreme Court for "rapid review."

          Politics | Politics

          Michigan legislators sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for extending state of emergency

          Michigan legislators have filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, saying she acted “beyond her authority” when extending the coronavirus (COVID-19) state of emergency, which did not receive backing from Republicans.

          Politics | Politics


          Video of our Governor laughing when asked about her order not having guidance on manufacturing.

            Politics | Politics

            Democrats Trying Once Again to Force Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund Abortions | LifeNews.com

            Democrat politicians will urge the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to force a charity run by nuns to pay for contraception, including forms that may cause abort