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Budget & Economy | Politics
Politics | Budget & Economy
Obama Income Inequality Plans: Been There, Tried That
President Obama will likely push policies in his State of the Union speech that won't help reduce income inequality, which has widened under Obama.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Obama's Recovery: Still 7.3 Million Jobs Below Average
The November jobs report was stronger than expected. But when it comes to unemployment data, one good month now and then won't cut it. More jobs need to be created.
Politics | Budget & Economy
White House Slam GOP's Food Stamp Reforms in Thanksgiving Message
On Wednesday, President Barack Obama's White House politicized Thanksgiving to promote the reauthorization of the SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) or
Politics | Budget & Economy
Under Obama: Disability Trust Fund Runs Record 5 Straight Yrs of Deficits | CNS News
(Barack Obama) President Barack Obama (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Politics | Budget & Economy
Computer security experts warn Americans to stay away from ObamaCare website
One of these days, our bumbling Administration is going to get sued for big bucks by identity theft or credit-card fraud victims who got robbed after they were forced to use a crapware website the government knows is unsafe and insecure. And when th
Politics | Budget & Economy
Liberals Angry About Food Stamp Program
The expiration of temporary food stamp program benefits is being dubbed a “cut” by the members of Congress who voted to speed the expiration.
Politics | Budget & Economy
That time Milton Friedman DEMOLISHED Phil Donahue’s anti-capitalism rant [VIDEO]
In 1979, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman went on Phil Donahue's show to discuss his views. At one point during the conversation, the liberal talk show host leveled a frontal assault on c
Politics | Budget & Economy
74% Want to Audit the Federal Reserve - Rasmussen Reports™
Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on
Politics | Budget & Economy
Record: Over 47 Million on Food Stamps for Entire Year
Food stamp enrollments have remained over 47 million for an unprecedented 13 consecutive months.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Record high 91.5 million people not included in labor force
A record high 91,541,000 Americans did not participate in the labor force this October. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 932,000 people dropped out of the labor force la
Politics | Budget & Economy
Report: Government redistributes more than $2 trillion in one year
Government policies effectively redistributed more than $2 trillion in income from the top 40 percent of American society to the bottom 60 percent in 2012, according to a new study from the nonpartisa
Politics | Budget & Economy
720k Americans Leave Labor Force in October
On Friday, the Labor Department reported that 720,000 Americans left the labor force. This exodus pushed the labor force participation rate down to 62.8%, the lowest level since 1978. One out of three adults in neither working nor actively looking for wor
Politics | Budget & Economy
Politifact: Ezekiel Emanuel 'Mostly False' to Blame Insurance Companies
Politifact--not exactly a right-wing outlet--gave Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel a
Politics | Budget & Economy
Lack of Black Women in Cast Becomes Problem for 'Saturday Night Live'
Since its 1975 debut, Saturday Night Live has had 137 cast members, but of that number, only four have been black women. And with the 2007 departure of the bi-racial Maya Rudolph, that has left SNL with no black female cast members. Some black advocacy gr
Politics | Budget & Economy
Welfare, Not Full-Time Work, Is Now America's No. 1 Occupation
In 2011, some 108.6 million people received one or more means-tested government benefit programs — bureaucratese for welfare. But there were just 101.7 million people with full-time jobs. America is today more dependent than ever on big government, a cl
Politics | Budget & Economy
California minimum wage hike will cost 190k jobs, according to conservative think tank
California's planned increase of its minimum wage to $10 an hour will cost the state 190,000 jobs, a new report from the conservative think tank American Action Forum estimates.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Under Obamanomics, America Morphs Into Welfare Nation
Spending on welfare over the past five years hit a record $3.7 trillion. Obama is turning America into a welfare nation.
Politics | Budget & Economy
90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record | CNS News
CNSNews.com was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission.
