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Leftist RINOs | Politics
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Peter King: I'll Run for President Just to Stop Rand Paul and Ted Cruz
Peter King: I'll Run for President Just to Stop Rand Paul and Ted Cruz
Politics | Leftist RINOs
GOP Establishment Rushes to Save Thad Cochran
GOP Establishment Rushes to Save Thad Cochran
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Study: Palin Helped McCain in 2008
A new study from Edward Burmila and Josh Ryan of the Bradley University Department of Political Science shows that not only did the presence of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin not hurt Senator John McCain’s unsuccessful 2008 presidential run, it helped it.
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Report: McConnell Targets Nebraska Conservative Candidate Ben Sasse
After the Senate Conservative Fund (SCF) endorsed Matt Bevin, the Tea Party challenger to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), McConnell has reportedly gone on a rampage against SCF allies and the conservative candidates it has endorsed.
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Gloves Off: GOP Establishment Goes After Tea Party
The National Republican Senate Committee, the GOP campaign arm responsible for Senate elections, has decided to use its political power to block consulting firm Jamestown Associates from receiving political work from GOP candidates or incumbents. Jamestow
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Why does Charles Krauthammer love the New Deal?
“We have never made good on our promises.” -- Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, May 1939 Right-leaning media outlets were sent a flutter last week when columnist Charles Krauthammer suppos
Politics | Leftist RINOs
COULTER: Thank these Republicans for Obamacare | The Daily Caller
We don't have the ACA because America likes it, we have it because the GOP keeps losing
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Grover Norquist Turns to Progressive Media in Crusade Against Ted Cruz
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist has now turned to left-wing media to continue his smear campaign against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a first-year senator already emerging as a leader of the Republican Party.
Politics | Leftist RINOs
No Delay, GOP: Let the Dems Hang Themselves
One huge political question surrounds the catastrophic launch of Obamacare: will the administration double-talk, cancelled insurance contracts for millions, terminated doctor-patient relationships, sticker shock from higher premiums and deductibility, and
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Cruz: 'Bold Colors,' Not 'Pale Pastels' Key to Winning in 2014
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Republicans have a chance to take back the majority in the Senate in 2014 only if the party boldly differentiates itself from Democrats.
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Coulter: Shysters Responsible For GOP Election Losses
Ann Coulter held nothing back on Hannity Monday night going after
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Lindsey Graham Throws Conservatives Under the Bus
On the October 13 airing of This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threw conservatives under the bus when he said
Politics | Leftist RINOs
McCain Blames Cruz, Conservatives for Obama Mishandling Death Benefits
On Friday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) blamed conservatives like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Obama administration's initial failure to pay death benefits to the families of fallen American soldiers during the government shutdown.
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Rand Paul: Boehner can kill amnesty bill
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
Politics | Leftist RINOs
McCain Adviser to 'GQ': 'He 'F**ing Hates Cruz'
An adviser to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) told GQ magazine that McCain loathes Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Bright Hopes for Ousting South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham
Conservative star State Senator Lee Bright (SC-12) tells Breitbart News he will formally announce his candidacy for U.S. Senate Tuesday. “It’s time for someone new to represent the people of South Carolina in the U.S. Senate,” said Bright. “Tim Sc
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Meet Ana Navarro: Media's Latest Establishment Republican Darling
Republican establishment adviser Ana Navarro has worked for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), No Labels co-chair and failed GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, and is close to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Jeb Bush. Like other advisers to these candidates, Nava
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Bloomberg Race-Baits in an Anti-Republican Hit Piece
On Saturday, Greg Giroux wrote a piece at Bloomberg that drew attention to the otherwise unremarkable fact that the majority of House Republicans against President Obama are white. He added that the majority are also from Southern states--specifically, th
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Noonan: GOP Establishment, 'Consultant Class' Out Of Touch
Noonan: GOP Establishment, 'Consultant Class' Out Of Touch
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Karl Rove, 100+ GOP Donors Send Letter to Republicans Urging Immigration Reform
Karl Rove and more than one hundred Republican donors sent a letter to Republican members of Congress on Tuesday, urging them to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would include, among other provisions, granting
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Tea Party Activist: Lindsey Graham 'Everything That Is Wrong with Washington'
A Tea Party activist whose political action committee will hold press conferences in five South Carolina cities this week to hold Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to account said the South Carolina Senator has turned his back on Republicans and conservatives ne
Politics | Leftist RINOs
EXCLUSIVE--GOP Voters: Oust Congress Members Who Vote to Fund ObamaCare
Polling data obtained exclusively by Breitbart News shows that self-identified conservative and GOP likely voters want their representatives in Congress replaced if they vote in favor of funding Obamacare, even if they had voted against the law in the pas
Politics | Leftist RINOs
Menendez: 'Conference' Will Get Amnesty Past House GOP
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), a member of the Senate’s “Gang of Eight,” told liberal activists at the Center for American Progress (CAP) on Wednesday how the Democrats plans to enact amnesty for the 11 million illegal immigrants: Get the House to pass w