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Social Media | Business & Finance

Business & Finance | Social Media

Facebook Messenger App: Is The Backlash Fair?

Now, it goes without saying that Facebook is one of the more controversial social networks, but their recent effort to force people to install their standalone Messenger app has angered users more th…

Business & Finance | Social Media

12 Most Powerful Ways To Build Instant Influence

Gain friends and better relationships with these tips from T J McCoy in the 12 Most Powerful Ways To Build Instant Influence.

Business & Finance | Social Media

Social Media: Are We Fighting For Our Souls?

Over the last few months, even before the news surfaced that Facebook had experimented with feeds to see how people reacted to a slew of negative posts, it seems like there has been a lot of mainstre…

Business & Finance | Social Media

7 Silly Hashtag Mistakes No One Should Make

Learn what common mistakes people make with Twitter hashtags -- and how to avoid them.

Business & Finance | Social Media

What I Just Read About Social Media Will Shock You. And No. 3 Will Change Your Life.

Sorry. Did you believe that headline?  Don’t feel bad. Unfortunately, we have all fallen prey to these social media bear traps. And there are only more to come. Several of these fallacious pos…

Business & Finance | Social Media

9 Steps for Planning Your Next Social Advertising Campaign

9 Steps for Planning Your Next Social Advertising Campaign by Douglas Karr on Marketing Technology Blog

Business & Finance | Social Media

Get More Website Traffic with this Surprising Facebook Advertising Tactic

If you are a social media marketer you should consider advertising on Facebook. Here is how to get more website traffic using this surprising Facebook tactic

Business & Finance | Social Media

Cookies: More Than Your Favorite Treat

I’m told I make the best cookies. But this article isn’t about baked goods, unfortunately. Cookies, the kind you find on your computer, often get a bad rep. We’ll get into why in a moment. But …

Business & Finance | Social Media

4 Apps That Could Change Your Life

In Apple’s most recent campaign, they vowed to change lives. And honestly, when it comes to integrating into our everyday lives and giving us ways to improve our health, happiness, finances, and a …

Business & Finance | Social Media

10 Social Media Posting Ideas That Get More Clicks

While converting social media users into leads or customers requires more than a single click, getting them to engage with the content you share and produce is an important step. Since the right appr…

Business & Finance | Social Media

3 Tips For Creating An Effective Social Media Plan For Your Nonprofit

Social media is a valuable tool for marketing non-profits and spread the word about your brand, function and cause. With the right social media plan and commitment, social media can prove powerful to…

Business & Finance | Social Media

35 Tech Terms Translated Into Plain English

Put these tech terms in your back pocket so you know what your web designer and product developer friends are talking about.

Business & Finance | Social Media

Would You Quit Facebook for 99 Days?

Dutch communications agency Just is encouraging Facebook users to give up the network for 99 days.

Business & Finance | Social Media

3 Essential Steps to Drive Revenue & Conversions From Pinterest

Smart marketers know that Pinterest is a valuable social media channel. In fact, one study found that Pinterest drives more traffic to media websites than Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Google+ combi…

Business & Finance | Social Media

A Roadmap to the Future of Marketing

A Roadmap to the Future of Marketing by Douglas Karr on Marketing Technology Blog

Business & Finance | Social Media

Is Social Media Monitoring Keeping You From Being Social?

Find Better Ways to Keep Up With Your Social Media Platforms Do you have more social engagement on your plate than you have time for? When it comes to choosing a social media monitoring and engagemen…

Business & Finance | Social Media

Is Your B2B Company Getting Ahead or Dead on these 21 B2B Marketing Basics?

Staying competitive in the B2B marketing space seems overwhelming for a lot of marketers right now with all the hype about everything from content marketing

Business & Finance | Social Media

6 Steps to Nurturing the Sales Funnel with Social Media

Businesses have engaged customers with what has often been called the “Purchase Funnel.” Here are 6 steps to nurturing the sales funnel with social media.

Business & Finance | Social Media

12 Most Basic Ways for Beginners to Rock Twitter

Twitter can feel downright intimidating to beginners. Becky Gaylord presents the 12 Most Basic Ways for Beginners to Rock Twitter and not get overwhelmed.

Business & Finance | Social Media

5 Easy Ways to Sell On Social Media Using Images

Here are 5 easy ways you can make the most of images on social media without alienating your fans and followers.

Business & Finance | Social Media

Growing your Small Business in social networks

Learn the advantages of growing your small business in social networks and stay up to date with your social media strategy.

Business & Finance | Social Media

The Psychology of Landing Page Videos (+5 Video Optimization Tips)

When a lead visits your landing page, you don't have much time to leave a positive impression. Here's why landing page videos enhance trust.

Business & Finance | Social Media

5 Web tools that can power small business success

While small businesses can’t match their rivals’ budget or resources, they can take advantage of tools that can raise the quality of their communication and collaboration. Here are five free or low-cost tools that will help small businesses get ahead.

Business & Finance | Social Media

What is Analytics

What is Analytics and what are the types of platforms that help online marketers drive better marketing decisions. Here are 10 types of analytics systems.

Business & Finance | Social Media

Why Conversation is the Key to Increasing Facebook Conversions [Study]

With Facebook organic reach plummeting, are conversions bound to follow? A study reveals the key to increasing conversions on Facebook despite the shift.

Business & Finance | Social Media

20 Ways to Save HOURS of Social Media Time

IFTTT is an easy-to-use automation tool that allows you to build or select ‘recipes’ for your social media tasks and save hours of social media time.

Business & Finance | Social Media

How to Smart Tweet Your Way to Fame and Glory

Have you been using Twitter to improve your brand reputation and domain influence yet? Twitter is a social platform you ignore at your own risk because it offers an immense opportunity to reach out to customers, both existing and potential, and make a sol

Business & Finance | Social Media

Social Media Requires Being Human

While on a trip to California to speak at an event last month, I took the opportunity to see how hospitality and travel companies respond (or don’t respond) using Twitter. I hope you enjoy the less…