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A wife started texting her husband all the crazy stuff he says to her in his sleep.
A couple weeks ago, Imgur user LongTitlesMakeMeHappy posted a collection of texts sent to him from his wife of all the weird ass stuff he says to her when he's sleeping. These texts are the perfec
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Alanis Morissette has updated her hit 'Ironic' for this horrible modern age.
Canadian singer Alanis Morissette's hit "Ironic" topped the charts twenty years ago, if you weren't already feeling old this morning. The song has long been criticized for not actual
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22 Struggles People Who Don't Wear Glasses Will Never Understand
Can't find my glasses because I don't have my glasses on.
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26 Pregnant Women Who Totally Slayed Halloween
Or costumes for people who want to shove pumpkins up their shirts.
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18 Awesome Halloween Costumes For Couples Who Don't Suck
Forget about Valentine's Day -- Halloween is the best time of year to be coupled up. Why? Because you and your boo can rock the hell out of a two-person costume. Below, we've rounded up 18 cle
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Isn't that special: Definitive proof that Ted Cruz is Church Lady from 'SNL.'
How conveeeeeeenient. Woah: between his shrill voice, condescending tone, and apocalyptic visions, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is the second coming of Church Lady, Dana Carvey's best non-Garth...
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A couple created a ‘Drunk History’ of their love story to save their wedding guests from boring toasts.
This is the level of entertainment that people getting married should provide for their wedding guests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WaIv4WBYsc Newlyweds Justin Willman and Jillian Sipkins made a video in the style of TV show Drunk...
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This child dancing to Aretha Franklin is fiercer than you or I will ever be.
I have never had more respect for a child than I have for this child dancing to
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12 Gloriously Honest Cards Your Crappy Ex Deserves
If there's one life experience Hallmark isn't likely to write about any time soon, it's the period after a breakup when you're dying to tell an ex how you really feel. Luckily, the folks at Someeca
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Watch Coldplay Adapt 'Game of Thrones' Into Ridiculous Musical
George R.R. Martin meets Chris Martin in charity video, which features hilarious songs from Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington and more
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11 illustrations that perfectly sum up life in New York City versus San Francisco
Funny but true.
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30 Of The Most Creative Baby Announcements Ever
How did they come up with these?! See the most creative baby announcements ever!
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Faith/Off - Easter vs. Passover
It would be great if a superstar Jewish quarterback could deliver the Passover story.
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21 Things You Only Know If You've Been Best Friends For 10 Years
There are too many embarrassing stories to choose from. And you're not afraid to use them.
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Conan Joins A Cuban Salsa Band
Conan learns the importance of the Cuban clave beat and wows the band with his 8th grade Spanish skills.
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Watch What Happened When Conan O'Brien Went to Cuba
However, you feel about U.S.-Cuba relations it won’t stop big names like Conan O’Brien (or even, er, Paris Hilton) from going to La Habana because with the embargo ending people everywhere are desperate to take a peak into the country.
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These Children's Books Are Unintentionally Hilarious
You won't want these for your kids. LOL
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11 signs you were born and raised in California
Other English speakers don’t understand your English.
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Guys Read The Texts They Send To Their Girlfriends, And It's Equally Hilarious And Cringeworthy
Get ready to say
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Woman turns text messages from her 'Crazy Jewish Mom' into a sensation
Kate Siegel, 26, chronicles all of her mother's crazy thoughts and hilarious advice on Instagram. She has gained more than 280,000 followers since she started the account last November.
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Every State Described by a Single Sarcastic Line from a Bitter Resident
Do you love your state? Probably. Hopefully, at least. But do you love everything about your state? Of course not. So if you took a few moments you could definitely come up with some barbed, perhaps even bitter, description of your home. And that's exactl
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19 Annoying Facebook Status Updates That Need to STOP
…because we’re all pretty much sick of Facebook and, well, you’re just making it worse by updating your status with these 19 gems. Stop. (But first, Click Here to Join us on FACEBOOK! and Follow us on Twitter Here) 1. The “P
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Sen. Joni Ernst's SOTU rebuttal sparks 'bread bag' meme
Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst touched on a variety of topics in the Republican rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union address, but it was an anecdote about her modest Iowa upbringing that resonated with the American people.
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21 Hassle-Free Ideas For Your Elf On The Shelf
Love it or hate it, the Elf on the Shelf is a common fixture in American homes around the holidays. Not only does he remind the kids that Santa's watching, but he's also an opportunity for parents to get creative. From overnight shenanigans to fun wi...
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The Official Christmas Gift Guide For The Weirdo In Your Life
It's the most wonderful time of the year and, if you're lucky, it's also the weirdest. If it's truly the thought that counts, then you should be thinking about some strange things for the weirdo in your life. Why not get some chocolates shaped ...
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25 people you see at your hometown bar the night before Thanksgiving
Watch out. The Recent Divorcee is on the prowl.
