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History | History

    History | History

    The Endless Letter

    Endless Letter — project commemorating Victory over Nazism. Hundreds of extracts from WWII letters illustrated by Russian design students.

      History | History

      Winston Churchill in Palestine – 100 years on - The Jerusalem Post

      “The establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine will be a blessing to the whole world.”

        History | History

        Discovery on Jerusalem Pilgrimage Road Proves It Was Built by the Man Who Crucified Jesus | CBN News

        The Roman governor who was responsible for condemning Jesus of Nazareth to death by crucifixion also ordered the construction of a street for pilgrims to follow to the Jewish Temple more than 2,000 years ago. 

          History | History

          How an Amazing Native American Prophecy About George Washington Came to Pass

          As we remember George Washington on his birthday, let us not forget that we, as a nation, owe our very existence to the providential mercies of Almighty God.

            History | History

            8 of History's Strangest Taxes | Mental Floss

            History is full of kings and governments who have tried to earn money by taxing anything from beards to bachelors.

              History | History

              Medicine's Role in the Holocaust and Contemporary Implications | Ethics | AMA Journal of Ethics | AMA Ed Hub

              This article considers a historical approach to teaching the Holocaust's contemporary ethical implications for clinicians and their practices.

                History | History

                USA Patriotism! ... Patriotic Articles > His Marines Called Him 'Gunny' by U.S. Navy Gene Hughes, Personnel Command

                The bond between combat Marines and their Navy Corpsmen is battle tested ... Chief Hospital Corpsman Warren G. “Lou” Legarie, who passed away at the age of 95, exemplified this bond during savage engagements – in three wars – now legendary among those who wear the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.

                  History | History

                  Last Documented Civil War Widow Dies At 101

                  The last publicly documented widow of a Civil War veteran died last month at the age of 101. "It is my sad duty to report the death of Helen Viola

                  History | History

                  America: A People Pushed Again Toward Revolution

                  Commentary The American colonists proved their patience with King George III. He proved their patience could run out. ...

                  History | History

                  Beware Political Agendas That Come With Thanksgiving 'Myth-Busting'

                  Revisionist histories are nearly always written (or posted to the internet) with an agenda in mind — it's no different for the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving.

                  History | History

                  Operation Gunnerside: The Norwegian Attack on Heavy Water That Deprived the Nazis of the Atomic Bomb

                  February 28 marks the 75th anniversary of one of the most dramatic and important military missions of World War II

                    History | History

                    Hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, US Marines took on the Japanese in what became the Alamo of the Pacific

                    The destruction of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor meant Wake Island was on its own as Japan advanced across the Pacific.

                    History | History

                    US battleships fired their guns for the last time 30 years ago. Here's how they dominated the seas for nearly a century.

                    Aircraft carriers are now the centerpiece of the Navy fleet, but for nearly a century, battleships sailed into combat around the world.

                    History | History

                    Son of a pilot shares how a West Point ring saved his father from the Nazis during WWII

                    Son of a pilot shares how a West Point ring saved his father from the Nazis during WW2

                    History | History

                    Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789

                    Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789

                      History | History

                      The Most Common Battle of Britain Myths – Military History Matters

                      Test your Battle of Britain knowledge – did you believe any of these enduring myths?

                        History | History

                        Stalin Facts: 10 little known facts – Military History Matters

                        Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator, is encased by myth and legend. He could be, at turns, both charming and chillingly ruthless.  Millions died under his direct orders; even his closest a…

                          History | History

                          10 Things You May Not Know About the French and Indian War

                          10 surprising facts about the imperial war for colonial domination between Great Britain and France.

                          History | History

                          15 Historical Facts That Will Make You Question Your Perception of Time

                          Our perception of time can be pretty skewed, especially when it comes to history. Read through this list of amazing historical facts and then review the historical timeline you have in your mind. It’ll probably change… 1. Woolly Mammoths still roamed the

                            History | History

                            Special vessels show Jewish continuity in Israel after Roman destruction

                            The use of chalkstones vessels did not stop with the destruction of city in the second century CE as previously thought, but continued in the Galilee for at least two more centuries.

                            History | History

                            Stunning ancient site discovered near US embassy in Jerusalem | Fox News

                            Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a stunning ancient site near the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

                            History | History

                            Ancient Muslim Texts Confirm the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

                            Jerusalem Center researcher Nadav Shragai responds to modern-day Muslim and Palestinian fabrications about the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem with the

                            History | History

                            A World War II Veteran Recalls Shooting Down Nazis In His P-38 Lightning

                            Jim Kunkle did it all. He flew the Lightning. He shot down German fighters. He earned America’s second highest award for valor in battle.

                            History | History

                            Think the Founding Fathers Were a Bunch of Old Men? Think Again

                            We see them in paintings of the day as a congregation of arthritic old men, drily deciding the terms of the new republic when, in actuality, some were as young as 26.

                            History | History

                            Why Chuck Yeager Might Be the Greatest Pilot of All Time

                            Before Yeager did it, people thought it was impossible to break the sound barrier in flight. So how did he do it? And what other amazing feats did he accomplish?

                            History | History

                            Wednesday in the (not so) Wild West

                            This undated 1950’s image shows early Disneyland. Looks like the bad guys and the good guys are exchanging stories in Frontierland (I see Bl...

                            History | History

                            Celebrating Columbus

                            Christopher Columbus, the most famous explorer in history, was once a celebrated hero. Now, many consider him a villain, a despoiler of paradise. So which version of Columbus is true? Michael Knowles answers this question and offers some much-needed histo

                              History | History

                              Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy

                              Democracy can easily devolve into tyranny by majority rule. The Founders understood this danger, and so they placed numerous checks on the power of the majority.

                              History | History

                              How a Tiny Cape Cod Town Survived World War I's Only Attack on American Soil | History | Smithsonian

                              A century ago, a German U-boat fired at five vessels and a Massachusetts beach before slinking back out to sea

                              History | History

                              Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864 - The Washington Post

                              Then, in 1864, the most elaborate election conspiracy in America’s brief history was discovered before it could corrupt the vote.

                                History | History

                                First World War composite photos bring past to life | The Week UK

                                Then-and-now images put snapshots of the Great War in a 21st century setting

                                History | History

                                Photos combine images of Germany from WWII with today - Business Insider

                                The photographs artfully contrast the broad sweeps of Nazi propaganda and the devastation of the war in Berlin with the vibrancy of the city today.

                                  History | History

                                  Boy finds WWII jet with pilot's remains in cockpit - CNN

                                  The wreck of a German World War II plane with the remains of the pilot in the cockpit has been discovered in northern Jutland, Denmark. The plane is thought to be a Messerschmitt.

                                      History | History

                                      Out-Of-Print Children's Biographies Repudiate Uneducated Anti-Americans

                                      Forty years ago, as my children’s book collection proves, grade-school history pedagogy offered a diverse and inclusive narrative about our national past.

                                      History | History

                                      There's a 160-Year-Old Tunnel Full of Rusting WWII Cars Under the Streets of Naples

                                      Deep below a royal plaza, hundreds of vintage cars and motorcycles line an underground passageway built in the 1800s.

                                      History | History

                                      There's a 160-Year-Old Tunnel Full of Rusting WWII Cars Under the Streets of Naples

                                      Deep below a royal plaza, hundreds of vintage cars and motorcycles line an underground passageway built in the 1800s.