Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

Articles 762
Views 559.8K

Constitution | Politics

Politics | Constitution

US confirms warrantless searches of Americans

The Obama administration has conducted warrantless searches of Americans' communications as part of the National Security Agency's surveillance operations that target foreigners located outside of the U.S., the administration's top intelligence official c

    Politics | Constitution

    Leaders Of The Left And Their Contempt For 'The People'

    Leading thinkers on the right side of the ideological spectrum have more respect for ordinary people than people on the left who spoke in the people's name.

      Politics | Constitution

      Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex Wedding Cake

      Jack Phillips is a baker who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because his Christian belief is that marriage exists only between a man and woman. Now a Colorado judge has ordered him to bake cakes for same-sex marriages, and if Phillip

        Politics | Constitution

        Obama Is The Danger Constitution Was Designed To Avoid

        Law professor Jonathan Turley says President Obama's usurpation of power has made him the danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.

            Politics | Constitution

            Krauthammer: Pro-Obamacare Thanksgiving ad has ‘creepy Soviet element’ [VIDEO]

            Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer ridiculed an Organizing for America commercial telling parents to give their kids a Thanksgiving scolding until they sign up for Obamacare. “I love t

              Politics | Constitution

              Obama Refers to Tea Party Members as 'Tea-baggers'

              President Barak Obama used the sexually vulgar expression “tea-baggers” to refer to tea party members in a letter he wrote to a Texas grade school Teacher.

                Politics | Constitution

                Obama Debunks Claim of Republican Obstruction on Judicial Nominations

                When comparing President Obama’s judicial nominations to President Bush’s at the same point in his second term, Obama outpaces Bush by a ratio of 2-to-1.

                  Politics | Constitution


                  The president doesn't even get a line-item veto, so he certainly can't constitutionally rewrite the ObamaCare statute.

                      Politics | Constitution

                      Number of U.S. Expatriations Reaches Record High in 2013

                      The Wall Street Journal reports that the tax burden in the United States is becoming so burdensome that the percentage of U.S. citizens becoming expatriates has skyrocketed at least 33% since 2011 to an all-time high.

                        Politics | Constitution

                        Obama's Insurance 'Fix' Is Unconstitutional

                        This is a frightening claim of a sweeping power that is completely inconsistent with the Constitution. A president has “prosecutorial discretion” to prioritize which lawbreakers to prosecute in federal court, but there is no “enforcement discretion�<img onclick=

                          Politics | Constitution

                          Cruz: Obama Picks and Chooses Which Laws to Enforce (VIDEO)

                          President Obama has “flouted the constitutional limits on the authority of the President” more than any other President before him, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said at a recent Heritage event. “Prior to this presidency, the way you had reaso

                            Politics | Constitution

                            What Obama and I Learned at Columbia: How to Destroy America From Within

                            Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to break

                              Politics | Constitution

                              Southern Poverty Law Center: 'Far-Right Homophobes' to Blame for LAX Shooter

                              According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a radical left supposed justice-based organization, the Los Angeles International Airport shooter sprang from homophobic hatred for the Transportation Security Administration.

                                Politics | Constitution

                                Obama Soft On U.S. Enemies, Rules With Iron Fist At Home

                                Obama needs help in distinguishing between friends and enemies. He's extended olive branches to our fiercest adversaries, while throwing allies under the bus.

                                  Politics | Constitution

                                  Moneyed Republicans Try to Neutralize Tea Party Ahead of 2014

                                  As we approach the 2014 mid-term election, the Republican Party’s center-right business-leaning faction exchanging blows with its own Tea Party group may prove to be self-destructive. Across the nation, these factions will collide via their political gr

                                    Politics | Constitution

                                    Hatred Of Tea Party Crosses The Line

                                    Rep. Alan Grayson sends an email with a picture of a burning cross forming the T in Tea Party, equating the grass-roots movement with the Ku Klux Klan.