Politics | Budget & Economy
154,000 Fewer Women Held Jobs in September; Female Participation in Labor Force Matches 24-Year Low | CNS News
CNSNews.com was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Democrats Behave Like Teenagers Reneging on Sequester Cuts
If congressional negotiators fail to raise the debt ceiling and reopen the government, voters will blame House Republicans, but it is the president and fellow Democrats that are behaving like teenagers by wanting to spend irresponsibly.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Poll: Half of Older Workers Delay Retirement Plans
Stung by a recession that sapped investments and home values, but expressing widespread job satisfaction, older Americans appear to have accepted the reality of a retirement that comes later in life and no longer represents a complete exit from the workfo
Politics | Budget & Economy
Rand: Sequestration 'The Law of The Land'
On Sunday, appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said that sequestration would remain part of any deal on the government shutdown and debt ceiling.
Politics | Budget & Economy
‘Complete Betrayal’: War Widow Doesn’t Hold Back Back When Talking About Gov’t Withholding Death Benefits
Two years ago, Jane Horton found out that her husband, a sniper for the U.S. National Guard serving in Afghanistan, had been killed in action. After she was told her husband was dead, the second thing officials said was that she would be receiving
Politics | Budget & Economy
Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt limit last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy
Harry Reid Debt Limit Debate 2006 010511
Politics | Budget & Economy
Shutdown: Cancer Treatments Defunded, Public Broadcasting Receives $445 Million
Politics | Budget & Economy
Thomas Sowell - Who Shut Down the Government?
Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward, as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Congresswoman: Obama wanted to cause ‘pain’ for National Guard
Republican Rep. Candice Miller accused the Obama administration of seeking to inflict the
Politics | Budget & Economy
Americans' Tax Dollars Used to Pay Rangers to Keep Private Business Closed
The Pisgah Inn, located on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Waynesville, North Carolina, thought they would stay open during the government shutdown. Why would they not be open since the Blue Ridge Parkway was open?
Politics | Budget & Economy
Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown
President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown. At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama
Politics | Budget & Economy
Real Jobs Numbers Are Far Worse Than Official Numbers Suggest
Many are upset that the monthly jobs data from the federal government have been postponed with the shutdown. But they might as well know: Those data are deceptive. Our own polling suggests that, rather than 11.3 million people unemployed, the real number
Politics | Budget & Economy
Obama cancels Asia trip to stay in D.C. and not negotiate on shutdown
Oh, and he's back on the campaign trail without an election
Politics | Budget & Economy
No Answers from Reid Why Private Parks Ordered Closed During Shutdown
The Senate's Democratic leaders held a press conference on Friday to discuss the effects of the government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) claimed Democrats
Politics | Budget & Economy
Politico: Unpopular Obama Clings to 'Hard-Line Position' in Debt Ceiling Gamble
With President Barack Obama's Gallup approval rating down to just 45% after his mishandling of the Syrian crisis, and with CNN reporting that only 39% of Americans support Obamacare, White House officials tell Politico that
Politics | Budget & Economy
Dems Block Bills to Reopen National Parks, VA
On Tuesday, the House GOP proposed legislation to restore funding for the National Park Service, the Veterans Administration and DC local government, but a united block of Democrats, with the White House's blessing, blocked the funding. The GOP was tr
Politics | Budget & Economy
Minimum Wage Isn't 'Compassionate' To Poor, Young And Minorities
Politicians and activists who call for a higher minimum wage often do so by calling it
Politics | Budget & Economy
Gas Prices Above $3 per Gallon for 1,000 Consecutive Days
Gas Prices Above $3 per Gallon for 1,000 Consecutive Days
Politics | Budget & Economy
Study: Majority of Wealthy Business Owners Self-Made
A recent survey from U.S. Trust finds most high net-worth business owners are entrepreneurs who founded their own company and created their own wealth.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Under ObamaCare, Doctor's Visits Will Be Interrogations
Next time you go to the doctor, be prepared for questions unrelated to why you are seeking medical help. They will be personal questions that you don't want to answer.
