"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Merz Newz

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Fashion | Style & Fashion

    Style & Fashion | Fashion

    This $5,000 bracelet that has been around for decades is the new millennial status symbol

    The Cartier Love bracelet is extremely popular — and extremely expensive. Its resurgence is in part thanks to Instagram celebrities like Kylie Jenner.

      Style & Fashion | Fashion

      Buying this fashion status symbol is 'historically safer' than investing in the stock market

      Many women joke and say a Birkin bag is an investment. But a new study suggests the famously expensive bag is actually a smart one.

        Style & Fashion | Fashion

        Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes

        Downloadable, printable clothing may be coming to a closet near you. What started as designer Danit Peleg's fashion school project turned into a collection of 3D-printed designs that have the strength and flexibility for everyday wear.

          Style & Fashion | Fashion

          Yahoo Beauty

          A subscription is truly the gift that keeps on giving, and everybody loves getting presents. Luckily, today there are subscription boxes for every type of person. Give the gift of continual gifts to your favorite Makeup Addict, DIYer, Travel Bug, Booze Co

            Style & Fashion | Fashion

            20 Ideas for Organizing Your Bedroom Closet

            Obsessed with organizing? We channeled our obsession into something helpful: a list of ways to organize your bedroom closet.

              Style & Fashion | Fashion

              7 Awesome Organizing Hacks For Your Tiny Closet

              Your space might be tight -- and you've already packed off-season clothes in vacuum-sealed bags -- but these creative bloggers have solutions for maximizing every last inch. By Pamela Masin

                Style & Fashion | Fashion

                Hot New Tiny Tattoo Trend Is Surprisingly Classy (And Kendall Jenner-Approved, If That Matters!)

                While there’s tons of examples of ultra bold ink out there, our favorite new trend is the complete opposite: delicate, tiny, minimalist tattoos.  These blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em designs are simple and elegant, perhaps capturing a symbol, a geometri

                  Style & Fashion | Fashion

                  Molly Ringwald Shares Her Beauty Routine, Likes Her Freckles

                  The actress’s beauty regimen doesn’t call for a lot of makeup the way it did when she was a teenager. Now, she enjoys great food, good skin, and, finally, her freckles.

                    Style & Fashion | Fashion

                    5 Ancient Chinese Beauty Secrets for Better Skin

                    We tapped Wei Brian, beauty guru and the mastermind behind Wei Beauty—a skincare line based on 5,000 years of Chinese herbal medicine—and asked her to share her favorite beauty secrets from ancient China. From jade rollers to herbal teas, keep scrolli

                      Style & Fashion | Fashion

                      Heatproof Eye Makeup

                      Melt-resistant products built to withstand summer’s soaring temperatures.  

                        Style & Fashion | Fashion

                        The Most Gorgeous Makeup For Green Eyes

                        Photo Credit: Kevin Winter via Getty Images Whether wearing bold eyeshadow colors or vibrant liquid liners, stars like Rihanna, Emma Stone and Kristen Stewart always leave us mesmerized with th

                          Style & Fashion | Fashion

                          The Most Flattering Swimsuit For Your Body Type

                          These figure fixers make you look smashing, no matter your body type. By Adam Glassman @media only screen and (min-width : 500px) {.ethanmobile { display: none; } } Like Us On Facebook

                            Style & Fashion | Fashion

                            The 11 Emotional Stages Of Shopping At Sephora

                            Shopping at Sephora is an emotional roller coaster. One minute we're happy and excited, and the next we're broke and overwhelmed. The cosmetics giant sure knows how to tug at our heartstrings and when

                              Style & Fashion | Fashion

                              The 1 Beauty Secret Weapon Flight Attendants Swear By for Perfect Skin

                              How do flight attendants always look so put together and fresh? Yahoo Travel found out their best beauty secret.

                                Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                Classic Red | The Only Six Lipsticks You’ll Ever Need

                                “I like to highlight the bow of the lips. I use Benefit Watts Up and apply to the bow using a lip brush to help soften the whole look.” - Vincent Oquendo

                                    Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                    The Products We Raved About This Year

                                    From hair masks to face peels, these are the products we told you about, we told our friends about, and even told some complete strangers about. Click through to see some of our favorites from the year!

                                      Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                      21 Awesomely Well-Designed Products We're Dying to Own | WIRED

                                      We're always scouring the world of products for whatever's most innovative, clever, and beautiful.

                                        Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                        20 Drugstore Items We're Suddenly Obsessed With

                                        View the 20 Drugstore Items We're Suddenly Obsessed With photo gallery on Yahoo Shine. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.

                                          Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                          WATCH: Every Stylish Woman From Woody Allen's Movies

                                          Woody Allen might not be known as a fashion icon -- save for the thick-rimmed glasses, we're not channeling his rumpled style anytime soon. But his leading ladies, on the other hand, were up to their bowler hat-covered ears in fashion.

                                            Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                            Holiday Horoscope: The Hottest Zodiac Gifts

                                            View the Holiday Horoscope: The Hottest Zodiac Gifts photo gallery on Yahoo Shine. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.

                                              Style & Fashion | Fashion

                                              10 Pieces of Clothing that Just Don't Work

                                              Trendy or not, some clothes are just impossible - they don't flatter and they don't wear well and yet designers keep making them and people keep buying them hoping each time will be different. It won't be. Ever. It's time to move on. B