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SNL - Schoolhouse Rock - Immigration Bill - SNL Cold Open
SNL - Schoolhouse Rock - Immigration Bill - SNL Cold Open SNL. - Schoolhouse Rock - Obama Immigration Bill.. - SNL Cold Open SNL Cameron Diaz. SNL’s Obama Sh...
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'Lumbersexual' Is The Term For Hot Hipsters Who Look Like Lumberjacks
Hipsters, just brawnier.
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Jon Stewart's 'Schoolhouse Rock' Update Is Absolutely Perfect
An entire generation learned how a bill becomes a law thanks to
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11 Emotions Every Football Fan Knows All Too Well
Football season is back, so get ready to have all the emotions. All. Of. Them. Cheers to the thrill of the game from Smirnoff Ice .
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The Drinker's Guide to Hanging Out with Sober People
How to hang, drink, and have fun with your sober buddies
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Perfect parody of the Apple Watch announcement explains exactly why it sucks.
Times have changed since Mac tried to convince me Windows was terrible (and they did!)Let's get real for a second: I don't like most things on the Internet, and I suspect you probably don't, eith
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13 Cards For Couples With An Unconventional Definition Of Romance
Finding the perfect card to give your spouse isn't easy when most of what's out there is Hallmark-grade, lovey-dovey mush. If that kind of overly sentimental stuff makes you uncomfortable and/or want to puke, just know you're not alone. Below, we'...
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15 Signs Your Love Of Target Is Spiraling Out Of Control
Just stopping in to quickly grab a million things.
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'Games of Thrones' gets the
Deceit! Violence! Incest! Mysterious supernatural forces! Yes, The Brady Bunch had it all. On top of all that, it had one of the most iconic credit sequences of all time. That's probably why Wil Wheaton, Liege Lord of All...
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Talk Nerdy To Me (A Talk Dirty Parody) [Video]
Because there's nothing as awesome as when you talk nerdy to me. A funny parody of Jason Derulo's
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11 Game Of Thrones Pick-Up Lines Guaranteed To Get A Westerosi Laid
Send free funny ecards, like birthday e-cards, thank you online cards, and funny wedding invitations. Many free e-cards, video ecards, free online greeting cards, and printable cards.
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25 Signs You're Becoming Your Jewish Mother
The truth hit me faster than that third glass of Manischewitz at the Coens' Sabbath dinner: I am officially turning into my Jewish mother....
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35 Signs You Were Raised By A Jewish Mother
So, is he Jewish? What, just asking. Oy vey.
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18 Awesome Benefits Of Having A Jewish Best Friend
Grab the matzah and manischewitz, it's going to be a party.
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Atlanta 1996 | Saturday Night Live - Yahoo Screen
Kerri Strug and her brother, Kippy, visit SNL. Find more Saturday Night Live videos on Yahoo Screen.
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These musicians proved that Pitbull and Ke$ha sound much better as a 1950s Doo Wop group.
Also, fans of 1950s music have a lot of lost teeth to send Ke$ha in rehab.Hmmm....it's almost like when musicians make a choice to do something different than everything else out there, it's refreshing and enjoyable and people like it. Not that I&
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Show This Chart To The Next Person Who Leaves You A Voicemail
The truth is out. Nobody is listening to your voicemails. We see that you called. If what you needed to say was that important, you should've texted us. Otherwise, we'll just call you back. We will never, ever listen to that voicemail.
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Detox and Lose Weight on the 'Werewolf Diet'
The latest arbitrary excuse for for unhealthy food restriction totally effective and science-based weight loss system is the Werewolf Diet, supposedly practiced by Madonna and Demi Moore, which helps people (lol @
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11 Ways To Ruin Your 2014 Before It Even Starts
If you're not careful, New Year's Eve could put you on your way to a terrible 2014. But if you become the master of New Year's Eve, you'll become the master of the new year.
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17 Not-So-Tiny Problems Only Short People Understand
Most of the time, it's fun to be short. Except these times.
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Here's the official trailer for Netflix's 'Fireplace For Your Home' video.
I like the part where the thing burns.You, in all likelihood, were not wondering if Netflix had created a trailer for its
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Hashtags: #WeirdHolidayTradition (12/20/12)
Jimmy reads his favorite tweets with the hashtag #WeirdHolidayTradition. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: http://full.sc/IcjtXJ Watch Late Nigh...
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A gift-giving guide for every stage of your relationship.
Happy Place's funny videos section has the best funny videos on the Internet. There are Funny video clips, hilarious viral videos, funny youtube videos, sketch comedy videos, and comedy movie clips.
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The Advent Calendar For The Scrooge In All Of Us!
Countdown 'Til Christmas Is Finally F***ing Over Advent Calendar | Daily Treats To Get You Through The Holiday Season | From Someecards Labs
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Star Trek Meets Monty Python
Star Trek If it was made with the same soundtrack as the Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
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14 Things Only Girls With Thick Hair Will Understand
So much hair, so little time. That is the mantra of women with thick hair everywhere.
