Frederick T Schurger, DC, DCCJP

Articles 27
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Chronic Sinusitis & Upper Cervical - Dr Schurger's Story - Upper Cervical Springfield


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Carpal Tunnel  Treatment - Upper Cervical Springfield

Upper Cervical Springfield and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome natural help | Injury to the upper cervical spine has been observed to contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome | Correcting spinal misalignments and relief from carpal tunnel patients | 2-3 percent of the

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Tinnitus Care Springfield - Upper Cervical Springfield

Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care help eliminate tinnitus symptoms? | Dr. Schurger is a Tinnitus Doctor in Springfield IL | Dr. Schurger discusses the mechanisms in the inner ear that may cause tinnitus. | And how Upper Cervical Care has been found to

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Allergy Treatment Springfield - Upper Cervical Care

Do you suffer with allergies? | Upper Cervical Care has been shown an effective health care procedure that can help your body heal itself naturally | Dr. Schurger discusses Allergy Treatment in Springfield | And how since allergies are immune system based

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Alternative Seizure Treatment Springfield Upper Cervical Chiropractic - Upper Cervical Springfield

Seizure Treatment | Springfield Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Doctor For The Treatment of Myoclonic Sezures | In 2010 a case study was published on myoclonic seizures indicating the neck injury can play a causative factor in its development and furthermor

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Natural Vertigo Relief | Natural Vertigo Doctor | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Doctor For The Treatment Of Vertigo | Natural Vertigo Relief | Natural Vertigo Doctor | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Vertigo Can Be Caused By Upper Neck Injuries, more specifically when the atlas or axis are misaligned and cause interference to cen

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Natural Sciatica Relief - Understanding the Pain - Upper Cervical Springfield

Sciatica Treatment Upper Cervical Chiropractic Springfield | Many who suffer from sciatica choose to just deal with the pain, but Upper Cervical Chiropractic care can relieve the Sciatica pain that runs down the leg | Dr. Schurger's office is located

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Foot Problems, Spasms, Clonus - Springfield Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Are Neck injuries related to foot problems? | Many Foot Problems are treated by Springfield Upper Cervical Chiropractic care | the atlas-axis upper neck injury can cause problems in other parts of the body such as foot clonus | Most people would never thi

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Contributors to Insomnia - Finding Relief for Insomnia Springfield, IL - Upper Cervical Springfield

Finding Insomnia Relief in Springfield, IL | Contributing factors to sleep disturbances | The complication of many prescription drugs and other chemical factors like alcohol or caffeine to insomnia conditions | Dr. Schurger, Springfield IL Upper Cervical

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Before he got into Chiropractic, Dr Frederick Schurger was an engineer! Hear his story of why he made the transition from one field to another. Dr Schurger, ...

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Traumatic Brain Injury TBI Springfield - Upper Cervical Springfield

Doctor for Traumatic brain injury Springfield | Traumatic Brain Injury TBI Recovery Springfield | Upper Cervical Chiropractic Springfield and Traumatic Brain Injury TBI | Correlation between suboccipital muscle tonicity increases and severity in symptoms

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Natural Relief of Neck Pain in Springfield Illinois with upper cervical!

Learn how to get natural relief of neck pain in Springfield Illinois with upper cervical in this short video. Learn more at http://www.uppercervicalspringfie...

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Vestibular Disorders-Menieres, Vertigo, Vestibular Migraine Treatment in Springfield

Vestibular Disorders in Springfield treated naturally | Try Upper Cervical Care right here in Springfield | Dr. Schurger's office serves Berlin, Mechanicsburg, Taylorville, Pana, Petersburg, Loami, Athens, Lincoln, Divernon, Decatur, Forsyth, Montice

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Can Whiplash Cause Meniere’s Disease? | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Meniere's Disease Doctor Springfield

Doctor For The Treatment Of Meniere's Disease | Dr. Schurger Discusses how whiplash type injuries damage the upper cervical spine causing irritation to the spinal cord and are the underlying cause of Meniere;s Disease | Dr. Schurger Discusses Dr. Bur

