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Energy & Environment | Politics
Politics | Energy & Environment
Fail: US Has Wasted $154 Billion on 'Renewable Energy'
In October, the Department of Energy announced $60 million in subsidies for solar energy research and development programs as part of the SunShot Initiative. The primary goals of the program are to reduce the cost of photovoltaic solar energy systems by 7
Politics | Energy & Environment
Obama Takes Credit For Oil Boom He's Tried To Block
Obama takes credit for an economic recovery that isn't happening and a surge in oil production he's had nothing to do with. IBD sets the record straight.
Politics | Energy & Environment
ANALYSIS: We’re going backwards
It’s the dawn of the 21st century and the country is on the verge of what could be the biggest energy boom in history, but out-of-control environmental policies could drag us back into the dark ages
Politics | Energy & Environment
Leaked UN global warming report written by environmental activists
It looks like the media missed a key aspect of the United Nation's recently leaked climate report. Parts of the report's summary for policymakers were written with the help of environmental activists,
Politics | Energy & Environment
Chevron Vindicated As Evidence Points To 'Green Fraud' By Environmentalists
For years, leftists have charged that Chevron, through its Texaco acquisition, polluted Ecuador's rainforest floor and poisoned its helpless villagers. New evidence shows that Chevron's innocent, but that those who accused it may be guilty of fraud.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Is ‘global cooling’ the new scientific consensus?
Is there a new scientific consensus forming around global cooling? That’s what environmentalist Lawrence Solomon writes in the Financial Post, citing the fact that solar activity is decreasing at th
Politics | Energy & Environment
Obama uses executive order in sweeping takeover of nation's climate change policies
Through the stroke of a pen, President Obama on Friday used his executive powers to elevate and take control of climate change policies in an attempt to streamline sustainability initiatives – and potentially skirt legislative oversight and push a feder
Politics | Energy & Environment
Coal Miner's Slaughter: Thousands Protest War On Coal
Some 3,500 protestors rallied in D.C. against new regulations requiring the use of carbon capture technology that doesn't exist, part of the EPA's war on coal.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Bankrupt solar panel firm took stimulus money, left a toxic mess, says report
A former facility for a Colorado-based solar panel maker that received a $400 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration and eventually went bankrupt last year will cost millions to clean due to the toxic mess left behind, the National Legal and
Politics | Energy & Environment
Al Gore Throws Another Climate Lie On The Barbie
Al Gore criticizes Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott for saying its brushfire are natural phenomena and not caused by climate change.
Politics | Energy & Environment
How To Waste A Billion: Use It To Fight Global Warming
The world reportedly
Politics | Energy & Environment
Fears Of Polar Icecaps Melting Are Overblown, Study Says
Children are taught from a young age to fear the dire effects of global warming, including the disappearance of the polar icecaps. But now, even the organization that is most closely identified with pushing global warming fears admits that's not likely.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Doomsday professor: WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE BY 2040 (from global warming)
Well, humans of the world, your species has enjoyed a nice run but it's all going to be over within 30 years. In a speech last week at the University of Colorado Boulder Guy McPherson, professor em
Politics | Energy & Environment
Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29%
A chilly Arctic summer has left 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year
Politics | Energy & Environment
Networks Embrace IPCC Report's Fraudulent Warnings
The major networks have shamelessly hyped a fraudulent IPCC report that ignores 15 years of static temperatures, a decline in hurricanes, and warmer periods in human history.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Climate Change: Who Are the Real Deniers?
Unfortunately the subject of climate change has become a political football, with extremists uttering hyperboles on both sides. There are those who deny that man has had any affect, which is absurd given that global energy use is roughly 250 million barre
Politics | Energy & Environment
UN Climate Change Report Ignores 15-Year 'Pause' in Warming
An exhaustive United Nations report that claimed with 95% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming left out data that found the planet has stopped warming over the last 15 years because it did not fit with the climate change agenda it want
Politics | Energy & Environment
EPA admits new coal regulations won't reduce global warming
An Environmental Protection Agency proposal designed to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce global warming will actually have no “notable CO2 emission changes.”
Politics | Energy & Environment
Media Ignore Good Global Warming News
You would think that the recent news about how Global Warming might not be real would be reason to celebrate in every corner of the media; Whoo-hoo we are not doomed! Oddly enough, though, except for some obligatory reporting about Arctic sea ice recoveri
Politics | Energy & Environment
Another Taxpayer-Funded 'Green Energy' Company Considers Bankruptcy
Millions of Tax Payer Dollars Lost to Another Bust Obama Green Energy Co
Politics | Energy & Environment
Enviro-lawsuit forces five Indiana coal plants to shut down
The “war on coal” has five new casualties. A lawsuit brought by environmental groups has forced the shutdown of five Indiana coal-fired power plants by 2018, totalling 668 megawatts of power.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Report: Fracking 'Brings Breathtaking Economic, Environmental Benefits'
A new report in the Manhattan Institute publication, City Journal , says fracking “brings breathtaking economic and environmental benefits” to the places that have embraced the “shale revolution.”
Politics | Energy & Environment
Unemployment Rate Much Worse Without Fossil Fuel Jobs
Without Big Oil, the flaccid Obama recovery — the weakest since World War II — would be sicklier, and the wretched jobs picture would be truly miserable. rr
Politics | Energy & Environment
White House Climate Change Comments Show Obama's Ideological Intolerance
When a sitting president suggests that there can be no dispute about climate change, he's making an ideological statement — not a scientific one.
Politics | Energy & Environment
Obama admin seeks the ‘total destruction’ of coal country, says coal exec
An Ohio panel of politicians and industry leaders painted a dire future for the coal industry, with one executive arguing it could be completely destroyed by the Obama administration's so-called war o
Politics | Energy & Environment
Coal-state lawmakers fight to save industry
Coal state legislators took a carrot and stick approach to the Obama administration's so-called war on coal Thursday when a bi-partisan West Virginia delegation went to the White House to plead it's case with new EPA Administrator Gina Mc
Politics | Energy & Environment
Obama admin may have interfered with fracking studies
Two sources within the Environmental Protection Agency have told government watchdog groups that the Obama administration interfered with investigations of hydraulic fracturing during the 2012 preside
Politics | Energy & Environment
Guess what happened when two states tried to stop the EPA’s greenhouse gas rules
A federal court has thrown out a challenge against the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules regarding greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The suit was brought by Texas and Wyoming.
Politics | Energy & Environment
EPA regs shutter two more coal plants
High costs associated with stricter federal environmental regulations and increased competition from low-priced natural gas have shut down two coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania. FirstEnergy C