"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Merz Newz

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PETS | Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals | PETS

Here's Why Your Dog Might Not Be As Cute As You Think

New research shows the importance of cuteness in the human-animal bond.

    Pets & Animals | PETS

    Campuses Debate Rising Demands for ‘Comfort Animals’

    Many colleges are figuring out how to field increasing requests from students with psychiatric diagnoses for so-called emotional support animals.

      Pets & Animals | PETS

      Seattle Neighbors Are Seriously Pissed About Those Crows That Bring Gifts to an 8-year-old Girl

      Remember that 8-year-old girl who receives small objects from crows in return for feeding them? Well, her parents are now facing a $200,000 lawsuit accusing them of running a large-scale feeding operation out of their backyard.

        Pets & Animals | PETS

        Before You Think About Getting A Cat, It's Important To Remember This. Seriously.

        Special cats aren't broken! They'll love you just the same!

          Pets & Animals | PETS

          How To Understand What Your Cat Is Trying To Say

          Humans are lucky. We have complex verbal and physical languages that can get across pretty much any message that we feel we need to.

            Pets & Animals | PETS

            Resources To Turn To If You Are Having Trouble Affording Veterinary Care For Your Dog » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family

            If you have a pet there may come a time when you will need to pay for veterinary medical bills, which, depending on the medical emergency or condition, can be astronomical. Pet insurance can certainly help cover some of the costs, if you have it. But ther

              Pets & Animals | PETS

              Quokkas Are The Selfie Masters We All Want A Picture With

              Booking a flight to Australia right now…

                  Pets & Animals | PETS

                  Science Proves Cats Are Holistic Healers

                  By Steven Bancarz| Cats can make great friends and companions. And they're hilarious. You can laugh endlessly at some of the cat videos on YouTube. They

                    Pets & Animals | PETS

                    Your Pet Says More About Your Personality Than You Might Think

                    Cat people and dog people really do have different personality traits, new research suggests. People who own cats tend to be more creative, adventurous, and anxious. Dog owners, on the other hand, tend to be more extroverted, secure, and risk-averse....

                      Pets & Animals | PETS

                      How to Adopt a Dog Through Breed-Specific Rescue Groups

                      Do you have your heart set on bringing home a specific breed of dog? Here's how to get matched up with the perfect dog for you, and help out rescued pets in need of forever homes at the same time.

                        Pets & Animals | PETS

                        A Veterinarian’s Top 7 Tips for Saving Money on Pet Care

                        But beware: If there is an approved veterinary equivalent, your veterinarian may be required to write you a prescription for that instead.

                          Pets & Animals | PETS

                          7 Common Dog Behavior Myths Decoded

                          Although dog training has become more of a science than a craft in recent years, some persistent myths still mislead us when reading canine behavior. Her guilty face says it all. Dogs show a perceived

                            Pets & Animals | PETS

                            10 Weird Things Dogs Do

                            As much as we love them, dogs do disgusting and puzzling things. Why and how can such a sweet, innocent-looking ball of fur act so weird? Here we investigate 10 strange things our pooches do and the evolutionary origins of their behavior.

                              Pets & Animals | PETS

                              10 Best Dog Breeds for the Busy Family

                              Adding a dog to your family can bring unity to a bustling, busy household, but you’ll want to make sure to pick the right breed. Here are the top 10 best dog breeds for the busy family unit.

                                Pets & Animals | PETS

                                Meet the 'Puppy Bowl X' Starting Lineup

                                View the Meet the 'Puppy Bowl X' Starting Lineup photo gallery on Yahoo TV. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.

                                  Pets & Animals | PETS

                                  Mystery solved: Why dogs spin in circles before doing their business

                                  When it comes to exactly how to do their necessary business, dogs may have a reason that relies heavily on the Earth's magnetic field, according to a new report.

                                    Pets & Animals | PETS

                                    Dogs Recognise Familiar Human Faces in Eye Tracking Experiment

                                    A new study suggests that, like humans and some primates, dogs have the complex skills required to recognise faces.

                                      Pets & Animals | PETS

                                      23 Signs Your Pet Is Actually Your First-Born Child

                                      The United States birth rate just hit a record low, as more and more twenty- and thirty-somethings are putting off the parenting phase of their lives. But make no mistake, they're still spoiling, coddling, primping and using baby-talk.

                                        Pets & Animals | PETS

                                        A Very Nice Story About A Very Nice Dog

                                        We found Bran in the middle of a flood on the east side of Atlanta. He was just sitting by a mailbox in the rain, looking pathetic. I pulled over and called him to me, he immediately came, wagging his tail. He looked incredibly skinny and rough. Long story short, we found out he had been in the woods for over 3 months because he ran away from an animal hoarding situation. I immediately loaded him up and took him home. This is a picture of him in the tub. He was too dirty to be anywhere else and no amount of bathing cleaned him.

                                          Pets & Animals | PETS

                                          Proof That Cats Are Better Than Dogs

                                          Science settles the cat/dog question ONCE AND FOR ALL. Music:

                                            Pets & Animals | PETS

                                            6 Ways to Bond with Your Dog

                                            You can strengthen your relationship with your dog in a number of ways, from going on regular walks or hikes to learning and competing in dog sports - even just practicing tricks and obedience commands for a few minutes each day. Here are some of the most

                                              Pets & Animals | PETS

                                              Using Photography to Find Families for Homeless Dogs

                                              “These are not just cute pictures of dogs,” says photographer Shannon Johnstone about her 18-month photography project called “Landfill Dogs.” “These are dogs who have been homeless for at least two weeks, and now face euthanasia if they do not

                                                Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                13 Apartment Friendly Dog Breeds

                                                Some dogs need wide-open spaces, but there are plenty of breeds perfectly suited for life in an apartment or condo. We've rounded up 13 of the best breeds for small space living.

                                                  Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                  Most Popular Puppy Names of 2013

                                                  Just like we did in with the top puppy names of 2011 and top puppy names of 2012, we searched through Vetstreet's database of 925,000 puppies born since January 1 to determine what the most popular puppy names of the year are. Zoey isn't the onl

                                                    Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                    10 Least Popular Dog Breeds

                                                    Looking to expand your pet family with a rare breed of dog? We’ve asked an expert at the American Kennel Club to share ten lesser-known breeds with a bit of information on how they originated.

                                                      Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                      Are You Poisoning Your Pet? Things You Need To Know About The Pet Food Industry

                                                      “One of the dirty little secrets kept by the pet food industry is that some by-products also contain substances such as abscesses and cancerous material. In my opinion, feeding slaughterhouse waste to animals increases their chances of getting cancer an

                                                        Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                        SURPRISE: Your Cat Probably Doesn't Care What You're Saying

                                                        Pet owners who have a sneaky suspicion their cats aren’t interested in them may be on to something.

                                                          Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                          10 Dog Breeds All Wrong for Apartment Dwellers

                                                          Some dog breeds just love to run freely in spacious areas and may just be plain wrong for apartment living. If you call an apartment home these ten dog breeds may not be for you.

                                                            Pets & Animals | PETS

                                                            Woman Rescues a Dog from Shelter, Then the Dog Rescued Her

                                                            Sara Pelchat from Lakeland, Florida was sleeping when her dog, Brinleigh, jumped on top of her. The pooch licked her owner's face, tugged at her shirt and was relentless about getting Sara's attention. When Sara finally got out of bed, she saw h