"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Merz Newz

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Politics | Politics

    Politics | Politics

    Congress quietly ends federal government's ban on medical marijuana

    Tucked deep inside the 1,603-page federal spending measure is a provision that effectively ends the federal government's prohibition on medical marijuana and signals a major shift in drug policy.

      Politics | Politics

      Why the U.S. Pays More Than Other Countries for Drugs

      Norway and other state-run health systems drive hard bargains, and are willing to say no to costly therapy.

          Politics | Politics

          Refugee Screenings Are More Intensive Than Some Politicians Would Have You Think

            Politics | Politics

            Hillary Clinton:

            There are an increasing number of Americans being denied jobs as a result of their credit reports and credit scores. Roland Martin, Host of NewsOne Now, asked Sec. Hillary Clinton if she supports R...

              Politics | Politics

              Who Won the Third Republican Debate?

              Two senators had very good nights, while a former Florida governor struggled more than ever.

                Politics | Politics

                Paul Ryan, Opponent of Paid Family Leave, Demands Congress Respect His Need for Family Time

                Last night, Paul Ryan announced that he’d run for Speaker of the House if his Republican colleagues met a list of demands. Among them: insisting that time Ryan spends with his family not be sacrificed.

                    Politics | Politics

                    Guns, Congress and Murphy’s Law

                    He is the author of a bill that addresses the mental health issues he believes are central to the mass shootings crisis. Reporters are lighting up the switchboard at his cramped office in the Rayburn Building, while presidential candidates line up to invo

                        Politics | Politics

                        Lying with charts, anti-abortion edition

                          Politics | Politics

                          China says it will start the world's biggest carbon market by 2017

                          On Friday, China will also announce that it will work closely with the US on a host of other climate measures.

                            Politics | Politics

                            California is sticking it to the Koch brothers

                            State regulators are doing what federal regulators can't–or won't.

                              Politics | Politics

                              House votes to freeze federal funding for Planned Parenthood

                              GOP leaders hope the legislation will help avert a government shutdown.

                                Politics | Politics

                                GOP candidates' pick for the $20 bill: a Planned Parenthood board member

                                Irony alert!

                                  Politics | Politics

                                  Fact-Checking Carly Fiorina’s Debate Statements on Planned Parenthood

                                  Her performance onstage against 10 of her male opponents was commanding, poised, and measured, but unfortunately it was not always rooted in fact — especially when it came to her remarks regarding Planned Parenthood and the recent undercover “sting”

                                    Politics | Politics

                                    Two tax plans from Bush and Rubio help women and families

                                    Two Republican candidates, Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio, have proposed different ways of fixing the problem. Bush’s plan works out particularly well for women who are married to men in the top tax bracket. Bush proposes three rates to replace the

                                      Politics | Politics

                                      America Wakes Up to Mental Health

                                      Challenges remain, but Congress is finally rubbing the sleep from its eyes on mental health care.

                                        Politics | Politics

                                        What The Republican Elite Doesn’t Understand About Donald Trump, In One Ridiculous Tweet

                                        They're clueless.

                                          Politics | Politics

                                          Medicaid enrollment surges, stirs worry about state budgets

                                          ATLANTA (AP) — More than a dozen states that opted to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act have seen enrollments surge way beyond projections, raising concerns that the added costs will strain their budgets when federal aid is scaled back start

                                            Politics | Politics

                                            How state fights against same-sex marriage may backfire

                                            Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has deemed state employees exempt from granting same-sex couples with marriage licenses if it violates their religious beliefs. Utah and Mississippi are considering doing away with state-issued marriage licenses, while co

                                              Politics | Politics

                                              Presidential Hopefuls Sell Swag and Collect Data

                                              While the money is nice (purchases from campaign stores are donations), the customer information is invaluable.

                                                Politics | Politics

                                                Aztec Marriage: A Lesson for Chief Justice Roberts


                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                  Economists predict shockwaves if Obamacare subsidies are nixed

                                                  By Sharon Begley and Caroline Humer NEW YORK (Reuters) - As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to rule on whether people in 34 states can continue to receive Obamacare health insurance subsidies, economists are projecting billions of dollars in lost healthca

                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                    Why is California screwed? Californians.

                                                    A voter-approved antitax measure prevents drought-plagued cities from going after water hogs.

                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                      Richard C. Holbrooke’s Diary of Disagreement With Obama Administration

                                                      “The Diplomat,” a documentary about the diplomat and his dealings with the White House, is to debut Thursday at the Tribeca Film Festival.

