Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

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Corruption and Scandals | Politics

Politics | Corruption and Scandals

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has formally approved the request of Pvt. Bradley Manning, convicted for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks, to be temporarily transferred out of military custody in order to undergo expensive hormone therapy and surge

    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

    CIA Station Chief Confirms Administration's Benghazi Lies

    The CIA station chief in Libya says he informed acting director Mike Morell, who edited the talking points, that there were no protests in Benghazi.

      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

      National Science Foundation Spends $700K on Climate Change Musical

      The National Science Foundation has fantasies of Broadway. It is funding what it thinks is a hot commodity: a new musical titled The Great Immensity that is focused on climate change.

        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

        Kansas and Arizona Win Case to Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote

        Score a big victory for two states on ballot-box integrity laws in Kansas and Arizona, one that the losing side is already appealing.

          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

          Money from trial lawyers groups flowing to Democrats

          Iowa Democrat's remark sparks debate about growing influence of trial lawyers in current political climate.

            Politics | Corruption and Scandals

            Obama Uses Government To Harass, Intimidate Foes

            President Obama has used the machinery of government to harass and intimidate political opponents — to an extent greater even than former Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, both threatened with impeachment.

              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

              Obama administration indicts conservative filmmaker critical of Obama

              Federal agents will arrest outspoken political commentator Dinesh D'Souza in New York City on Friday over allegations that his donations to a failed U.S. Senate candidate exceeded campaign-finance lim

                Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                Connecticut's Obamacare Exchange Spends $75K on Murals

                Connecticut’s health insurance exchange has spent nearly $75,000 to commission three murals with an additional $4,000 spent to have one of the murals installed.

                  Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                  Federal investigators still not contacting conservative groups targeted by IRS

                  More than half a year after the IRS targeting scandal broke in May, federal investigators have still not contacted any of the 41 conservative groups represented in the American Center for Law and Just

                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                    CIA personnel testify agency was on alert over 9/11 anniversary in Benghazi, before attack

                    Personnel working at the CIA annex in Benghazi were well aware that the 9/11 anniversary last year could be a flashpoint, according to recent testimony, and a notice was even posted on a bulletin board at the annex warning of potentially increased hostili

                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                      ObamaCare's arrogance, corruption and abuse is just beginning

                      The view from this economist is that ObamaCare raises costs, lowers quality and slashes the incomes of many health care providers.

                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                        IRS moves to limit tax-exempt groups after targeting scandal

                        The Obama administration Tuesday launched a bid to rein in politically active nonprofit groups and how they are identified during campaigns.

                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                          Why Are the Medical Insurance Companies Silent?

                          What exactly are they afraid of? John Goodman, the leading medical care analyst in the country, asked this question a few weeks ago. His piece was entitled

                                Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                One-Party Rule Leads to Corruption in California

                                Paul Krugman, the liberal Nobel Prize-winning columnist for the New York Times, thinks California is making an economic comeback. He attributes this mostly to the Republican party’s steady decline in the state, which left Governor Jerry Brown “free to

                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                    IRS lost $4 BILLION to identity thieves in 2012 as it targeted the tea party

                                    The Internal Revenue Service sent $4 billion to identity thieves filing fraudulent tax returns in 2012, at the same time it was devoting resources to invasive politically targeted audits of not-for-pr

                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                      Obama’s second-term ambassador nominees raised more than $16 million for him

                                      President Obama's second-term nominees for foreign ambassadorships raised more than $16 million for his presidential campaigns and inaugurations. Obama has nominated 24 campaign bundlers that have

                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                        Government awards more contracts to company that created glitchy ObamaCare website

                                        CGI Federal Inc, the company that created large parts of the error-plagued ObamaCare exchange website, which it says it is scrambling to fix, has recently been awarded several other government contracts.

                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                          Are the feds targeting JPMorgan for criticizing Obama?

                                          JPMorgan Chase admitted it is under investigation by the Justice Department over its hiring practices in Hong Kong, the latest in a string of federal probes and lawsuits against the bank that some bel

                                            Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                            Gov't Workers Work Less, Earn More — Pretty Good Deal, Huh?

