Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

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Polls | Politics

Politics | Polls

Polls Show ObamaCare Wave Building Against Senate Democrats

Recent polling shows that an election wave caused by ObamaCare is growing, and is not only likely to hand the GOP control of the United States Senate, but might wipe out as many as 12 Democrat seats -- many of which looked safe just a few months ago. Back

      Politics | Polls

      Media Fail: Obama Approval Plummets to 37%

      In today's edition of polls the media will collectively ignore, a new AP-GFK polls finds that Barack Obama's job approval rating has plummeted to 37%. The President's disapproval rating is up to 53%. There is no good news in this poll for anyo

        Politics | Polls

        Gallup: Belief Federal Government Too Powerful Hits Record High

        With the 2014 midterms just a little over a year away and the battle to defund ObamaCare currently unfolding in Congress, Gallup reports that the belief the government is too powerful has hit a record high of 60%, including 38% of Democrats. Only 7% belie

            Politics | Polls

            Fox News Poll: Voters oppose prosecuting Zimmerman on civil rights charges

            A just-released Fox News poll finds a huge racial divide over the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case.

            Politics | Polls

            Poll: Nearly 6-in-10 Want Every Member of Congress Replaced

            A new national poll has found that an all-time high of 57% of Americans would vote to throw out every member of Congress if given the option in the 2014 elections.