Politics | Budget & Economy
The Most Debt-Free States in America
According to recent data, Iowans carry the lowest average credit card balance per consumer in the U.S. Here are the 9 additional top states with low debt.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Record 90,473,000 no Longer in Labor Force
The new figures, released from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, show a dramatic rise in the number of Americans who exited the labor force, climbing from 89,957,000 in July to 90,473,000 in August.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Wall Street reforms missing deadlines like Obamacare
Financial experts worry that if the Obama administration deals with Wall Street regulations the same way it has rolled out Obamacare, haphazard rule-making could derail the economic recovery. Inter
Politics | Budget & Economy
Private Lobbyists Get Public Pensions in 20 States
As a lobbyist in New York's statehouse, Stephen Acquario is doing pretty well. He pulls down $204,000 a year, more than the governor makes, gets a Ford Explorer as his company car and is afforded another special perk: Even though he's not a govern
Politics | Budget & Economy
Obama Ignores Success Of Tax Cuts, Gets History Wrong
This so-called recovery remains the worst in modern history dating back to 1947. No wonder Obama's approval rating on the economy sank to 35% vs. 42% in June.
Politics | Budget & Economy
You Won’t Believe This Surfer Living the Food Stamps Dream
This is Jason Greenslate’s typical day: “Wake up, go down to the beach, hang out with my friends, hit on some chicks, start drinking.” He also plays in a rock band. And he’s living off food stamps. He has no income—he’s
Politics | Budget & Economy
Don’t Ignore Costs of “Stimulus”
[caption id=attachment_85973 align=alignnone width=576] Newscom[/caption] Shocking new economic research has shown that receiving large gifts from the federal government is actually beneficial to states. That is not such a shock, is it? Another non
Politics | Budget & Economy
Not so fast: Signatures for $1 billion Colorado tax hike under review
Just a day after Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper kicked off a statewide campaign urging voters to approve a nearly $1 billion tax increase to pay for education reform, the secretary of state’s offic
Politics | Budget & Economy
Why Is Hiring Flat If Job Openings Are Up Nearly 50%?
Peter Orszag looks for explanations for the openings-hiring gap in which hiring is flat while job openings have increased by nearly 50%.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Don’t trust the messenger on the minimum wage hike
A slew of left-wing organizations, from think tanks to community groups to non-profits, have recently taken up the idea of a hike in the minimum wage. One group that has been particularly vocal —
Politics | Budget & Economy
College assigns freshmen lesbian-sex book
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
Politics | Budget & Economy
Two Years After Downgrade, U.S. Credit Rating Hasn’t Recovered—and Debt Is Worse
Two years ago today, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit rating—and it hasn’t recovered since. Then, the downgrade came because the President and Congress failed to resolve the long-term spending and debt crisis. Now, the si
Politics | Budget & Economy
Young Americans Left Out Of Obama's 'Jobs Recovery'
New data on the labor market confirm one of the ugliest, and least explored, trends of recent years: the exclusion of the young from the labor market.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Quarter Million More Americans Not in Labor Force in July
Friday's dismal jobs report was the latest evidence that hiring is slowing. The reported 162K gain in jobs fell well below expectations of 185-200k job gains. Even that modest increase is misleading, as over 100k of these jobs were part-time. Even wor
Politics | Budget & Economy
Sorry, Secretary Lew, But Soaring Debt Is A Real Crisis — Not A 'False' One
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, speaking for the Obama administration, said the GOP is trying to fulminate
Politics | Budget & Economy
Detroit Ran Into The Inviolable Rule Of Economics
Not even the federal government is immune to Stein's Law that
Politics | Budget & Economy
WSJ: Obama Worst President for Middle Class 'in Modern Times'
The Wall Street Journal published a lead editorial on Thursday that responded harshly to President Barack Obama's new series of economic speeches.
Politics | Budget & Economy
3 Whoppers from Obama’s Big Economic Speech
[caption id=attachment_126561 align=alignnone width=576] Zbigniew Bzdak/MCT/Newscom[/caption] President Obama sure was excited about his speech yesterday. He talked for more than an hour in sweeping, grandiose terms about everything that's happened since
Politics | Budget & Economy
Obama: Defense Veto Unless Vets Pay More For Health Care
President Obama threatens to veto the 2014 defense appropriations bill unless it includes higher costs for veterans under the military's Tricare health insurance program.
Politics | Budget & Economy
Another study confirms economy was destroyed by Big Government
In another devastating blow to the outrageously false, debunked Democrat narrative that it was deregulation and too little government that destroyed the economy