"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Merz Newz

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Social Work | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Social Work

The Top Twelve Grand Challenges Facing Society Today - Social Work Helper

Today, at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference in Washington, DC, the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW) will unveil its 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work with a bold call to action to help solve the toughest prob

    Miscellaneous | Social Work

    More Social Workers Needed for Political Action - Social Work Helper

    It is time for social workers to begin to flex our political muscles because not much will change in the pursuit of social justice. Until there are more people in the political arena fighting for a more just and equitable society, opportunities for everyo

        Miscellaneous | Social Work

        Psych Majors as Medical Professionals? You Bet!

        These professional degrees in medicine are good fits for many psychology majors.

          Miscellaneous | Social Work

          A Career in Social Work - Looking Back and Looking Forward

          To those just starting down your life/career path, keep looking for what gives you passion and fulfills you. Remember to ask yourself the hard questions of what motivates you as a social worker.

            Miscellaneous | Social Work

            Wage Stagnation and the Undervalue of Social Workers - Social Work Helper

            While many social workers work primarily at the micro level and provide treatment to individuals, children, and families in some form or another, we must not forget our macro and societal level values for advocacy and social change. The societal and struc

                    Miscellaneous | Social Work

                    The Cost of Being a Social Worker - Social Work Helper

                    In March 2009, the Teri Zenner Social Worker Safety Act was introduced to Congress. The act would “authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,

                      Miscellaneous | Social Work

                      In the Ogre's Lair: Seeing Light in Shadow

                      I should have seen it coming when I slipped on the bullet casings strewn across the front steps. Or when I rang the doorbell and heard an angry-sounding voice bellow, “Who are you and what do you want?” I identified myself as the hospice social

                        Miscellaneous | Social Work

                        A Social Worker Will Be There

                        A Social Worker Will Be There, a poem about social work, by Bonnie Lee Camp.

                          Miscellaneous | Social Work

                          Attachment Theory Through A Cultural Lens • SJS

                          In an article titled “Attachment and Culture (citation below),” Heidi Keller exposes attachment theory’s Western, middle-class assumptions. She argues: … the definition of attachment in mainstream attachment research are in line w

                            Miscellaneous | Social Work

                            'I’ve seen the reclaiming social work model cause service implosion' - Community Care

                            Professor Ray Jones reflects on the various models of social work practice and organisation and the need for constant reflection and refinement

                              Miscellaneous | Social Work

                              ‘Social work education is being shaped and changed by those with little understanding of social work’ - Community Care

                              Early specialisation, excessive focus on technical competence and the neglect of post-qualifying education are storing up problems for the future, warns Ray Jones

                                Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                Social Workers Merit a Higher Value in Society and on Paychecks • SJS

                                March has been National Social Worker Month in this country. I often wonder how unbearable life would be without the skill, commitment, tenacity and hard work of social workers, a position embedded in so many essential activities of our society. They wor

                                  Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                  Tax time is around the corner, and if you are caring for an aging parent, you may be able claim some benefits and potentially save thousands of dollars on your tax return. Read about how to save money for aging parents on Caring.com.

                                    Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                    The best place in the world to be a social worker? - Community Care

                                    This World Social Work Day, Community Care talks to social workers across the world about their practice

                                      Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                      A Social Worker Will Be There

                                      A Social Worker Will Be There, a poem about social work, by Bonnie Lee Camp.

                                        Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                        Things They Don’t Tell You In Social Work School Part II • SJS

                                        This might be the longest wait for a sequel outside of George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, but it’s something that I have been meaning to do for a while. Previously on Things They Don’t Tell You In Social Work School, we discussed 5 things tha

                                          Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                          Breaking Boundaries With Empathy: How the Therapeutic Alliance Can Defy Client/Worker Differences

                                          According to The Social Work Dictionary (Barker, 2003), empathy can be defined as “the act of perceiving, understanding, experiencing, and responding to the emotional state and ideas of another person.” The act of empathy reflects one of NASW’s core

                                            Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                            I Am a Geriatric Social Worker: A Walking, Talking, Living Resource For All Your

                                            It seems nearly inevitable that anyone who becomes a social worker will eventually end up functioning as the “resource” person for their family and friends, particularly when something happens to them that they are sure you just might know something

                                              Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                              Five things you need to know about Nicky Morgan's social care speech

                                              Education minister announces change to social work training and standards to make social workers ‘more like teachers’

                                                Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                Vulnerability and Living Wholeheartedly According to Brené Brown

                                                Social work researcher and educator Brene Brown has become a household name when it comes to talking about embracing your vulnerability, shame, and fear and living authentically with your imperfections to learn to live a wholehearted life.