                                            During the sequestration, we heard a lot of complaining from government workers about bearing the brunt of the government closure. But far from being a put-upon class of overworked public servants, government workers have it much better than the rest of u

                                              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                              Thomas Sowell: 'Extortion' Shows Need to Dismantle Permanent Political Class

                                              Columnist Thomas Sowell says Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer's book Extortion shows the need to oppose a permanent ruling class in Washington, D.C. and to take steps weakening the power of incumbency.

                                                  Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                  White House Declares ObamaCare Truth Telling A Firing Offense

                                                  Kathleen Sebelius lied to Congress about ObamaCare and still runs HHS. But the Obama White House fired an ObamaCare phone operator for telling the truth.

                                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                    Liberal Billionaire Soros Joins Hillary Super PAC | NewsBusters

                                                    Liberal billionaire George Soros has accepted a position on the National Finance Council of the Ready For Hillary Super PAC, a group paving the way for a 2016 presidential run for the former first lady.

                                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                      Craigslist makes turning food stamps into cash a SNAP

                                                      Food stamp recipients are turning the government handouts into quick cash with ads on Craigslist. 

                                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                        Former terrorist Bill Ayers speaks about palling around with Obama

                                                        Unrepentant former terrorist Bill Ayers was an invited dignitary at the University of Chicago's International House last week, plugging his latest ode to himself in book form, reports The College Fix.

                                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                          Most powerful White House Obamacare official at center of IRS scandal

                                                          The White House official who exchanged confidential taxpayer information with the IRS is a longtime Obama advisor and progressive activist who is currently the most powerful official on Obamacare impl

                                                            Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                            White House War On Fox News Continues

                                                            Friday things really came to a boil as Carney openly snubbed Henry during the regular daily briefing. Carney, as is customary, took questions from the major networks seated in the front row. When he'd finished with Major Garrett, formerly with Fox New

                                                              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                              53,000 Dead Registered Voters in Florida, Millions Nationwide

                                                              The Florida Secretary of State has discovered 53,000 dead voters registered to vote. The Secretary of State has also flagged thousands of potential non-citizens who are also registered to vote. This discovery is indicative of a wider national problem with

                                                                Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                *UPDATED* The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain

                                                                Below is a list of illogical, unnecessary, and shockingly spiteful moves our government is making in the name of essential and non-essential. The media may or may not report on these individual occurrences, but what they will never do is provide the Ameri

                                                                  Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                  Ben Carson's IRS Audit Can't Possibly Be Coincidence

                                                                  It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that Obama critic Dr. Ben Carson's IRS audit can't be a coincidence, and demands a formal, independent investigation.

                                                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                    Fast & Furious Lawsuit Survives DOJ Move for Dismissal

                                                                    A U.S. District Court Judge denied the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the House of Representatives’ lawsuit demanding administration documents related to the Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal.

                                                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                      ACORN Reborn in NYC Mayor's Race

                                                                      Almost exactly four years ago, ACORN, the notorious, leftist community organizers, imploded on itself after being caught in a series of lies related to the video-sting of journalists James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles. Cut off from federal funding and lar

                                                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                        Exclusive--IRS Offers True The Vote Tax Exempt Status, Files to Dismiss Lawsuit

                                                                        The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has offered election integrity group True The Vote its tax-exempt status in what appears to be a bid to keep the group from proceeding with discovery on its lawsuit against the agency, Breitbart News has learned exclusiv

                                                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                          IRS Official at Heart of Tea Party Scandal Retires

                                                                          Facing a possible firing, the Internal Revenue Service official at the center of the agency's tea party scandal retired Monday, ending one chapter in a ruckus that has engulfed the tax-collection agency since spring.

                                                                            Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                            More Evidence of Rampant Fraud in Lifeline Free Phone Program

                                                                            Investigators working for Scripps Media have interviewed a former employee for a provider of free phone service, sometimes known as Obamaphones, who admits to forging signatures on applications.