                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                        Two maps explain how much the Supreme Court could damage Obamacare

                                                        A super-simple explanation of Obamacare now, and what the Supreme Court case could do

                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                          Patty Murray Should Be the Next Senate Minority Leader

                                                          In Washington, there is a cottage industry of progressives who want Elizabeth Warren to do something besides represent Massachusetts in the Senate. For the past year, that something has been a presidential run. Every few months, she’s asked if she&r

                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                            House Passes Bill Changing Medicare Fee Formula and Extending Children’s Insurance

                                                            In a significant bipartisan move backed by President Obama, the House agreed on changing the formula for doctors’ fees and extending the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                              Obama Says Workers Are Being 'Cheated' Out Of Overtime Pay

                                                              WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama said his administration would soon release details of a highly anticipated reform to the nation's overtime rules, telling The Huffington Post on Friday that many Americans were being

                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                Israel’s Gilded Age

                                                                Why is the country’s inequality a political issue? Because it didn’t have to be this extreme.

                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                  Pol Who Gave Away Adopted Daughters Thought They Were Possessed 

                                                                  The Arkansas Times continues to do a stellar job unraveling the incredibly disturbing story of Arkansas State Representative Justin Harris, who gave away the little girls he'd adopted to a man who sexually abused one of them. The Times' newest sto

                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                    This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country

                                                                    The next time your right-wing family member or former high school classmate posts a status update or tweet about how taxing the rich or increasing workers' wages kills jobs and makes businesses leave the state, I want you to send them this article....

                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                      Anti-Tesla States Jabbed With Luddite 'Award'

                                                                      The votes are in for the inaugural Luddite Awards, intended to call out the stifling of innovation. The winners of the dubious honor are four states which banned Tesla Motors from selling its electric cars directly to consumers. The Information T...

                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                        California’s next big political wave

                                                                        When California Sen. Barbara Boxer announced on Jan. 8 that she would be retiring after her current term ends in 2016, Golden State politicos reacted with the sort of panting excitement usually reserved for a regime change at, say, Buckingham Palace. A ne

                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                          Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

                                                                          The Supreme Court delivered a blow to universal birth control coverage on Monday, ruling that closely-held corporations can refuse to cover contraception in their health plans for religious reasons. But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sharply disagreed w...

                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                            Special Report: How the U.S. made its Putin problem worse

                                                                            By David Rohde and Arshad Mohammed WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK (Reuters) - In September 2001, as the U.S. reeled from the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Vladimir Putin supported Washington's imminent invasion of Afghanistan

                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                              GOP hopes ad featuring hipster can save it

                                                                              Democrats do not have a monopoly on scraggly-bearded hipsters. To prove the point -- whether intentionally or not -- the GOP released a 26-second long online commercial featuring a hipper than thou Republican pumping gas into his Audi.

                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                  Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a new GOP face for the State of the Union response

                                                                                  The top-ranking GOP woman in the House will talk about her life and the economy after Obama speaks.

                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                    Who Pays the Taxes and Gets the Benefits

                                                                                    Even as some conservatives acknowledge the value of a social safety net, public support for aid to the needy is falling, an economist writes.

                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                        Q: 'Siri, What Are Your Political Views?' A: 'Ron Paul'

                                                                                        Regardless of your own political persuasion, apparently your iPhone is a libertarian. Siri, the voice-activated personal assistant on Apple devices, pulls up the Wikipedia page of everyone's favorite libertarian, former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, when as

                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                          Fighting for His Presidency | TIME.com

                                                                                          With Democrats on the Hill restless, Obama and the White House are struggling to respond

                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                            The splitting of the Senate (now in convenient GIF form)

                                                                                            It's been said that American politicians have grown more rigid, more entrenched, less willing to compromise over the years. Here's the GIF that illustrates just how correct those assumptions are.

                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                              Survey: 81 Percent of Universities Say Sequester Has Directly Affected Research Activities | Sequester Watch, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

                                                                                              Universities say the automatic federal budget cuts that began last March have directly affected their research activities, leading to layoffs.

                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                Global study: World not ready for aging population

                                                                                                The world is aging so fast that most countries are not prepared to support their swelling numbers of elderly people, according to a global study being issued Tuesday by the United Nations and an elder rights group.

                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                  American History: Do you know US History?

                                                                                                  Watch the video American History: Do you know US History? on Yahoo News. In a few weeks, the U.S. will celebrate Columbus Day, but it’s likely many Americans don’t know that this holiday commemorates Christopher Columbus arriving in North Amer