Sharing things that make me and my boys laugh! But don't let it end here! Share with the world!


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Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

This Company Makes Cardboard Tanks to Help Your Cat Conquer the World

To conquer the world, cats need cutting-edge military technology. That's why Suck UK creates awesome cardboard gadgets.

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

Realistic Masks of Your Own Pet's Face

A Company Makes Enormous, Human-Head Size Replicas of Your Own Pet's Face

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

This Puma Rescued From A Contact Zoo Is Too Friendly to Be Released Into the Wild

AnimalsThis Puma Rescued From A Contact Zoo Is Too Friendly to Be Released Into the Wild
Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev share a small one-bedroom apartment in Penza, Russia. Like most couples who are tight on space, they decided to get a house cat over a dog. However, that house cat just so happens to be a 90 lbs. puma.