Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

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Labor Unions | Politics

Politics | Labor Unions

Pennsylvania Ponders Protecting Workers' Paychecks From Predatory Unions

Pennsylvania initiative would boost paychecks of hard-working middle-class families by not letting unions automatically withhold union dues.

    Politics | Labor Unions

    Union seeks severance for teacher convicted of raping student

    Residents of a small community in Northeastern Michigan are up in arms after several teachers from the local school district sent letters to a judge defending a former colleague who was convicted of molesting a former student.

      Politics | Labor Unions

      Unions Bring Chicago Thuggery to California, Oregon Hospitals

      The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is attempting to force hospitals in California and Oregon to allow it to organize workers by using ballot initiatives that would cap executive pay and charges to patients, the Wall Street Journal reported M

        Politics | Labor Unions

        Government employee union boss calls for thug tactics against voter ID

        J. David Cox, the national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, pledged to ignore the Supreme Court and said that he and the labor movement would

          Politics | Labor Unions

          Hundreds of CA Farm Workers Walk Off Job to Protest Union Grab

          In Fresno County, California, some hundreds of workers have walked away from their jobs at Gerawan Farming in protest at the United Farm Workers, a union that the workers have been forced to join by the state of California.

            Politics | Labor Unions

            Tennessee autoworkers claim they were tricked by the UAW

            A pro-right-to-work organization has filed numerous complaints against powerhouse United Auto Workers union on behalf of 8 employees of a Volkswagen plant in Tennessee who claim they were coaxed by local union officials.

              Politics | Labor Unions

              Wisconsin teachers union decertified in latest blow to labor under Walker law

              Teachers from one of Wisconsin’s largest unions have jumped ship -- voting overwhelmingly to abandon the group in the latest in a string of setbacks for the struggling labor movement following Gov.

                Politics | Labor Unions

                Kansas Teachers Vote to Decertify Their Union

                [caption id=attachment_73598 align=alignnone width=540] Newscom[/caption] Teachers in Deerfield, Kansas, just did something unusual—they voted to decertify their union. The Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) no longer represents them. Teac