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A New Hope for Migraine Sufferers | Migraine Headache Relief | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic - Blair Upper Cervical

Migraine Headache Relief | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Alternative Migraine Treatment If you have ever suffered from migraines, then you know just how debilitating they can be. Besides the intense pain they cause, migraines will interfere with eve

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Does the Back Of Your Head Hurt? | Natural Occipital Neuralgia Treatment | Occipital Neuralgia Doctor

Does the Back Of Your Head Hurt | Natural Occipital Neuralgia Treatment | Occipital Neuralgia Doctor | Atlas Docotrs | Occipital Neuralgia Can be Caused By Upper Neck Injury | The suboccipital muscles can become spastic and entrap the suboccipital nerve r

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BLAIR Upper Cervical Research Shows Promise For Ankylosing Spondylitis | Natural Treatment For Ankylosing Spon

BLAIR Upper Cervical Research Shows Promise For Ankylosing Spondylitis | Natural Treatment For Ankylosing Spondylitis | This Article Discusses A Case Study Published Regarding Ankylosing Spondylitis And How Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Helps Improve

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Scoliosis Relief - Amanda

Amanda shares her story on how Upper Cervical Care helped her improve her flexibility, move better & have more energy to do things in the evening!

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Natural ADD Treatment | Atlas Problems And ADD

Doctors For Natural ADD Treatment | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractors are sepcially trained to correct upper neck injuries at the atlas axis level | Upper Cervical Subluation can interfere with brain function by affecting brain blood flow, csf flow, whic

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Tinnitus Care Springfield-Two Muscles In Your Inner Ear May Be The Cause!

Do you suffer with tinnitus? Have you tried everything and nothing has worked? Try upper cervical care. Mecahnisms in the inner ear that may cause tinnitus. Upper Cervical Care has been found to eliminate tinnitus in some cases. Locations Serviced: Dr. Sc

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Natural Fibromyalgia Management in Springfield

Fibromyalgia symptom triggers include Stress, Lack of sleep, Exposure to moisture, cold temperatures, Injury, and fatigue | Medical management of fibromyalgia typically involves prescription medication and injections | Some may find symptom relief through

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Do You Suffer With Arthritis Pain? | Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Arthritis Doctor Springfield

Arthritis Pain Doctor Springfield | There are many forms of spinal arthritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, psoriatic arthritis , and rheumatoid arthritis | most arthritis is the result of trauma | however rheumatoid and psoriatic are classified

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Post Concussion Syndrome, Traumatic Neck Injury in Springfield?

There is an answer for post concussion syndrome | It is not your brain - it's in your neck | Springfield Post concussion syndrome treatment | Dr. Schurger's office serves Berlin, Mechanicsburg, Taylorville, Pana, Petersburg, Loami, Athens, Linco

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Hydrops Treatment in Springfield

Hydrops treatment in Springfield | If you have hydrops you should consult an upper cervical care doctor. It just might change your life | Dr. Schurger's office serves Berlin, Mechanicsburg, Taylorville, Pana, Petersburg, Loami, Athens, Lincoln, Diver

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Neck & Upper Back pain - Bridgette

Bridgette had been suffering from neck and back pain for 10 years before finding Upper Cervical Care!

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Can Migraines cause Mood Disorders? | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Migraine Doctor Springfield

Doctor for the treatment of migraines | Dr Schurger discusses how migraines can cause mood disorders. The wide range of symptoms and multiple reasons why mirgraines occur make them very difficult to care for. So the question becomes, what is the best way

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Can Whiplash Cause Meniere’s Disease? | Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic | Meniere's Disease Doctor Springfield

Doctor For The Treatment Of Meniere's Disease | Dr. Schurger Discusses how whiplash type injuries damage the upper cervical spine causing irritation to the spinal cord and are the underlying cause of Meniere;s Disease | Dr. Schurger Discusses Dr. Bur