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#WalmartFights sparks a trend on Twitter
As Black Friday sparked chaos at Walmarts across the country, a trend started on Twitter.
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SNL Digital Short: D**k in a Box (Censored) | Saturday Night Live - Yahoo Screen
Something special for your girlfriend this Christmas. Find more Saturday Night Live videos on Yahoo Screen.
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25 Situations Only Nonprofit People Can Understand
You're dedicated, filled with optimism, and you want to make the world a better place. So you get a job at a nonprofit, where your talents will be appreciated and you'll be paid handsomely ...
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James Franco and Seth Rogen Are ‘Bound 2' Each Other in Parody Video
Would you rather see Seth Rogen or Kim Kardashian topless on a motorcycle? There's no need to bite your nails. You don't have to choose. Seth Rogen and James Franco have a little present for those of you whose eyes are still burning from last we
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The Thanksgivukkah Movie Trailer
with Penny Marshall, Fred Melamed, Fred Willard, Kumail Nanjiani
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Ron Burgundy Advises Audiences Against Film Piracy in New 'Anchorman 2' Spot (Video) - TheWrap
Will Ferrell takes aim at people planning to watch his new movie for free, and urges them to stay away from
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7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now
Don't let the mid-week slump get you down. We have just the thing to distract you until the weekend gets here.
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Saturday Night Live: Anti-Depressant for Obama - Bing Videos
Paxil: Second Term Strength is the anti-depressant for presidents feeling low.
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Vintage Slang Terms For Being Drunk Are Hilarious A Century Later
Do you think that people didn't get wasted back in ye olden tymes?
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10 Things Hangry People Do
It never fails -- while running errands with someone I love, we'll stay out half an hour too long. I've probably had coffee and not enough breakfast.
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10 Dark Photos Of Disney Princesses That Don't Wind Up Happily Ever After
Sorry kids, but we have some bad news. Your favorite Disney princesses -- yes, the ones you sang with, rooted for, and dressed up as for Halloween -- well, they aren't doing too well.
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Blockbuster's Last In-Store Rental Couldn't Be More Fitting
Say what you will about Blockbuster, the company knew how to take a DVD, apply various corporate labelings to it and place it on a shelf. So when the dying cultural titan (or evil corporate behemoth, depending on your personal experience) closed its in-ho
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15 Fashions People Were Rocking in 1983
A Members Only guide to dressing in the decade of excess.
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Happy Thanksgivukkah, a day we'll never relivukkah
What did the turkey say to the Maccabee? You think YOU got problems? Happy Thanksgivukkah!
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Saturday Night Live: My Girl (EXCELLENT spoof of "What Does the Fox Say?")
What does Jay's girl say?
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What is the difference between women and men?
There are many funny differences between women and men. You can see them in everyday situations. Next time, when you have a fight with your couple, try to remember these...
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Annoying Things Your Friends Say After A Break-Up
Just got dumped? Don't worry, THERE ARE LOTS OF FISH IN THE SEA. Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1fwMWXV Share on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1fwMY1M Join Buzz...
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'Boy Dance Party' on 'SNL' scores big buzz | Saturday Night Live - Yahoo Screen
One of the standout skits from the 10/12/13 episode of
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Dog goes crazy when he’s told football is on TV, which makes him just like the rest of us (Video)
The dog in the video, named George, loves football. He runs to the TV when it's on, he jumps around when the plays are going on, has to be warned to not break the screen in his excitement and needs … Continue reading →
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13 Women's Costumes That Really Don't Need To Exist
Attention Halloween costume stores! Women are not allergic to pants.
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Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Hot Yoga
My teacher introduces herself as Yoga Bandana, or at least thats what it sounds like to me. We begin class by setting an intention, she suggests 'Gratitude' but i've done hot yoga before so my intention is 'To Not Die.'
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Surviving Whole Foods
She rings me up for $313. I resist the urge to unwrap and swallow whole another $6 truffle in protest. Barely. Instead, I reach for my wallet, flash her a quiet smile and say,
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21 Habits Of Supremely Happy People
Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us.
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23 Things Every Woman Should Stop Doing
It is conventional wisdom that we’re our own worst enemies and despite the cliche, the idea rings true. We often drive ourselves insane striving for perfection in our experiences, relationships and selves, and honestly it just becomes exhausting.
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Jimmy Fallon Spoofs Breaking Bad With Joking Bad—Watch!
Jimmy Fallon is giving Breaking Bad the Late Night treatment. The funnyman offered up a 13-minute...
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Wisconsin Woman's Awe-Inspiring Obituary a 'Must Read'
“If you’re about to throw away an old pair of pantyhose, stop” is not the way most obituaries begin, but, then, according to her family, Mary A. “Pink” Mullaney was no ordinary woman. The Wisconsite died on Sunday, Sept. 1, a