                                      Politics | Constitution

                                      Alan Grayson doubles down, warns tea party could use violence like KKK [VIDEO]

                                      Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson doubled down his extremely provocative rhetoric on Wednesday, in the days after his campaign sent out a fundraising email with an image likening the tea party to

                                          Politics | Constitution

                                          Washington Versus the American People

                                          [caption id=attachment_127124 align=alignnone width=576] Credit: KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom[/caption] Various press reports indicate that Congress is preparing to announce a “deal” that would allow Obamacare to move forward virtually uninterrup

                                            Politics | Constitution

                                            Washington Versus the American People

                                            [caption id=attachment_127124 align=alignnone width=576] Credit: KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom[/caption] Various press reports indicate that Congress is preparing to announce a “deal” that would allow Obamacare to move forward virtually uninterrup

                                              Politics | Constitution

                                              Ohio school district agrees to keep portrait of Jesus off wall, pay $95G fine

                                              An Ohio school district has agreed to remove a portrait of Jesus Christ from school property and pay a $95,000 fine in the face of legal pressure from the American Civil Liberties Union.

                                                Politics | Constitution

                                                Sen. Reid: We're Not Going to Bow to Tea Party 'Anarchists'

                                                On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Ted Cruz (R–TX) had a 45 minute showdown that lasted until procedural motions allowed for Reid to call for unanimous consent to proceed with pending judge nominations on Tuesday.

                                                  Politics | Constitution

                                                  IRS extends tax benefits to married gay couples

                                                  The government is issuing the regulations needed to allow gay couples married in states that recognize same-sex marriages to file joint federal tax returns. 

                                                    Politics | Constitution

                                                    Ginsburg Happy to Stay on 'One of the Most Activist Courts in History'

                                                    At the age of 80, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hanging on, despite liberal worries that she is missing the opportunity to be replaced by President Barack Obama. She is quite happy to be part of what she herself calls, unabashedly,

                                                        Politics | Constitution

                                                        ‘We can do this without Congress’: Obama working to unilaterally impose tax on cell phones

                                                        President Barack Obama is looking to unilaterally impose a $5-per-year tax on all cellphone users to avoid asking a recalcitrant Congress for funding. The Washington Post first reported the story T

                                                          Politics | Constitution

                                                          ‘Is Everybody Blind?’: City Council Meeting Erupts in Applause After Retired Marine Issues Dire Warning About U.S. ‘Building a Domestic Army’ [Updated]

                                                          Editor's note: This story has been updated with significant additional information. See below. A former member of the United States Marine Corps on Monday night voiced his serious concerns about the U.S.

                                                            Politics | Constitution

                                                            Obama Writes His Own Laws: Hail To Caudillo In Chief

                                                            Traditionally, meaning before Barack Obama, Congress, the legislative branch, wrote and revised laws. The Constitution must not stand in the way of an administration's agenda.

                                                              Politics | Constitution

                                                              Federal Appeals Court: Obama Administration Is Violating Federal Law ‘Without Any Legal Basis’

                                                              WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) --The Obama administration has been continuously violating federal law by delaying a law enacted by Congress

                                                                Politics | Constitution

                                                                Linking Jefferson To Ho Chi Minh A New Low For Obama

                                                                President Obama says communist mass murderer Ho Chi Minh was inspired by Thomas Jefferson, a founding father and author of the Declaration of Independence.

                                                                  Politics | Constitution

                                                                  Top Ten Worst Enemies of the Constitution

                                                                  10) Leftist RINOs 9) Occupy Wall Street 8) Al Sharpton and the NAACP 7) Hollywood and Academia 6) George Soros and Media Matters 5) The ACLU and The Supreme Court 4) Labor Unions and ACORN 3) The N...

                                                                      Politics | Constitution

                                                                      Obama at Knox College: Collective Responsibility Over Individual Liberty

                                                                      President Barack Obama will be making a major speech on the economy at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, a site with deep historical significance. Knox College was the location of the fifth of seven debates between Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, often kn