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Race | Politics
Politics | Race
Allen West: Democratic Policies Have Created an 'Economic Dependency Plantation' for Blacks
Former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) went on Fox News Channel's
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Communist Party Chair: Save Obamacare by Calling Detractors Racist
The National Chairman of the Communist Party, USA suggests supporters of The Affordable Care Act should accuse its detractors of being racists as a tactic to regain support for the troubled law.
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Fox launches full-frontal assault on black mobs
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
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Report: DHS Employee Who Called For Murder of Whites Still Has Job
Although Department of Homeland Security (DHS) procurement officer Ayo Kimathi was
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Harvey Weinstein: Some GOP Obama Critics in Congress Racist
On Friday, Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein said some Republicans who oppose President Barack Obama are racist.
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Holder: We Might Still Prosecute Zimmerman
Despite the complete failure of both local and federal law enforcement to find any evidence whatsoever of George Zimmerman’s supposed racism ending in the death of black teenager Trayvon Martin in February 2012 in Florida, the Obama administration conti
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In Florida, Agreement to Reduce Student Arrests
One of the nation's largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses.
Politics | Race
Harry Belafonte Compares Koch Brothers to the Klan
Far-left singer/activist Harry Belafonte directly compared right-leaning philanthropists Charles and David Koch to the Klan Sunday. Moments later, New York City Mayoral hopeful Bill de Blasio addressed the crowd and dubbed the crooner a
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Sharpton Compares Himself to Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel
MSNBC’s Al Sharpton is no stranger to self-aggrandizing statements. But in his new book, The Rejected Stone, he takes self-aggrandizement to its limit: he compares himself to iconic Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
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Race hustlers heckle libertarian event, lie to kids about affirmative action
A libertarian student event at the University of Michigan was interrupted by radical activists--including at least a dozen Detroit-area high schoolers who had been deliberately misled by leftist organ
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Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Blasts Sharpton, Obama: 'I'm Waiting for My Invitation to the White House'
On Monday, Breitbart News spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jewish victim of a violent mob at the 1991 Crown Heights, who was killed within days of Al Sharpton stating, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pi
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EXCLUSIVE: Man Falsely Accused of Rape by Sharpton Calls for Action Against Sharpton Advertisers
On Friday, speaking exclusively with Breitbart News, Steven Pagones, the assistant district attorney whom Al Sharpton falsely accused of the rape of 15-year-old Tawana Brawley, called for advertisers on Sharpton’s program to drop their support of his MS
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NPR Eagerly Excuses Obama's Failure on Inequality
Steve Inskeep of National Public Radio interviewed President Barack Obama on Monday, as a government shutdown loomed. To his credit, Inskeep asked an interesting question about why President Obama has seen economic inequality grow rapidly on his watch. Bu
Politics | Race
DNC Claims Voter Suppression Won in Colorado
Just hours before state Senate President John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) conceded, the DNC was already claiming anti-recall voters faced
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Colin Powell: Trayvon Martin Verdict 'Questionable'
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case in which George Zimmerman was found not guilty on all charges was
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Glenn Beck to Oprah: ‘You Disgust Me’
In a blistering monologue aimed at talkshow host Oprah Winfrey, Glenn Beck skewered the billionaire on his Friday radio show for doubling down on her comparison of Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till. In an appearance on CNN's
Politics | Race
74% Oppose Federal Plan to Make Neighborhoods More Diverse - Rasmussen Reports™
Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on
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DEMOCRATS' position on voter ID and 'stop and frisk' is what's anti-black
Ann Coulter finds claims of Republican racism are stale.
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The Gruesome Story of a Murdered Tennessee Couple You May Have Never Heard – But That You Will Never Forget
After a radio caller made him aware of the extremely disturbing story of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian in Knoxville, Tenn., Glenn Beck researched the case and was horrified at what he found. Though the details are hard to hear, Beck told the co
Politics | Race
Harry Reid Plays Race Card To Excuse Obama's Failures
Sen. Harry Reid should be reminded that it's not the color of Obama's skin, but the content of his failed policies.
Politics | Race
NAACP Vows to Fight NC Voter ID Bill
(AP) A day after North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a measure into law overhauling the state's election laws to shorten early voting and require government-issued photo IDs at the polls, the NAACP announced it will fight the changes in court.
Politics | Race
‘Say Hi to Trayvon Martin When I Kill You’: You Won’t Believe the Rate at Which the Zimmerman Family Is Receiving Death Threats
Robert Zimmerman Jr. says his family at times receives around 400 death threats each minute since George Zimmerman was found not guilty on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin. The news comes after Robert Zimmerman also told Brei
Politics | Race
Shocking: Black Teen Unemployment Rate 41.6%
Friday's jobs report was disappointing, but it also contained a truly heartbreaking statistic. Black teen unemployment is a shocking 41.6%. In July last year, the unemployment was considerably lower, at 36%. That almost half of black teens who want to
Politics | Race
Rep. Rangel (D-NY): Tea Party Same 'White Crackers' Who 'Bombed Little Kids' During Civil Rights
In an interview with the Daily Beast published on Friday, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) launched into a rant against the Tea Party, terming the movement racist; he added that Republicans are “terrorists.”
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NAACP Launches 'Trayvon's Law' Campaign
On Friday, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) announced a national initiative it titles “Trayvon’s Law,” designed to “end racial profiling, repeal stand your ground laws, form effective civil complaint review bo
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Black Self-Sabotage
If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politician
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Al Sharpton: ‘Some People Exploiting Differences Between Us for Their Own Advantage’ | CNS News
CNSNews.com was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission.
Politics | Race
Trayvon's Mom Keeps Up Pressure with Legal Group
(AP) The mother of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin and a prominent black lawyers' organization are keeping up the pressure for repeal of
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Harry Belafonte Tells Breitbart News Tea Party Is to Blame for Racial Division
Entertainer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte blamed the Tea Party for increasing
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Race Relations Much Worse Thanks To Obama And Holder
Under our first black president and
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Carson Refuses To Live On Left's Racist Plantation
Just as it did to Clarence Thomas, the left has gone out of its way to savage the brilliant, independent-minded Dr. Ben Carson. What was his crime? Daring to believe that he was a human being who could achieve great things, and refusing to live as a left-
Politics | Race
Race relations have plummeted since Obama took office, according to poll
Public attitudes about race relations have plummeted since the historic election of President Barack Obama, according to a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal. Only 52 percent of whi