                                                    Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                    Presenting a Patient or Client to the Medical Team

                                                    Aside from clinical training and experience, the one skill a clinician must develop is that of communication. That sounds simple enough—talking and hearing. These abilities are not enough. Let’s look at the ability to LISTEN with purpose and SPEAK

                                                      Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                      I Am Not Sure How To Tell You This: Delivering Unwelcome News

                                                      Many times, social workers are called upon to deliver unpleasant news to clients and families. Some of the most difficult discussions have to do with death, dying, long-term care placement of a loved one, loss of custody or removal of children, and

                                                        Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                        The Strengths Perspective: It’s More than Some Catchy Tagline • SJS

                                                        One of the unique features of social work practice is the deliberate inclusion of strengths in assessment, intervention, and goal setting with clients. This framework, known as the Strengths Perspective, empowers individuals, families, organizations, and

                                                          Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                          David's Harp: Bringing Healing Through Music

                                                          Social workers who love incorporating music into their work might consider additional training in music therapy or therapeutic music. But even those not interested in such practices themselves might consider incorporating the services of such

                                                              Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                              What Do I Do When I Fail the Social Work Exam?

                                                              Social workers who fail the licensing examination often seek information on how to improve their scores. Prior to retaking any exam, three specific issues must be addressed. These are:

                                                                Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                Web Exclusive: Physician Assisted Suicide, Death, & Dying in Social Work

                                                                Physician assisted suicide, euthanasia, and dying with dignity are three related phrases. The terminology used is different depending on where one lives.

                                                                  Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                  Example of a Technology Assessment/rubric for use with Families • Social Justice Solutions

                                                                  Happy New Year everyone! I am attaching a link for a technology assessment I use with families. This link goes to my website page of educational trainings. Under technology series, look down to technology assessments. You will see sample questions and the

                                                                        Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                        Ethics in Private Practice

                                                                        The NASW Code of Ethics does not mention private practice, per se...it does not specifically condone or support private practice, and it does not reject or warn against private practice. It does, however, include a number of relevant ethical standard

                                                                          Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                          Building a Practice While Raising a Family

                                                                          I have five kids and I did it. It was not always easy, but whenever social workers or therapists who are moms, or who want to be moms, ask me how I built a full-time private practice with small children at home, I am quick to say that it really is po

                                                                            Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                            Why It Is Impossible To Love Everyone • Social Justice Solutions

                                                                            Social workers are all about the compassion. We love to care, we love how much we love caring. One thing I’ve always struggled with that constantly placed me at odds of my classmates and peers is the somewhat cynical notion that we can’t care

                                                                              Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                              Breaking Boundaries With Empathy: How the Therapeutic Alliance Can Defy Client/Worker Differences

                                                                              According to The Social Work Dictionary (Barker, 2003), empathy can be defined as “the act of perceiving, understanding, experiencing, and responding to the emotional state and ideas of another person.” The act of empathy reflects one of NASW’s core

                                                                                Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                                Retirement Benefit Changes for 2014

                                                                                Social Security, Medicare and retirement accounts will all change in modest but important ways in 2014. And for the first time, retirees too young to qualify for Medicare will be guaranteed the right to buy private insurance via their state's health

                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                                  Addiction Today: EMPATHIC PEOPLE ARE NATURAL TARGETS FOR SOCIOPATHS – PROTECT YOURSELF

                                                                                  The empathy trap: therapists and counsellors almost by definition are empathic, to facilitate clients’ recovery – but this quality can mean those carers are targets for sociopaths, aided by what Dr Jane & Tim McGregor call “apaths”. The first UK..

                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                                    Private Practice: When It's Not Right For You

                                                                                    If you are contemplating that jump to private practice in social work, how do you know whether you are ready or not? Given appropriate licensing and experience, you will still have to make that inner decision to go ahead.

                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Social Work

                                                                                      I Am a Geriatric Social Worker: A Walking, Talking, Living Resource For All Your