                                                                              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                              GOP Rep: CIA Employee Who Refused Non-Disclosure Agreement on Benghazi Suspended

                                                                              Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) revealed Monday that his office received anonymous information that a CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement, banning him from discussing the terrorist attack in Benghazi, has been suspended and was forced to hi

                                                                                Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                No public tours, but 344 visits by lobbyists to the White House

                                                                                Regular American citizens visiting the nation's capital lost access to the White House in March as President Obama eliminated public tours to make a point in his battle with House Republicans in the sequestration debate over cutting spending or raising ta

                                                                                  Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                  Emails show IRS official Lerner involved in Tea Party screening

                                                                                  Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner appeared to be deeply involved in scrutinizing the applications of Tea Party groups for tax-exempt status, according to newly released emails that further challenge the claim the targeting was the work of rogue Ohio-base

                                                                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                    Jackson Proves Crime Pays For DC Crooks

                                                                                    In yet another sign Washington's hopelessly corrupt, disgraced Illinois Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. will collect tens of thousands of dollars in government disability pay while serving time for defrauding the government.

                                                                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                      Palestinian Authority takes $148M from US, doles out ‘grants’ to convicted terrorists

                                                                                      The Palestinian Authority is doling out millions of dollars in cash grants to convicted terrorists recently released from Israeli prisons in a program announced the same day as the P.A. accepted $148 million in the latest round of U.S. aid.

                                                                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                        EPA employee stole $886K from the agency

                                                                                        An Environmental Protection Agency employee knowingly stole more than $886,000 from the agency, according to a criminal filing from the Department of Justice. The alleged fraud occurred in the EPA�<img onclick=

                                                                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                          Obamacare A Boon To Insiders-Turned-Lobbyists

                                                                                          Obamacare is bagging Washington lobbyists big bucks as corporate clients line up to hire K Street lobbying firms made up of former government officials with high-powered connections.

                                                                                            Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                            Thousands Of NSA Violations Revealed, But Obama's Response Is Blase

                                                                                            The Washington Post has revealed thousands and thousands of National Security Agency violations of American privacy protections. Sounds like a big deal. But the Obama administration can barely stifle its collective yawn.

                                                                                              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                              More Real Guns Found In Phony Fast And Furious Scandal

                                                                                              Three more guns traced to Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in the deaths of American agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata, have been found at crime scenes in Mexico.

                                                                                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                    Was Benghazi CIA Annex Running Guns To Syrian Rebels?

                                                                                                    Dozens more CIA operatives than previously acknowledged were in Benghazi, raising speculation the annex was used to run weapons to Syrian rebels.

                                                                                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                      Report: Lawmakers to Subsidize Own Obamacare Premiums with Tax Dollars

                                                                                                      Members of Congress and their aides will essentially be exempt from Obamacare, as the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will issue a ruling that says the federal government can subsidize the health insurance premiums of members of Congress and their ai

                                                                                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                        Audit finds bloated budget for green jobs training despite lack of open positions

                                                                                                        A federal audit released this summer shows that nearly half-a-billion dollars in government funds was spent on training workers for so-called “green jobs.” The only problem is that not enough positions in the growing industry exist.

                                                                                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                          Documents: IRS targeting of pro-life groups continues

                                                                                                          The Internal Revenue Service  continues to target pro-life conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status despite pending investigations into the IRS targeting scandal, according to documents obt

                                                                                                              Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                              Watchdog report finds millions in gov't payments to dead farmers

                                                                                                              The Agriculture Department has paid millions of dollars to dead farmers over the last several years, according to an audit released Monday. 

                                                                                                                    Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                                    Let's Have Justice For Ambassador Christopher Stevens

                                                                                                                    Our African commander, Gen. Carter Ham, tells the Aspen Security Forum he knew early Benghazi was terror while survivors are asked to sign nondisclosure agreements.

                                                                                                                      Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                                      Weiner's wife raped taxpayers in sweetheart deal

                                                                                                                      Despite her husband being the butt of late night jokes and water-cooler ridicule, Huma Abedin is standing by Anthony Weiner, and he, by her.

                                                                                                                        Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                                        Plenty Of Investigation To Go In Growing IRS Scandal

                                                                                                                        Ignore revelations leading higher up the executive branch food chain, says the White House. The IRS dots must — and will — be connected.

                                                                                                                          Politics | Corruption and Scandals

                                                                                                                          Obama Attacks 'Phony Scandals,' 'One Percent,' Forces 'Conspired' Against Middle Class

                                                                                                                          President Barack Obama's speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois was billed as an address on the economy, the first of a series of economic orations. Yet instead of presenting a policy agenda, Obama launched a partisan attack reminiscent of his