Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

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Illegal Immigration | Politics

Politics | Illegal Immigration

Texas Executes Illegal Alien Cop Killer Despite Complaints from Mexico, John Kerry

An illegal alien from Mexico has been executed in the State of Texas after he committed the heinous murder of a Houston, Texas, police officer. The slain officer was a Desert Storm veteran, and his wife was pregnant at the time. He will never meet his now

    Politics | Illegal Immigration

    Crowd of 100 Illegal Aliens Attack U.S. Border Patrol, Mexican Authorities Let Them Go

    A group of 100 Mexican nationals illegally crossed into the United States and attacked U.S. Border Patrol Agents with rocks and bottles, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP).

      Politics | Illegal Immigration

      Senate immigration bill to boost House Democrats by 2020

      The Senate's immigration bill would transfer another eight House seats to Democratic-dominated states before many of the extra immigrants become citizens, according to a new study by the Center on Imm

        Politics | Illegal Immigration

        Democrat Wants Amnesty so Illegal Immigrants Can Enroll in Obamacare

        A Colorado Democrat who wanted Obamacare waivers for some of the country's wealthiest patrons of ski resorts wants the law's individual mandate to apply to today's illegal immigrants, which can only happen if they are given a pathway to citize

          Politics | Illegal Immigration

          Does a Border Fence Work? Check Out the Dramatic Change After Israel Put One Up

          Israel’s Population, Immigration, and Borders Authority has released dramatic statistics reflecting how effective the construction of a border fence has been at stemming the entry of illegal migrants seeking to cross the border from Egypt’s Sinai Peni

            Politics | Illegal Immigration

            Medicare paid millions to dead people, illegal immigrants

            New reports from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General reveal that Medicare wrongly paid out millions of dollars in benefits to dead patients, illegal immigrants and

              Politics | Illegal Immigration

              Illinois to Begin Issuing Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens in December

              As of December 3, the State of Illinois will begin accepting applications from illegal aliens for state issued driver’s licenses. State officials estimate as many as 500,000 illegal aliens currently living in the state could apply for the licenses.

                Politics | Illegal Immigration

                Amnesty Will Destroy America's Exceptionalism

                People come to America because it's an exceptional country. But if the borders are flung open through amnesty, it will cease to be exceptional and become just another big-government basket case.

                  Politics | Illegal Immigration

                  No, Amnesty For Illegals Is Not Urgent, Mr. President

                  It is urgent, the president says, to enact immigration reform this year. But the only urgency is in the minds of Democrats trying to shore up their political fortunes.

                    Politics | Illegal Immigration

                    Convicted Palestinian Terrorist Granted US Citizenship Due to Lax Immigration Enforcement

                    A convicted Palestinian terrorist was granted U.S. citizenship by immigration authorities who apparently failed to do a proper background check on the applicant. The convicted bomber, a resident of the Chicago area, is now being charged by the U.S. Attorn

                      Politics | Illegal Immigration

                      Exclusive--Issa Confirms: Drafting Bill to Grant Legal Status to Some Illegal Aliens

                      A spokesman for House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) confirmed to Breitbart News on Wednesday that the chairman is currently drafting legislation that would grant legal status to at least some of America’s

                        Politics | Illegal Immigration

                        IRS pays illegal immigrants $4.2 billion while stalling Tea Parties

                        While harrying and stalling tea party groups seeking nonprofit status, the Internal Revenue Service mailed $4.2 billion in child-credit checks to undocumented immigrants.

                          Politics | Illegal Immigration

                          68% of Americans Don't Want Illegal Immigrants to Have Driver's Licenses

                          According to a new Rasmussen Poll, 68% of likely U.S. voters think illegal immigrants should not be able to obtain driver’s licenses.

                            Politics | Illegal Immigration

                            Exclusive–Fraud, Identity Theft, & Forgery: Study Exhaustively Lists Laws Broken by Illegal Immigrants

                            A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its release, seeks to shatter the mainstream narrative that America’s at least 11 million illegal aliens are “otherwise law-abiding.&rd

                              Politics | Illegal Immigration

                              Obama OK’s illegals’ march on Mall, still blocks Americans

                              The National Park Service is allowing an Oct. 8 pro-immigration rally on the national mall, even as it posts pickets and barriers to bar Americans from visiting their open-air memorials. “They’

                                Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                Showing Contempt For Its Citizens, California Issues Driver's Licenses To Illegals

                                California's new law letting illegal immigrants have driver's licenses represents a shift in ruling-class priorities from the interests of citizens to those of politically well-organized pressure groups.

                                  Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                  California allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses

                                  California on Thursday joined the growing list of states that allow immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally to obtain driver's licenses -- a measure supported not only by Latino activists but by police chiefs and insurance authorities.

                                    Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                    FL Taxpayers to Subsidize Cable Channel Pushing Immigration Reform

                                    Florida taxpayers are set to subsidize a joint venture between Univision and ABC that will try to use a new cable channel to

                                      Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                      Dem Rep: Women Will Get Raped Unless We Pass Immigration Reform

                                      Representative Luis V. Gutierrez “Today, someone is going to die in that desert, trying to return to their families, women and men are going to die in that desert; someone’s going to lose a finger, a hand, an eye, a life today because an unscrupulous

                                        Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                        Majority in Survey Oppose More Foreign Workers in Reform Bill

                                        A new poll finds that a majority of likely voters oppose any increase in immigrant workers being considered as part of the immigration reforms currently under debate in Washington.

                                          Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                          FLASHBACK: Schumer Admits Illegal Immigrants Drive Down Americans' Wages

                                          In an April appearance on ABC News’ This Week, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) admitted that illegal immigrants hurt American workers, pulling their wages down.

                                            Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                            SEIU Official in 2009: Immigration Reform Will Lead to Millions New Progressive Voters

                                            SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina said in 2009 that amnesty for illegal aliens would lead to a future “governing coalition” of progressive “voters.” Medina made the argument that illegal aliens comprised a future progressive voting bloc at a

                                              Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                              Pelosi Signs Letter Urging CA Gov. to Make State Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants

                                              House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signed a letter urging California Governor Jerry Brown (D) to sign into law a bill that would make the state a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants who have not committed felonies or

                                                Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                                Dept. of Homeland Security Concedes Asylum Requests at Border Double

                                                On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security conceded that requests for asylum in the United States along the border between the United States and Mexico have more than doubled over the last three years. The federal government released the numbers after

                                                  Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                                  DHS Grants Tentative Asylum to Illegals Who Crossed Border in Pro-Amnesty Protest

                                                  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) made an unusual move by granting temporary asylum to several Mexican immigrants, including a handful of those who are illegally in the United States, after they crossed the border in a pro-amnesty protest in late

                                                    Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                                    Illegal Immigrants Attend Paul Ryan's Immigration Town Hall

                                                    Illegal immigrants attended the town hall event in Racine, WI, where House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) openly discussed the strategy by which he and House GOP leadership plan to pass an immigration reform package.

                                                    Politics | Illegal Immigration

                                                    Senate Immigration Bill Unpopular, Americans Skeptical

                                                    Pressure on House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to allow a vote on the recently passed Senate Immigration bill (Senate Bill 744) has been mounting from members of his own party, powerful corporate interests, and the mainstream press.